Runaway Alpha

Chapter 73 Special Chapter Ending

Smashing the wall turns then to pebbles. That is when Emric saw the very body that was chains on the center of a podium.

‘ So this is where you are. You have that much courage when you could barely move? ‘

Seeing how the chains seem to be on loose, he realized that the chain would break any time soon. And that is the hopes maevis have. Making him have the courage to do what he just did.

To steal Emric’s body and get revenge on her sister, Levana.

” Maevis… I am glad ”

‘ I am glad that in this time, it would be you who would felt what it is like. To vanish in the world as if you are never been born. But unlucky you, you are not like me. Because you have no one to turn rules upside down just to get you back in this world ‘

” This is your end ”




” This are such good wine Aillard, you would really give this to us? Thanks! ”

With him distracting the guards, no one noticed how Lhana entered the forbidden secret chamber. It was not open for anyone as the elders feel a strong power inside. And anything that is harmful shall not be tolerated as what they all wanted was a safe land for their people.

‘ This is the chamber… ‘

Holding the piece of paper that Cavian give to her, Lhana unfold it revealing spells that she can conduct in order to create a bridge to where Levana was.

But just like what he said, there is no certainty for that. as mortals have not much power to create such impossible things.

” Since the day I was born I am aware I am special. May it be a curse or a blessing to be the person in the prophecy, but please…. Just this time, give me blessing. Let me… talk to you. Help me… help me so I can save Emric. So he wont be in harm… ”

Spreading her hands she whisper the chant written. With her eyes close, no normal person can memorized that words so quickly. But she is no normal wolven. She is special…

Even in the day she hasn’t been born

” Eth gossedd ofth en omo, neish uryo ghil ut nopme, vegi mehe woran dhap retsu nagat, sebel se me. Ha eh ve meros cuvy ”

[ The goddess of the moon, shine your light upon me, give me power and strength, bless me. Have mercy ]

Eyes glowing like the radiance of the moon, the whole Erhendem felt the prescence of something unknown. Even the elders walk pass the very place where it was, and there they saw the light as luminous as the moon.

In the shiny day where the sun was set up high, no records can tell that the moon can outshine the sun. no records can dare testify, that the sun’s light fall behind the moon.

But what they see right before their eyes is nothing but the truth, indeed, the sun was shining so bright. But the fact remains that the moon… is glowing much brighter. Much much brighter than it used to.

What for?

No one know, no one dare ask

Transforming to teir wolven form, thousands and hundreds of cries of wolven can be heard. Loud enough for even the kingdom of gorthus to be alarmed.

” What was that? ”

” Hey, that sound.. are they wolf? ”

” Ma ma this is scary! ”

” That place… it was Erhendem… right? ”

Thousands of people can see what the whole world is trying to say. Everyone stopped in what they are doing as if it was something that they can only see once in their life.

And indeed, it surely is.

As the very scene is but the calling of the wolven for their very goddess. Leaded by the very girl in the prophecy.

Power surging to her body, Levana can’t help but hear the cries of the one she blessed.

‘ Asena? ‘

‘ At last you are finally awake. How can you leave your post for so long? ‘

They say that once you fall, there is just one way for you to go. That is to stand up and rise up high once again. but how can you rise if you have no will to do so?

‘ Asena… you are here… how did you… ‘

‘ How funny of you levana, did I not promise you I will stay by your side? ‘

Some would be willing to get stucked in one place, if it means for them to have something they can’t be brought when they take step forward

‘ You have to go, they are waiting fo you ‘

Some are scared, scared at the fact that they will leave something behind if they do so. Leaving them stranded and unable to move forward

‘ But, if I go, I will never see you again ‘

But is that what we can do in this life? Nothing remains the same for always. We must keep moving forward. No matter who you are, no matter what you are.

Because if you dare not keep moving, it will be your loss.

And in the end, you will have nothing but regrets

‘ I am always by your side… levana. Hurry, you still have time. you did your best.. your brother… he is waiting for you. And didn’t you promise? That you would take care of them for me? ‘

‘ Asena… ‘

‘ Hurry, you are resting for so long. Where is the proud goddess I knew? Aren’t you just slacking off? ‘

Courage… that is something one must have. Courage to face what they fear. Courage to face the uncertain of this world. And courage to keep moving forward.



.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

” Child, I hear your call ”

” Goddess of the moon! ”




” Emric! You are alive! ”

Rushing to where emric was, it was thanks to the goddess how Lhana was able to go in the place where he was. After all, only the one that is from the higher realm can have the ability to open up a path created by a goddess.

” Lhana… ”

He mumbled weakly as the curse are starting to spread all over his body. Nissa was able to cure him and bring back his power but he ended up in such state. Although it was something he decided for himself, he knew that it is what he would face yet he had no fear.

” I am glad he didn’t hurt you… ”

Coughing, that is what he said but with Lhana’s hand glowing, even if the curse won’t be lift, she did her best to at least lessen the pain.

” You ididot, why would you do that! Why would you… ”

Crying is the only thing that she can do. as her face went blurry in Emric’s vision, there was a warmth power that suddenly embraced him.

‘ Aillard… my stubborn little brother ‘

That voice, the very voice he was used to hear before

‘ I can’t do much things to you right now other than this… I am sure the heavenly principles won’t turn blind eye in what I am doing but… if it is for you… I am not afraid to do so ‘

‘ Sister? ‘

‘ Forgive me if I drag you and Aylin in such mess… I didn’t even succeed to give you a good life as Emric… but… please… leave happy. I will be watching you from afar… Emric ‘

‘ Thank you… sister… ‘

‘ Live a good life… not for me… not for anyone but yourself… ‘




Its been years after that incident happened. One can tell how much powerful the wolven have become. But far from the senseless creatures that dare hurt innocent people, the wolves are different. They will not fight anyone if they mean no harm to them. It is said that even if a lone child wanders in the vicinity of the Erhendem, they will still survive. As the wolven are their guardian.

They mean no harm to people. And the tradings of different products even emerge.

The barrier that was surrounding the place was as strong as ever. Even the famous Aillard Cressido was on patrol day by day to make sure that no naga would be left alive.

It isn’t even a joke to say that even the king of Gorthus dare not defy the power of the wolven. Specially that renowned Alpha of all alphas, Emric.

Erhendem has never been so lively as it was before.

” Emric, are you free after the day? The elders are planning to have a small celebration for the prophecy. A new fated wolven was blessed by the goddess of the moon ”

Smilling, Emric was treated with high respect. His words and opinions are well received. But just as what he was like even when he was a child, he dare not do something he doesn’t want to.

” pardon my rudeness but my wife is waiting for me ”

” Now that you mention, tell Lhana we wish her well. I can’t wait to see what kind of wolven will your child be. To have such wonderful parents… ”

” My children will live the life they wished to have ”

” You really are a odd person, emric. But… twins surely runs in one’s blood. Your siblings are twins too, right? ”

” Yes, ”

” Have you prepared a name already? ”

” I give that decision to Lhana. So if you may excuse me, I can’t wait to see my wife ”

And so he left leaving the air and dust.

” Youngesters surely are lively… who would have thought he would grew into that? I am glad to live in a life where they exist…. ”

” What are you talking about? It is not just you ”

” Hah, how much I envy that rascal. Even I in that age isn’t that remarkable… ”

” He is just… blessed. Not because the goddess of the moon blessed him but because… he is the blessing itself ”

” You are right, that guy…. He surely is ”




” Emric, you are back ”

” I am home “

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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