Rise of the She-Wolf

Meeting the Alpha

Vanessa’s pov,

I took a deep breath and followed the beta into one of the waiting cars. I did not look back, there was no one in my pack that I would miss or needed to say goodbye to. Even for my parents, I felt nothing. In the 21 years of my life, I had barely talked to them. They always gave me stupid chores far away from the pack and made sure that I always ate alone.

Anyhow enough dwelling about my parents. I should use my time better and try to figure out what to do with the situation I was in now. I was in the car with 2 other women but in total, they took about 10 of us. I used the car ride to think about what I knew of the Romano pack. I knew the first beta was called Tomasso and his wolf Shadow was famous for being an excellent spy. I had never seen the second beta before so he must have recently climbed ranks in the pack. The Romano pack was actually the first Italian wolf pack that came to the USA a hundred years ago. They quickly discovered how to use their wolf form as an advantage in smuggling and other criminal activities. The Romano pack had risen to be the most powerful and rich wolf pack in the USA. Over the years the Italian wolf packs under the Romano pack had spread through the USA successfully. Nowadays the only other wolf packs in the USA are the Latin American ones. The Romano pack and the other Italian packs thrive in many Italian restaurants and casinos. However, under the radar, the biggest money bringer is the making and selling of drugs and tobacco. The wolf pack I lived in was actually one of the packs that made tobacco, but I have never been near the facility. About Alpha Don Lorenzo himself, I did not know that much. Just that he was considered to be a good leader that brought fortune to his pack. And of course, the rumors of him killing his own Luna.

I abruptly woke up from my thoughts when the car stopped. We arrived at an enormous gate that slowly opened automatically. We drove through the gate, and I noticed a big electric fence around the whole property. Slowly a mansion emerged at the end of the lawn, more beautiful than any building I had ever seen. Big round pillars were holding the structure and 2 round stairs led to the entrance of the building. It looked like a building from a movie and definitely what I imagined the house of an Alpha mafia boss to look like.

The betas led us to a building outside the property that looked like an abandoned barn. We all got shoved inside and they took us out one by one to show to Don Lorenzo. I listened to the betas arguing about which She-Wolf to start with. I by then figured that Don Lorenzo still had to approve each and every single one of us. A little bit of hope emerged in my chest that maybe I could escape this fate after all. Spirit immediately felt the little fire emerge inside of me and tried to come to the surface. I had to suppress her even though it made me feel guilty. Spirit is hotheaded and unpredictable; I love her but right now I needed to stay calm so I could think.

3 girls had gone before me, and all came back crying. I listened when they told the others about Alpha Don Lorenzo not being pleased with their answers or the way they looked. When the fourth girl was brought back the face of the second Beta told me it still didn’t go well. I tried to hide in the shadows, but it just made my eyes light up more. The second beta his gaze shot towards me, and he pointed towards me, “You with the light eyes. Your turn and hurry up!”

I walked to him swiftly and without fear. I would not go face this Alpha like some scared submissive woman. While we walked to the mansion, I noticed sacred spaces in the garden which meant they still do sacrifices to the Moon Goddess in this pack. I also noticed a little hut made of wood that had moon and star symbols engraved on them. I eagerly looked for all the information I could find on the way to Don Lorenzo. Maybe there would be something I could use to my advantage. We walked inside the mansion into a big living room filled with golden chandeliers, a big fireplace, and red velvet couches. I saw beta Tomasso standing at the fireplace and at one of the big windows was a slim, tall man. He was wearing an expensive handmade navy-blue Italian suit. And I immediately realized I was looking at the Alpha.

The second beta that brought me in coughed, “Don, we have another one for you. This one is more special like you requested.”

The Alpha slowly turned around and I could now see his sharp features with dark brown eyes, black hair, and a little black mustache. His facial expression changed from bored and annoyed to intrigued when he saw how pale my eyes were even from far away. He walked towards me and grabbed my chin roughly to inspect my face. I smelled his breath of whiskey and cigars and had to do my best not to step away. His eyes scanned my lips, and cheekbones until they finally landed on my eyes.

A nasty little smile emerged on his face, and he said, “Finally something worth looking at.”

His other hand went through my long brown hair, “You are some rare beauty I haven’t seen before. You would make good-looking pups, I am sure.”

I was screaming from the inside but managed to stay composed from the outside. I knew from experience that causing a scene only would make life harder. Alpha Don Lorenzo took a step back and commanded, “Take off some clothes I want to see her body.”

Before I knew it the second beta ripped my sweater and pants apart with his claws. Before I could do anything he then grabbed my arms and held them against my back.

“Don’t get any wild ideas,” he whispered in my ear raspy. My whole body froze when I noticed the hungry look that Alpha Don Lorenzo was now giving me. Panic started to rise when he stepped closer. I could hear his ragged breath when his finger slowly traced my curves. His eyes devoured my body and with a trembling breath, he spoke, “Ow yes, this one will do. She will bear my pups and I will sure enjoy making them.” I could see that his wolf started to fight with him to emerge when his voice became darker, “We will fuck her any hour of the day if we must until our seed is safe in her belly. Bring her to my room now!”

I could feel Spirit trying to take control of me so I let her out a little bit so I would find my voice again. I could hear her howling inside of me wanting to take over and fight. I finally managed to speak, “Wait!” Alpha Don Lorenzo looked at me impatiently, “What?”From NôvelDrama.Org.

Spirit was gaining more control, so I just growled, “You are making a mistake. You will be cursed by the Moon Goddess herself if you take a Moon-Souled-eyed wolf.”

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