Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 5


"Hello Mate," I say to Naomi as she walks into her small apartment. She freezes as I rise from the hard couch and stalk slowly towards her. She steps back, driving my already agitated wolf mad. Her lower lip quivers for a moment before she tries to speak. "H-How did you get in here?"

I gesture to the opened window. "You left the window unlocked."

She glances at the window and narrows her brown eyes that I am drawn to. "It's two stories off the ground."

I let out a dry laugh. "You don't spend a decade in the King's army and not learn how to scale walls and open unlocked windows," I say as I walk towards her.

"Oh, well, you can leave now," She points at the door. "I'm sure your family is waiting for you." She tries to brush past me, but I stop her.

"Funny thing that. My father welcomed me home today, and my mother worked hard to set up a welcome home party for me. But I can't enjoy it. You know why?" I ask while circling her like a shark.

I stand behind her and move strands of her brown hair behind her ear. She shudders as I brush my fingers on her neck. Her hand is trembling, and I know she is fighting the bond again. Kairos is in my head screaming for me to mark her. Of course, I would never mark my mate without her permission.

"As I am running out of the packhouse Kairos," I pause. "My wolf starts going nuts, and I suspect it's because my long-awaited mate is among the pack I had left so long ago. As I am standing on stage, I scan the crowd, and my eyes land on you, and Kairos shouts that four-letter word we all wait to hear," I lower my lips to her ear. "Mate," I whisper, and she shudders again. I step around her to look her in the eyes, and she looks at the floor. I hook my finger under her chin and relish the sparks that spread through my body. "I'm going to bet your wolf was just as enthusiastic about that word as mine was. But then I blink, and you are gone," I explain and release her chin and turn away from her. I feel her eyes on my back. "Do you know what that does to a male werewolf to have his mate run away from him?" I turn to her, and she looks away again.

She shakes her head and fidgets by playing with her fingers. I can smell fear, and I want to comfort her. Kairos is yelling at me to pull her into my arms and kiss away her fear.

"So, I wanted to spend the night with my family and friends. But my mate that I have waited six years for keeps running away, and my wolf will not quiet down until we both know why," I step towards her again. She keeps her eyes on the floor. "I told you why," She nearly whispers. "I-I'm not your type."

My shoulders fall. "Again, I ask you. How do you know what my type is?" I reach out to stroke her neck, but she sidesteps away from me, and Kairos howls with frustration.

"Just go away, please," She says, and I can hear the pain.

"What about your wolf?" I ask.

'Ruby. Her name is Ruby! Kairos interjects.

"How does Ruby feel?" I ask, and her head shoots up. Her brown eyes flicker to black for a second, and I smirk.

Naomi shakes her head and turns away from me. "I-I-I don't want to be your mate," She says with great effort. "I have work to do," She takes a deep breath and walks around me towards another door I assume leads down to the Archive.

"Fine, I will go," I say, defeated. Kairos whines in my head and retreats to the back of my mind. She is standing by the door with her hand on the knob. "But this isn't over, Naomi," I say and walk over to the open window. "You might consider locking your windows," I say and then leap out of the window and land deftly on the ground. I watch as she closes the window and the light turns off. Sighing, I saunter back towards the packhouse. It takes ten minutes before I reach the party. I find the bar, order a couple of beer bottles, and find a rock to sit on.

"Magnus," My father calls to me. He rushes over to me with the rest of my family, "What the hell was that all about?" I look up at him while sipping my beer. "Are you okay, sweetie?" My mother kneels to touch my shoulder.

I am about to say something when Naomi's parents and twin sister walk over. "Was that my daughter you were chasing after?" Delta Allen asks, and I nod. "Yep," I say as I chug down one beer and crack open the second one.

"Why?" Allen asks me.

I look between him and my parents. "She is my mate." I blurt out, and their eyes all widened.

"Naomi is your mate?" Naomi's twin snorts out loud. "Are you f*****g serious?"

"Elena!" Her father barks.

I finish off my second beer and stand up. "Yes, I am serious."

"And she ran from you?" Naomi's mother asks, and I nod.

"That's the gist of it. She didn't want me and tried to reject me," I say to her.

Maureen pinches the bridge of her nose. "Oh, my poor lost Naomi. I am going to go talk to her," She says, and her mate tries to grab her. "No, Allen, don't stop me."

"I am coming with you, Mrs. Monroe," My sister says and looks at me. "I'm sorry about Naomi. She is my best friend, but I am going to kick her damn ass." "No, don't do that, Pheebs," I plead with my sister.

"Well, anyway, I'm giving her a piece of my mind. No one hurts my brother," She says and storms off. I know better than to try and stop my sister. "Wait for me, Phoebe," Maureen calls after Phoebe.

I look at my mother. "I'm sorry, Mom. I know you worked hard for this party, but I really am not in a party mood now." I say sadly.

"Allen, why the hell would your daughter reject my son?" My father asks his delta with a harsh glare.

"I-I don't know, Darryl. She is just shy, I guess," Allen replies.

"Oh, Naomi is still mad that Josh Rogers rejected her on our eighteenth birthday," Elena blurts out.

"I'm her second chance, mate?" I ask Elena, and she nods. I run my hand through my hair. 'Why would she want to reject her second chance, mate?' 'She is hurt, Kairos replies. 'Ruby says she is very withdrawn and spends most of her time alone.

"Naomi started working at the Archive, and well, she became obsessed with it. We rarely see Naomi because she always works," Allen tells me.

"It's okay, Al," I say to him. "I'm not giving up on her," I tell him, and he smiles slightly. "Anyways, I need to go and think," I say to everyone and walk away. I need to find a way to win my mate and show her that I am exactly who she wants because she is exactly what I want.


After Magnus leaves, I close and lock all of my windows. I then go down to my office to keep working on my lesson plans for the kids. Ruby is sulking in my head because I kicked Magnus out of my apartment. I wasn't convincing her that I simply didn't want him. He is too much trouble, and I didn't want that in my life. I liked my quiet simple life. I didn't need some motorcycle-riding bad boy to muck things up.

I sit at my desk writing my plans listening to classical music when I hear knocking on the archive door. I sigh and know it's either my mother or Phoebe. I try to ignore the knocking.

'Naomi, let us in,' My mother mind links me.

'I don't want to talk about it, Mom, I put up my block and try to focus on my work. The knocking stops, and I smile slightly. Seconds later, there is a knocking on my office door, and I jump with a yelp. My mother, Phoebe and Luna Janice are all standing there. Luna Janice holds up a key. "Luna privileges," She smirks.

I scoff and shake my head. "Mom, I told you that I don't want to talk about it."

"Well, we are going to talk about whether you want to or not," My mother steps towards my desk.

Phoebe pushes my mother to the side. "What the f**k, Naomi? Why are you breaking my brother's heart?"

"Phoebe," Luna Janice pulls her back.

I look at my best friend, "I'm not his type, Phoebe. I don't party and drink and w***e about."

"Is that what you think Magnus is all about?" Phoebe yells.

"Calm down," Her mother says to her. Luna Janice looks at me. "I know you haven't seen Magnus in a long time, Naomi. But he has changed. He doesn't have time to party and sleep around." "Whatever," I mumble.

"Naomi! Don't disrespect your Luna," My mother admonishes me. "Now, let's talk about this."

"I have work to do," I tell her.

Phoebe brushes her hand across the desk knocking everything off. "Ooops."

"Phoebe!" I screech and stand up. "That took me days," I try to bend over to pick up my scattered papers.

"Who cares? It's not like you don't have the entire history of this pack memorized."

I turn to glare at her. "You don't understand-" I trail off and breathe hard. "I-I don't need a mate."

"Everyone needs someone to love them," Luna Janice says to me. "And my son will give everything of himself to you. Why are you resisting your second chance?"

I turn to her. "He'll get bored and find someone else." I kneel and start picking up my stuff.

"Naomi, it kills me that you spend all of your time here and not with those who love you," My mother kneels beside me. She places a hand on my back. "I know Josh rejecting you hurt, but you can't hide away from everyone forever."

I shoot up and slam my papers on the desk. "This isn't about Josh! I am over Josh, okay. I have too much work to do here, and a mate will get in the way of that."

The three of them give me sad looks. "What if you didn't have the archive?" Luna Janice says. "I could always ask Darryl to find someone else to be the Keeper."

"What?" I cry out. "Please don't do that, Luna," I beg her. "I-I-"

"Give my son a chance then. He isn't a fire starting trouble maker anymore. He is an accomplished soldier in the King's army. He was just appointed to lead the Elite Force. That is no easy feat," Luna Janice says to me. "Magnus came home to spend time with us and

to celebrate Maximus becoming alpha. But his mate running away and trying to reject him hurts. Darryl has forgiven Magnus for what he did. Please give him a chance."

I fold my arms and feel tears forming in my eyes. "Fine. I'll give him a chance." I turn away from them. "I have more work to do now. Thank you, Phoebe." I grumble.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

"You are hopeless, Naomi. I would give anything to find my mate. You have found two, and-" Phoebe trails off and runs out of my office.

"Phoebe," I call after her but stand in my office while Luna Janice goes after her. I look at my mother. "What?"

"Please give Magnus a chance," She says to me. "I just want to see you happy and not this-"

"Mom, I am happy," I tell her. "I'm sorry, I am not a loudmouth party girl like Elena. But this is what makes me happy. I just wish everyone would understand that." I fold my arms. "Look, I'll give Magnus a chance. But I don't see it going anywhere." My mother brushes her hand through my hair. "Oh, Naomi. You will regret it if you give him up. Second chances are rare. You will not get a third."

I walk around my desk and sit down to organize my papers. "I said that I would give Magnus a chance, okay? Now, I have a lot of work to do."

My mother sighs with exasperation. "Okay, Naomi. I will leave you alone. I love you." She says and walks out of the office.

I hunker down and get back to work once everyone leaves. It's nearly one in the morning before I tear myself away from my project. I decide to call it a night and make sure the Archive is locked up before going up to my apartment for bed.

The next morning I am up at six. I shower and make myself a light breakfast. I put on a grey skirt and white sweater and put my hair into a ponytail. I go down to my office to polish my lesson plans and then gather everything into my briefcase and a tote to carry to the elementary school.

I struggle as I walk towards the school. 'I really need a damn car,' I mumble to myself. I am about to drop my tote when a strong hand sticks out to save it. "Thank you," I say without looking at the helpful person. But the scent of spaghetti hits me, and I look up into Magnus's smiling face. My breath catches in my throat as he is wearing his dress uniform with his medals on full display. His black hair is pulled back in a slick ponytail. I blink and shake my head to stop staring. "Do you want some help?" He asks kindly.

I pull away from him and shake my head. "No, I have it." I walk around him and continue towards the school. It's another block of walking, and I am struggling with the tote.

"Let me carry that," Magnus says and grabs the tote from my hands.

"But-" I try to protest, but the stupid smile on his face sucks the words from my mouth. Shaking my head, I walk ahead of him towards the school while ignoring him and his heavenly scent.

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