Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Resisting the Alpha Triplets Chapter 10 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 10 Inevitable

Cary’s POV

“What the fuck was that about?”

Colton demanded as soon as I returned to the lounge.

I was not in the mood to deal with his imperious attitude at the moment. My lips were still tingling with the memory of Mallory’s mouth on mine and all I wanted was to be alone to savor the sensation. Without waiting for an answer, Colt launched into a lecture.

“She has a boyfriend! How did you think that was going to end? Did you actually think she was going to throw away their relationship, just roll over and spread her legs for you? Forget about all the shit we put her through growing up?”

“Ease up, Colt!” Clay barked at him. ” Neither of us are looking for an easy lay here. There is something between us and we know she feels it too. Keep lying to yourself if it makes you feel better but you know it’s true. You want her too and it scares the shit out of you!”

“Why the fuck would that scare me?” Colt balked at the idea. “If I wanted her, I would just say so. But I don’t.”

“Bullshit!” I called him out. “You’re scared and I can give you a list of reasons why.”

“Oh really? This ought to be good.” He chuckled darkly.

Clay put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed, a silent plea to back off. Of the three of us, I tended to be the one without a filter and Colton had a temper, a combination that often led to fireworks. But I wasn’t backing off. He’d thrown down the gauntlet and I’d be damned if I didn’t pick it up.

“For one, you have some misguided sense of loyalty to a woman who isn’t your mate and you’re scared to admit you made a mistake committing to her. Then there’s the fact that, even before Darcy, you’ve never pursued a woman you weren’t already certain would accept you. You’re scared of rejection, and Mallory Edwards is far from a sure thing.” I listed just a few of his hang- ups.

“And, “Clay added, picking up where I left off, “you may not have been openly hostile to her but it was no secret you judged her for her rank. You were the one who decided for us she wasn’t worthy because she was ‘just an omega. ‘Pursuing her would force you to admit your prejudices and beg her forgiveness for them. Two things the mighty Colton Collins loathes to do.”

“I don’t have to stand here and listen to this!” Colton protested.

“You’re right, you don’t” I called after him as he started walking away. “But refusing to listen doesn’t make it any less true!”

“Fuck!” Clay muttered under his breath. He was the most sensitive and hated it when we fought.

“I’m going to bed.” I told him. “It’s late and I want to get to the field early tomorrow to review the new schedule before we announce it to the pack.”

It was an excuse to get away and he knew it but nodded at me anyway. I hurried back to my room, closing the door behind me and stripping off my clothes as I walked to the bed. I wasn’t actually that tired but I wanted to be alone with my thoughts.

Slipping under the covers, I closed my eyes and blew out a deep breath. All I could think about was the way Mallory looked, straddling my lap and flushed from my kiss. Her lips were even softer than they looked, so plush and pliable, molding perfectly to mine. And her taste! Fuck, she tasted amazing, like the juiciest peach. I knew I would crave that taste for the rest of my life.

I remembered the way her silky hair felt as it slid through my fingers and the way her luscious curves felt pressed against me as she pulled me closer. It was like she couldn’t stand the thought of any space between us and for the first time in my life, I felt exactly the same way. Holding a woman in my arms had never felt so good before.

In the past, I would sleep with a woman once, maybe twice, and then get bored and move on. No one held my attention for long. I hadn’t even slept with Mallory yet, but just one kiss was enough for me to know I would never get enough of her. It was enough for me to realize I had to make her mine no matter what it took.

Sure, there were obstacles. An Alpha boyfriend, our past behavior towards her, and a stubborn as fuck brother to name a few. But none of that was insurmountable. I would find a way.

“Cary, you awake?” Clay’s voice entered my head.

“Yeah, bro, what’s up?” I linked back.

“Can’t sleep.” He said. “I can’t stop thinking about how soft her skin was and how just touching her made me feel like the luckiest man alive.”

“Why do you think I’m still awake?” I laughed humorlessly.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Since we’re sharing, how was the kiss?” Clay asked, pressing for details.

But I wasn’t ready to give them away just yet. It felt like a part of her I could keep for myself for now.

“Perfect,” was my simple answer. ” She’s perfect.”

“That’s what I thought, You lucky bastard!” He replied, then closed the link.

The next morning came early, especially because I barely slept. I finally resorted to using my hand to relieve some tension, pleasuring myself to the memory of Mallory grinding against me. But even that left me wanting.

Normally I wouldn’t have bothered. Why get myself off when there were any number of warm and willing girls to help me out. But that thought no longer appealed to me. Apparently Mallory ruined all that for me.

But despite my lack of sleep and being forced to tend to my own needs, I bounced out of bed, excited to get to the training grounds. There was a certain brunette I couldn’t wait to see and the thought of getting my hands on her, feeling all her perfect curves, had my cock thickening in my pants.

Mallory’s car was in the lot when I arrived so I hurried onto the field. As expected, she was already there, stretching and warming up. She was bent over, touching her toes and giving me a perfect view of her amazing ass. I was so busy checking her out, I almost missed that she wasn’t alone.

“Why the fuck is he here?” Clay asked. I hadn’t even heard him walk up behind me.

I growled lowly as I noticed Nathan standing beside her.

“She’s using him as a shield to keep us at arm’s length, if I had to guess.” I answered him.

“Well, let’s see if we can put a few cracks in her armor then.” Was Clay’s devious response.

“Mal, Nathan, good morning.” I greeted. “I’m surprised to see you here this early, Alpha.

“What can I say? I missed my girl.” He said, smiling at Mallory. She smiled back briefly but quickly looked away. ” When she called me last night after your planning session and asked me to come train with her like we used to at the academy, I couldn’t say no.”

Mallory averted her eyes, refusing to look at us the entire time we talked with Alpha Richardson. Did she feel guilty for kissing me? Did she feel guilty for going back to him after realizing we belonged together? One thing was clear, she hadn’t told him what happened between us. No Alpha would take that lying down.

“Well you’re welcome to stay for training, but we’re going to have to steal Mal for a bit. I’m sure she mentioned she’s co-leading with us now.” Clay told him.

“Nathan will help me demonstrate moves today, won’t you babe?” Mal announced, making my wolf snarl in my head.

But before he could respond, Clay intervened.

“That’s not necessary. Between the four of us, we can handle it. No need to put you to work.” He said to Nathan.

Mallory’s heart rate picked up and angry vibes were rolling off of her. But I couldn’t care less. She could be as irate as she wanted to be as long as I didn’t have to watch Alpha asshole put his hands all over her for the next three hours. But fate wasn’t on my side.

“Spending time with Mal could never be considered work for me, no matter what we’re doing.” Nathan countered, snaking an arm around her waist and pulling her into his side. Then looking back to us, he said with a smirk, “Shall we?”

He may not have known what went on between us but he wasn’t dumb. He was most definitely staking a claim. Hopefully in a few weeks, when he realized Mallory wasn’t his mate, he would walk away. But until then, we were going to have to up our game.

The next three hours were torture. My wolf and I hadn’t been thrilled to see Mal with Nathan from the moment she returned. But after having her in my arms and getting a taste of her last night, we couldn’t stand seeing her with anyone else. Roan was snarling and growling in my head the entire morning, making it difficult to concentrate. Every time Nathan wrapped his arms around her or trapped her underneath him, pressing his large frame into hers, it was like a stab to my heart.

Fuck! What was this woman doing to me? I didn’t do jealousy. I’d never cared about a woman enough to bother with the emotion. But watching Mal smile at Nathan, laugh with him, enjoy his touch, was twisting me into knots.

I looked to my brothers to see how they were faring. Clay had a greenish hue to his skin, looking ill.

“You okay, bro?” I linked him.

“No!” He ground out in my head. “If he touches her one more time, I’m either going to throw up or rip him apart.”

“Yeah, same.” I admitted.

Colton wasn’t doing much better, though he looked more angry than anything. His hands were balled into fists at his sides and his jaw was clenched so hard I was surprised his teeth didn’t break off. But I didn’t bother checking in with him. It wasn’t like he would admit the truth anyway.

When training finally ended, Clay pulled Nathan aside, giving me the chance to catch up with Mallory. I followed her to her car, catching her by the wrist and turning her to face me.

“You can’t hide behind your Alpha boyfriend forever you know. Sooner or later you’re going to have to face what you feel for us.” We were standing so close I could feel her breath on my face and I could hear her heart racing at my words.

“I don’t feel anything for you!” She snapped angrily, pulling her wrist from my grasp. “I told you it was just a mistake!”

“If that’s all it was, then why haven’t you told him about it? Why not come clean instead of keeping secrets from him?” I pressed.

“I don’t want to hurt him over something that meant nothing and will never happen again.” She said, nervously looking over her shoulder.

“Give him up now, Mal. If you don’t it will only hurt him worse when the inevitable happens. And we are inevitable.” I leaned in to murmur huskily in her ear.

She opened her mouth to argue but her body betrayed her, shivering at my closeness, and her argument died on her lips. I took a deep breath, inhaling her mouthwatering scent to last me through the day. Then I stepped away, leaving her flushed and flustered, hoping she’d accept the truth in my words.

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