Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 79 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 79 Reprieve

Mallory’s POV

A wanton moan escaped my lips as Cary’s hard body pressed against my back, his hands cupping my breasts and his thumbs brushing over my hard, aching nipples. Clay had one leg between mine, letting me grind my soaked pussy against his muscular thigh while he plundered my mouth in a scorching kiss. Colton ran his fingers through my hair and when Clay and I broke for air, his thick veiny cock was bobbing in my face, waiting to slip between my lips.

Clay’s thigh was drenched with my juices, the hairs on his leg coiled into wet little curls. Sliding a hand between us, he found my throbbing nub and stroked it in neat concentric circles with just the right pressure to have my hips rocking into him, seeking more. I hummed my pleasure around Colton’s cock, earning an approving snarl from him.

Cary’s massive erection glided easily between my ass cheeks, the copious pre -cum he was producing acting as the perfect lubricant. All three of my mates worked together in perfect harmony to bring me to new heights of pleasure. I was so close. I could feel the delicious fire licking at my fingers and toes, a sensuous precursor to the inferno about to erupt.

“That’s it, little wolf. Come for your Alphas.” Clay coaxed.

“Almost there, darling. Give us your pleasure.” Cary murmured in my ear.

“Fuck, little Omega! You suck my cock so well.” Colton praised.

“Get the fuck up!” Another voice startled me, my orgasm fading away before it could fully form.

My eyes flew open, my cold, dismal surroundings replacing the cozy warm bed I’d shared with my mates in my dream. I immediately sat up and pressed my legs together, hoping my jailor couldn’t smell my arousal or see the slick glistening on my thighs. My eyes pricked with tears as the realization set in that none of it had been real.

“I said get up!” Mr. Asshole ordered again. “Stand against the wall and don’t move.”

I did as I was told, having no better options present themselves. The guard unlocked the cell and stepped inside. His nostrils flared and lust flashed in his eyes. For the briefest second, I considered trying to run. But he just grabbed my upper arm in a bruising grip and yanked me out of my cage.

“Where are you taking me?” I demanded, trying to dig in my heels.

He didn’t seem inclined to answer and my attempts to detain him were about as effective as a mouse trying to stop an elephant. I had no idea what fate awaited me but I had little doubt it wouldn’t be pleasant. So I let my mind drift back to my dream, my happy place.

I desperately wanted that dream to be real. It destroyed something deep in my soul to realize it had all been a product of my subconscious mind. Because the truth was, even if I wasn’t in this Goddess forsaken place, it would never be more than a fantasy. Colton would have to want me for it to ever be real and that just wasn’t in the cards for me.

My stomach sank like a rock when the halls the asshole was dragging me through became more familiar and Alpha Quade’s acrid scent became stronger. But I detected other, more pleasant smells as well. Fresh baked pastries, orange juice, eggs. Maybe I’d at least get a meal out of the upcoming shitshow. Maybe I’d even keep it down.

“Alpha, I have the prisoner as you requested.” Mr. Asshole announced as he pulled me into the dining room for the second time in as many days.

“That prisoner is your Luna and you will address her as such! Do I make myself clear?” Quade barked.

Goosebumps trekked their way up my arms as I listened to the unhinged Alpha scold his guard. What did he expect when he was the one that had me locked up in the first place? There was no winning against a man who clearly wasn’t playing with a full deck. The thought only added to my already mounting terror.

The guard offered a perfunctory “yes, sir” and backed out of the room, leaving me alone with the raving lunatic.

“Come. Sit. Eat.” He ordered and I bit back the urge to remind him I wasn’t a dog, panting after his every command.

Instead, I fell into the nearest chair and waited for his next order. Another backhand to the face wasn’t on my list of things to repeat today so meek and obedient was my best move for now.

“I see your night as a guest in a prison suite had the desired effect. Continue in the vein of demure Luna and we’ll get along swimmingly. Now fix yourself a plate and join me for breakfast.” I hesitated, not wanting to find myself drugged again but when he took some of the food for himself, I decided it was probably safe enough.

Besides, I’d be a fool to assume it had been an offer and not an order. I quickly poured myself some juice and took one of the blueberry muffins. It seemed a safe option and wouldn’t be completely miserable if it came back up. Though I fervently prayed that wouldn’t happen.

I could only stretch the drug side effects excuse so far.

I hadn’t realized how thirsty I was until I looked down to see my juice was gone. Quade chuckled and refilled my glass. I nibbled the muffin and stifled a moan when the fruit burst on my tongue. Maybe I was just really hungry or maybe he had an amazing cook, but it was the best muffin I’d ever tasted.

“Isn’t that better?” He asked with a condescending smirk on his face. “Now let’s revisit our discussion about your Luna duties.”

I cocked an eyebrow at him and took another bite of the muffin, not trusting myself to open my mouth and keep something snarky from coming out.

“I’m quite anxious to take you home to Hazelwood territory. But in order to do that, I’ll need some assurances that you will behave appropriately.” He mused, more to himself than to me.

“What kind of assurances?” I ventured, the muffin I’d just eaten threatening to make a reappearance.

“Completing our bond, of course. A marked mate is a loyal mate, after all.”

He answered, a malicious sneer marring his features.

“What? You can’t-” I sputtered, but flinched away from his evil hiss.

“I can and I will!” He growled. “But not until you’ve had a bath. You smell like piss and I’d like to enjoy the experience. Finish your breakfast then Evelyn will take you to get cleaned up. I’ll join you shortly.”

“I’ve suddenly lost my appetite.” I muttered.

“Fine!” He snapped his fingers and a servant by the door scurried away, no doubt to retrieve my Omega/guardian.

Sure enough, Evelyn appeared within minutes and whisked me away. But instead of returning to the room I’d occupied yesterday, she led me in a completely different direction. When she opened the door to the bedroom, Quade’s rotting fish odor smacked me like a ten-ton truck, nearly bringing me to my knees.

“This way, Luna. I’ll run you a bath.” Evelyn guided me to the en suite.

Could she not smell that? I tried breathing through my mouth but the compulsion to retch was barely held at bay. Pregnancy and vile Alpha scent were a lethal combination.

I had precious little time to plan my defense before Evelyn had me bathed and dressed in the white silk and lace negligee Quade had draped over his bed for me to wear. The Omega slipped out, locking the door behind her. I knew it would only be moments before the Alpha arrived and tried to force his mark on me.

“Mallory?” A voice I desperately missed called my name.

“Raven? You’re awake! Thank Goddess!” I nearly cried. “You have impeccable timing.”

“Where are we? What’s going on?” My wolf still sounded groggy but she was back and that was enough for now.

I hastily filled her in on our predicament and her fury flared to life like a live grenade.

“He won’t touch us!” She snarled. “I’ll gut him like the disgusting pig he is.”

“We can’t let him know you’re awake. We won’t win if he’s prepared for a fight. We have to catch him off guard.” I warned her. “I’m going to raise a barrier and drop it when he least expects an attack.”

“No!” Raven disagreed but it was too late.

I threw up the wall between her consciousness and mine, blocking her out. I loved my wolf but she was wily. I didn’t trust her not to give herself away the minute Alpha Quade said something threatening or cocky. But just knowing she was there when I needed her helped slow my racing pulse.

“You look ravishing, my Luna.” Quade came sauntering through the door without so much as a knock.Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

His lecherous gaze roamed my scantily clad form and I’d never felt more exposed. He slithered toward me like a snake about to strike, eyes never leaving my nipples tenting the silk nightgown in the purposely cool room. I expected his touch, prepared my rebellious body to accept it knowing I needed to bide my time, but he stopped with a foot of space between us.

“What’s that smell?” He demanded, his nostrils flaring as he drew in a deep lungful of my scent.

I forced my features into a blank mask, hiding my inner panic from his notice. I sent up a silent prayer that he couldn’t hear my heart thundering against my ribs, giving away the lie in my calm demeanor.

Fuck! Did he smell my wolf, stronger now that she was awake? Or worse, could he smell the pups in my belly? Now that it was just the two of us in a room with no other scent but his, he would be more attuned to foreign odors.

“What smell?” I asked with feigned ignorance.

“You smell different.” He leaned in, a shiver rippling down my spine when his nose grazed my neck. “A spicy undertone I hadn’t noticed before.”

I lifted my arm, making a show of sniffing myself, allowing an enlightened expression to replace the mask.

“It smells like the body wash Evelyn used on me. Don’t you like it?” I used my best coquettish tone. “I’m sure she’d be happy to use another brand if you don’t care for this one.”

“Hmm,” He pulled back, studying me carefully before his features relaxed into acceptance. “No, I do like it. It suits you, spicy like your attitude.”

The steel knot my stomach had twisted into slowly loosened at his words. I’d dodged a bullet for now but I knew I wouldn’t get that lucky again. Clay and Cary had both described my scent as spicier since the pregnancy and I knew what was now subtle would become much more prominent as my babies continued to grow. I had to escape before he realized my secret.

“You look incredibly sexy in your bridal lingerie. I chose well.” He changed the subject, his renewed attention downright lewd.

A cold terror blanketed me, my skin erupting in goose flesh as he stepped closer and ran his hands up my sides. He stopped with each hand on my ribs next to my breasts, his thumbs caressing the side swell of flesh. He dipped his head as if to kiss me but I flinched back, making him growl.

“Get on the bed.” He barked using his Alpha tone. “I was going to make an effort for my Luna, offer you the romantic foreplay all bitches want. But I’m happy to move on to the main course if you prefer.”

Though his Alpha command had no effect on me and everything in me screamed to disobey him, I forced myself to scoot across the gaudy gold silk comforter on his bed. A part of me would always hate myself for it but I knew I was going to have to let him touch me if I was going to have a chance to fight him. It was the only way he’d let down his guard.

I forced myself to be still when his hands wrapped around my bare ankles and yanked until I was lying flat. Bile rose in my throat when his hands worked their way up my legs, kneading my calves then my thighs. My instincts screamed at me to let my wolf out, to extend my claws and slash at him like a feral beast, but I held back.

His thumbs rubbed circles over the tender flesh of my inner thighs just below my sex. He leered at me maliciously the whole time, enjoying my distress, drinking it in and savoring it like a fine wine. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly against the nauseating sensation that would come when he moved those thumbs just a little higher.

“Fuck!” He snarled, my eyes flying open to appreciate the fury on his face.

His hands left me, blissfully releasing me from the repugnance of his touch. I pushed up on my elbows, following his every move as he paced irately at the end of the bed. He was mind-linking with someone and whatever they had to say was pissing him off royally.

“I’m afraid we’ll have to continue this little rendezvous later, my dear. Seems your triplet pups have invaded Hazelwood and I’m going to need to handle them before we can get on with our mating.” He gritted out, obviously resenting the interruption.

“You will stay here and wait for me. You’re not leaving this room without my mark on your neck so make yourself comfortable.” He stormed toward the door but turned back to me suddenly. ” And Mallory, the lingerie has lost its charm. Be naked when I return.”

He stomped from the room, slamming the door behind him. I should have felt relief at my brief reprieve. I should have been plotting my next move. But my mind couldn’t get past the information he’d unwittingly revealed.

He’d said my “triplet pups” had come for me. Did he mean that literally? Was Colton really with them? Did he care enough to come to my rescue with his brothers? I hoped I’d get the chance to find out.

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