Resisting the Alpha Triplets by Cara Anderson

Chapter 69 by Cara Anderson

Ch. 69 Not Sick

Cary’s POV

I was worried about Mallory. Really fucking worried. She hadn’t been herself for a couple weeks now.

She didn’t think I noticed but I did. I noticed everything about her, right down to the minutest detail. Even Clay mentioned she looked tired before he’d left on his scouting mission almost a week ago.

Fuck, I wished he was here. He may have gone off the deep end a bit where our older brother was concerned, but when it came to our mate, he always seemed to know exactly what she needed. He always had this calming way about him where I charged in like a raging bull.

But he wasn’t here. He was out gathering the last bits of intel we needed to put our plan for Alpha Quade into action. And that fact only added to my worry.

Until two weeks ago, Mallory had spent every waking breath on preparing for this mission. Plans for Hazelwood pack after Quade’s rein of terror ended was all she ever talked about. Then suddenly, she was excusing herself in the middle of a planning session and disappearing for an hour or two. Something wasn’t right.

Mallory padded into the kitchen, tearing my thoughts away from my internal spiral and back to the breakfast I’d been trying not to burn for her.

“What’s that awful smell?” She asked, wrinkling her nose in disgust.

“It’s bacon, darling. You love bacon. And look, it’s not even black this time.” She snorted at that, probably remembering the charred leather I served her last time I cooked.

“Bacon. Right. Thank you.” She smiled wanly.

Clay was coming home today, thank fuck! As soon as he walked in the door, we were going to have a serious conversation with our little mate. I couldn’t take another second of that bland look on her face where her vivacious personality used to shine through.

I set the plate in front of her then poured her some juice. I made myself a plate then went to join her at the table, but when my eyes landed on her face. I nearly choked on my spit. Her skin was literally a kiwi green.

“Mallory?” I dropped my plate on the counter and rushed to her.

She was hunched over the table, about to faceplant in her eggs, but she held up a hand as if telling me to back off. Yeah, that shit wasn’t going to happen. But before I could get to her, she solved her chair back, the legs grating across the floor in an angry screech, then bolted from the room.

Of course I followed her, shoving my way into the bathroom behind her. She immediately dropped to her knees and heaved into the toilet. I held her hair back and rubbed soothing circles on her back while she emptied her stomach of nothing but bile. When she finally sunk to the floor, leaning into the wall for support, I soaked a rag with cool water and helped her clean up.

“Okay. That’s it. I’m taking you to the infirmary.” I stated firmly, brooking no argument.

“No!” She shrank away from me like a cornered animal.

“Don’t tell me no, mate.” My voice had deepened and taken on the gravelly quality of my wolf. “You’re sick! You need a doctor.”

“I’m not sick!” She insisted.

I just stared at her incredulously, certain Roan was glaring at her through my eyes. I waved my hand back and forth between her and the toilet as if to say “then explain why you just vomited your guts out.”

“You’ve been lethargic for weeks, Mallory. And now you’re puking? I am taking you to the doctor!” I growled out the words, my wolf angry at her lack of self-concern.

She visibly deflated, practically sinking into the wall behind her, becoming part of the plaster. She was certainly the same shade of white, her skin blending with the paint perfectly.

“I’m not sick, Cary. I’m pregnant.”

I froze. I could not have heard that right. She hadn’t even gone into heat yet. My nostrils flared as Roan searched her scent for evidence of her claim.

“Pup!” He roared joyfully in my head.

I fell to my knees in front of her, a beaming smile breaking across my face.

“You’re-, but you haven’t-, how?” I finally settled on the simple question.

“Um, didn’t your parents explain to you how this works?” She made a weak attempt at humor. “We haven’t exactly been careful.”

“Of course I know that. I just meant, you haven’t had a first heat yet. I thought that was a prerequisite.”

“It’s rare but it’s not unheard of. I’m sorry.” Her face fell.

I pulled her into my lap and planted my face in her neck, breathing in her slightly altered scent, so subtle it was no wonder I’d missed it.

“What do you have to be sorry for, darling? Aside from the day you gave yourself to me, nothing could make me happier!” I said, kissing every inch of her beautiful face.

“You’re not mad?” The timid look of uncertainty on her face made my heart seize.

“Mad? Why would I be mad? I’m fucking ecstatic.” I told her, pushing my excitement through our bond.

“”It’s so soon. We’re not even marked yet. We haven’t really had much of a chance to talk about it. I wasn’t sure you guys wanted pups.” That unsettled look returned and I wanted to kiss it away but I knew she needed to talk this through.

“I guess you’re right. We still have a lot to discuss where our future is concerned. But all you really need to know is we want it all with you. We want you to wear our marks, help us lead the pack as our Luna, spend every night in our bed, and carry our pups, a whole pack of them.”

She snorted a laugh at that, rolling her eyes in that way she knew made me crazy with lust, needing to fuck her into submission. But first, I needed to make sure she and the baby were okay.

“Okay, let’s get you to the doctor before that sassy attitude of yours gets you in trouble.” I teased.

“But I’m not sick, remember.” She peered up at me in confusion.

“Baby, you’re sleeping all the time and I can’t remember the last time you ate a full meal. That can’t be healthy and it’s freaking me the fuck out. Please, just humor me.” I made that pouty face I knew she couldn’t resist.

“I don’t want to go to the doctor here in Black Moon.” She said and I waited patiently, hoping she would elaborate. She heaved a sigh then explained. “I don’t want Colton to find out.

“Once the doctor confirms how far along I am, I’ll know if there is any chance this pup could be his. If that’s the case, I know I’ll have to tell him. I just don’t want him to find out before I’m ready and I’m afraid the news might leak. People know me here.”

“That makes sense.” I replied, contemplating her words.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.

My heart ached for her, carrying the burden that Colton, the mate who’d abandoned her, could be the father of her pup. But I would do everything in my power to make sure she never felt his absence. This was our baby! Mine and Mallory’s and Clay’s. No matter what.

“Cary?” There was a tremor in her hushed voice. “What if it could be his? Clay hates him. I don’t think I could handle it if he refuses to accept this pup because it could be the child of a brother he wants no part of. What if he ends up hating me too?”

Her tears flowed freely by the time she was done. I couldn’t let her think for a minute there was any world in which that was possible.

“Never!” I told her decisively. “We’re triplets. We share the same DNA. We always agreed it would never matter who the father was. He or she will belong to all of us and no one will ever love a pup more.”

My assurance seemed to lift some of her doubt. But between the crying jag and overwhelming emotions, vomiting and lack of nutrition, she was drained. She sagged against me as I carried her to bed, giving in to sleep before I even made it down the hall. I tucked her in and left the room, frantically trying to curb my turbulent emotions so she could rest peacefully.

It was easier said than done. My mind was a hornet’s nest of conflicting thoughts buzzing around in my head. When Mal said she was pregnant, my first response was unbridled joy. Now, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t panicking just a little bit.

A few short months ago, I was mourning Mallory’s absence, fucking around to fill the void. Now, I was as committed to her as any man could be, so desperate for her it consumed my every thought. But was I ready to be a father? I hadn’t lied when I said I wanted it all with her. But that didn’t mean I’d be any good at it. I could only hope the pup would turn out like her and not me.

Then there was Clay. I would never add to her worry by admitting he might resent her concern for Colton. Even if the timing proved he could be the biological father, I wasn’t sure Clay would want him involved in any way. And though Mallory might agree with him, she would never be that spiteful.

I told myself there was no use stressing over what I couldn’t control. Clay would be home any minute and we would figure all of this out the same way we always did. Together.

“Honey, I’m home!” Clay called as he walked through the front door.

At least he was in a good mood. I hoped that would last. We were about to find out.

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