Remorse After Breaking Up

Chapter 122

Chapter 122


Chapter 122

“Dan’t ge!” Lillai called out, hurrying after him and grabbing his arm.

“Where caecan I go? Sebastian countered.

Lilian was left speechless. Outside, the area swarmed with bodyguards and hired muscle, including many gang members.

Their individuals had been summoned by those wating downstales, all with the intent of targeting Sebastian

The situation was so tightly controlled that not even a fly could escape annoticed.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Those clowns down there can’t kill me,” Sebastian raced the kissing her forehead before turning to leave

Mer a moment’s hestation, Lillian decided to follow him

Meanwhile, everyone remained kneeling obediently in the lobby downstairs. Not a single person dared to stand.

Cord Worberaker’s command held the weight of a sacred decree, and none dared disobey it in the slightest

Their knees throbbed, threatening to give way, but they all endured it.

Those who desperately needed the restroom were particularly miserable, faces fleshedwith barely contained agony.

If they had been permitted, they’d gladly paid a million dollars just for a moment’s relict.

Lionel was among this suffering group. Beyond the physical discomfort, his mind raced with turmoil. The image of his beloved with another men burned in his mind, fueling a blinding rage despite his attempts to push it away

Just then, Sebastian and Lillian entered.

The sight of Sebastian instantly sparked fury among those present, particularly Lionel, Jord Tyler, Maria, and the Smith family members.

They’dimerter hours, their legs nearly buckling, while their enemy leisurely enjoyed himselt, which only added to their frustration.

Sebastian was indifferent to their offering and reclined his throne with a casuda. He sat with his legs crossed as he sipped wine and hummed a carefree time.

Unable to contain his anger any longer, Lionel bellowed, “Sebastion, you bastard, it’s almost dark. I swear tear you to pieces and scatter your remains.

Sebastien regarded him with disdain. “While boasting isn’t a crime, there should be a limit. You’re lanceling before me, yet you threaten to destroy me. Don’t you find that

“Jost you wait!” Llonel shouted. He seethed with fury, feeling as though his langs might bunt.

Although the others shared his anger, they had led their lesson. Saying defiant words while kneeling carried nosting better to wall, as dienes was nearing anyway

Everyone was waiting–kneeling on the ground, anticipating their moment of revenge, while Sebastian was also waiting, prepared to confront them

He had inlerated mough. Though some dermed him easy to bully, he’d teach them abrutal lesson today, show them the price of his

Meanwhile, Lillian grew increasingly nervous as darkness approached.

Sebastian reassured her multiple times, but it did little to ease her axleng

He even considered revealing his true identity to her to calm her for

As night finally, the atmosphere in the hall thickened with vision.

“It’s night now! Time to stand,” someoneshouted.

Everyone was eager to rise, but after kneeling for so long, their legs wenumb, delaying their ability to stand Content rights belong to NôvelDrama.Org.

Rather than immediately seeking vengance agent Sebastian, they staggered toward the restroom, desperate totales fint.

“Sebastian, you bastard, your time is up!” Lionel returned and immediately pointed at Sebastian, bellowing with murderous rage

“Get down here, trash!” jordan was also furious.

He was stilming from the humiliation at the banquet two days ago when Sebastian had exposed his gifted painting as a forgery.

Sebastion’s display of power today only stoked Jordan’s rage

“You’ll suffer a miserable death today!” Hayden roared turkusly

His hand for Sebastian was unparalleled.

He blamed Sebastiansteling Lilian, the woman he believed should have been his. Now, humiliation was heaped upon loss, fueling a nige unlike anything he’d ever known.

Tyk, Maria, and others also joined the chain of fury. They had rallied many thugs, now slowly surrounding Sebastian.

Despite her dear, Lilian stood steadfast by Sebastian’s side, her face pale but resolute,

Sebastian wasn’t afraid, but the threat to Lilian staked a cold fury. He rose, approaching the hostile crowd. “You want to settle accounts with me, right? Today, ‘I give you that chance.come at me.”

what arogance We have so many people here, and not only does he not beg for mercy, he even dares to talk arogantly. He really doesn’t know what’s coming for him,” someone sal

“Preat his Limbs! want to thee him slowly Hayden’s voice was raw with sadistic pleasure.

Athis command, the doom thugs charged at Sebastian. These brutal men, highly paid by Hayden, were formidable opponents.


their charge with a cold smile. Instead of retreating, he advanced, stepping quickly forward and kicking the lead thug in the stomach

The impact was so severe that the thug spat out a large mouthful of blood. He instantly curled up, and was sent flying backward, knocking down two others behind him several

The crowd who were initially confident in their numbers, was taken aback by Sebastian’s formidable strength

Chapter 12

However, they were not deterred. “Everyone, let’s attack together! Cripple him!”

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