Puck Pact: A Marriage of Convenience Hockey Romance (East Coast Series)

Puck Pact: Chapter 3

“Aarya, see me in my office when you’re finished with the tour.”

My stomach twists, but I force a smile as I turn to my boss. “Yes, sir.”

I love my job as the education officer here at the gallery. I get to meet new people every day, and talk to them about the artwork I love so much.

My boss, on the other hand, makes me want to crawl out of my skin. But I need this job, and it’s going to open the door for me to own my own gallery one day.

One day.

Sometimes it feels like that day will never come, but the more I save up, the more of a possibility it becomes.

After I say goodbye to my tour group, I make a beeline for my boss’ office. Get it over with and rip it off like a band aid.

I tap my knuckles against the door frame. “Hey, Carter. You wanted to see me?”

His blue eyes light up when they land on me, traveling down my knee-length sweater dress. “Come in. Close the door.”

I step into his office and make sure to leave the door cracked open enough so my coworkers can see inside if they passed by.

“Is everything okay?” I ask, standing behind one of the chairs in front of his desk.

“Yes, everything is fine. I just wanted to tell you how great you did with the Sanderson School tour the other day. They left glowing reviews on the website, and made sure to name their tour guide.”

I smile and let out a breath of relief. “Thank you. They were an energetic group. They had so many good questions.”

Carter rises from his chair and rounds his desk. I resist the urge to back away from him as he comes closer, the relief I just felt now dissipating.

When he reaches me, he lifts his hand and brushes my hair off my shoulder. “You’re so good at your job, Aarya.”

I lean back a fraction of an inch. “Thank you. I do love it here.”

The reminder more for myself to stop me from kneeing this guy in the balls.

“I’d love to see you in a different role here. A higher title.” He twirls a strand of my hair around his index finger. “There are a few positions I’m considering you for.”

My heart races, my fight or flight response kicking into high gear as he continues to touch me. “Uh, yes. I’d love to be considered for Susan’s job when it becomes available at the end of the year.”

Several employees and I are gunning for Susan’s education officer spot, as sad as we are to see her go. It would mean more money, more responsibility, and more experience for me—all of which I need before owning my own gallery.

Carter inches closer. “Yes, I think you’d be a perfect fit for that role. You and I would have to spend a lot of time together to discuss your ideas and discuss the direction of the education department.”

I swallow past the dryness in my throat. “Of course, sir. That sounds great.”

“Aarya, I told you: You can call me Carter.” He leans in, his cheek brushing against mine as he whispers, “As much as I love it when you call me sir.”

I clamp my mouth shut so I don’t spew vomit all over my boss.

I need this job.

I force another fake smile. “Well, I should get back to work. I have another tour coming soon.”

Carter opens his mouth to say something else, but he’s cut off when Chanora sticks her head into the office. “Aarya, your tour is here.”

“Ah, see?” I let out an awkward laugh. “Right on schedule.”

I all but run out of the office, and clutch Chanora’s arm as we scurry down the hallway. “Is my tour really here?”

“No, they’re not due for another twenty minutes. But I had to get you out of there before he started bringing up all the positions he wants to put you in again.”

I shudder at the thought. “There has to be something we can do about this. It’s getting worse every week.”

She shoots me a dubious look. “Girl, you know what happened to the last person who tried tattling on Carter.”

“I know, I know.”

Carter fired Kelly without a warning in front of all the other employees at a staff meeting, then blackballed her from working in other galleries in the area. I was a newbie at the time, with no idea what was happening, but Kelly gripped my arm on her way out the door and said, “Get out now while you still can.”

I didn’t understand what she was referring to then, but I sure do now.

One day, I’ll be rid of my boss.

One day, I’ll be my own boss with my own gallery.

One day.

I just have to hold on a little longer.

“Thanks for coming with me.”

I link arms with Cassidy as we walk along the path leading to the mansion before us. “No problem. You know I’m always down to be your wing woman.”

Getting to hang out with a bunch of hot hockey players isn’t the worst way I could spend my night.

She side-eyes me. “I was hoping it wouldn’t be weird between you and Alexander.”

“Alexander who?”

She laughs. “Okay, because you’re clearly over him rejecting you the other night.”

“I am.” I flip my hair over my shoulder. “Besides, he’s the one who should feel weird seeing me look this good after turning me down.”

Cassidy reaches out and presses her finger against the doorbell. “You do look hot.”

McKinley swings open the door with a wide smile before letting his icy-blue gaze roam over the both of our bodies. “Damn, ladies. You’re looking gorgeous tonight.”

I pat him on the shoulder as we step inside. “I’ll make sure not to tell your goalie that you just checked out his girl.”

“Shit,” he mutters. “Sorry, Cass. Totally didn’t mean that.”

She giggles behind me. “I’ll take a compliment wherever I can get it, Mac. Thanks for having us over.”

“Of course. Everyone’s in the game room downstairs. Make yourselves at home. Can I get you anything to drink?”

I nudge him with my elbow. “What are you boys drinking?”

“Corona with lime.”

“Then we’ll take two.”

I follow Cassidy down into the basement, keeping my eyes from roaming around the room in search of Alexander.

Truth be told, I’m feeling slightly nervous about seeing him tonight. It’s not every day I get turned down by a guy when I give him an open invitation to sleep with me. But Cassidy needed me by her side so I’m brushing it off and holding my head high.

Alexander can eat his heart out. It’s his loss anyway.

Trenton pulls Cassidy in for a kiss when we get downstairs. “Hey, Aarya. How are you?”

“I’m good. Can’t complain.” I squeeze his shoulder. “Great game the other night. I heard it was a shutout. I don’t know what that means, but Cassidy said it’s a good thing.”

He bites back a smile, ever the modest player. “Thanks.”

I spot Alexander crossing the room to make his way toward us, so I grab Cassidy’s arm. “Oh, look! Mac has air hockey.”

Cassidy drags her heels as I pull her toward the table. “No. I’m not playing against you. You remember what happened last time.”

Trenton smiles as he looks between us. “What happened last time?”

“She hit the puck so hard, it flew off the table and almost broke the window at the bar we were at.” Cassidy shoots me a playful glare. “Aarya is like Monica from Friends. Nothing is ever just a game with her.”

I roll my eyes, feigning innocence. “There’s nothing wrong with a healthy dose of competition.”

“I’ll play with you.”

My head whips around to Alexander, who walks up alongside Trenton.

Cassidy pats him on the shoulder. “Good luck, buddy. You’re going to need it.”

“Hey, where are you going?” I pout as Cassidy pulls Trenton toward the other teammates by the pool table.

My traitorous best friend wiggles her fingers over her shoulder, leaving me alone with Alexander.

He smirks. “Hi.”

I blink up at him wearing a blank expression. “Hi… remind me who you are again?”

His smirk grows into a full-blown grin, because he knows I know damn well who he is. “I’m Alex, Trenton’s teammate. We met at the bar the other night.”

God, he looks good. He’s wearing a white T-shirt with a pair of well-fitting jeans. His muscular arms are on display, complete with thick corded veins traveling up his forearms. Everything about this man is big and strong. I bet he could⁠—

No. No! Focus.

“Oh, you’re the one with the weird nickname. What was it…” I tap my finger against my chin. “Twinkie? No. Apple pie? No. Wait, I got it—Cupcake!”

He tosses his head back as he laughs. “Close enough.”

I smirk as I spin around and grab one of the neon green mallets and set it on the table. “So, you want to play?”

“Sure. But first, I owe you an apology.”

I purse my lips as I look away with a slight roll of my eyes. “That’s not necessary.”

“It is to me.” He heaves a sigh, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I shouldn’t have left you on the dance floor so abruptly the other night. I should’ve stayed with you to make sure you got home safely, or offered to give you a ride. I’m sorry I left you like that.”

He’s sorry for…not making sure I got home safely?

My eyebrows pinch together and my chin jerks back. “Oh.”


I shake my head in disbelief. “That was totally not the apology I was expecting.”

“What were you expecting?”

“I don’t know.” I lift my hand and let it fall. “Maybe: I’m sorry for giving you blue balls. I was such an idiot for turning you down. Something to that effect.”

He coughs out an incredulous laugh. “You want me to apologize for not sleeping with you?”

“You should be sorry about it. You missed out on what could’ve been a very fun night. Plus, you had me so turned on, I had to go home and use my vibrator—only it died halfway through, leaving me very frustrated.”

“That sounds…” He swallows. “Terrible. Forgive me.”

I hike a shoulder. “I’ll think about it.”

“Why don’t we make a wager?” He gestures to the air hockey table. “Let me make it up to you.”

“It’s going to have to be a damn good wager.”

“If I win, you’ll have to let me take you on a date.”

My eyebrows shoot up. “That’s what you want if you win?”

“It’s not like I need money.” He tilts his head. “I’d much rather have something that my money can’t buy. Plus, I’d get to prove you wrong at the same time, and show you that romance truly does exist.”

I fold my arms over my chest, leaning my hip against the table. “Fine. I agree to your terms. Only because you won’t win.”

“And you? What do you want if you win?”

“When I win…” I pause until I think of something. “I want the money you’d spend taking me on said date.”


I hike a shoulder. “Not everyone makes hockey player money, Big Man. It’d be nice to have a little extra cash on hand.”

“Okay.” He sticks out his hand between us. “You have a deal.”

I place my hand in his, and give it a firm shake. “Game on, Pound Cake.”

Alexander presses the power button to turn on the table lights and air. The plastic puck rattles against the table as we take our respective sides.

I slam the puck to the right, and it ricochets off the wall at lightning speed before sinking into Alexander’s goal.

His eyes widen as the digital number changes from zero to one in my favor. “Why do I feel like I just got hustled?”

I grin. “One, nothing.”

His eyebrows pull together, all humor wiped from his features as he crouches down and sends the puck sailing back to my side. I block it, but he sends it right back and into my goal.

“Tied up,” he says.

“Not the kind of tied up I was hoping for tonight.”

He chuckles. “You won’t be able to distract me. I’m laser focused when it comes to this game.”

I lean over the table, and his eyes immediately drop to my overflowing cleavage. “You sure about that, Carrot Cake?”

His Adam’s apple bobs before he clears his throat. “Just hit the damn puck.”

“A date sounds so boring, you know?” I knock the puck across the table. “Two people sitting across the table from each other, rattling off random facts about yourself like you’re reading from a resume. I can think of a way to have much more fun.”

“It sounds like you haven’t been taken on a proper date.” He hits the puck back to me. “And I can’t figure out for the life of me why a fierce woman like you would let a man get away with anything less.”

His words pierce my armor, tugging at something deep inside me.

I’ve never had faith in finding love. I learned at a very young age that men will only disappoint you.

I shake my head and block Alexander’s next several attempts. “I’m not into any of that fluffy romance shit.”

“How do you know you don’t like it if you’ve never experienced it?”

The green puck slides into my poorly blocked goal.

Fuck. Two to one.

I slam the puck harder this time, and Alexander’s eyes follow it as it bounces off the surrounding walls.

I need to regain control here. “I was thinking about you, you know. Right before my vibrator died.”

His dark eyes fly up to mine.

The plastic disc sails right into his goal, and I smile. “Don’t you know how rude it is to get a girl all worked up just to leave her hanging like that?”

His jaw clenches as he sets the disk on the table and slides it over to my side. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

“No? You didn’t think putting your hands on my body, squeezing my ass, rubbing me against your cock would have an effect on me?”

I score another goal.

Three to two.

I block his next shot, and keep going. “I imagined the way your tongue would feel between my thighs. Something tells me you’re an expert at making a woman come. Am I wrong, Big Man?”

“I’ve never had any complaints.”

“No, I bet you haven’t. I bet you’ve got the size too, don’t you? I thought about how big you must be. The way you’d feel inside me. Wondering if I’d be able to take all of you our first time together.”

I sink the punk into his goal again.

Alexander’s cheeks are flushed, and I catch him discreetly adjust his pants before he tosses the puck onto the table.

I’m turning myself on with all this talk, but it’s worth it to see him get flustered.

The puck sails across the table while I push him further. “You like being in control. You’re probably dominant in the bedroom too.”

His eyes narrow as he tries to block me out.

“I’d let you dominate me. I like being choked, spanked, and called a good girl as much as the next person.” I smirk. “But I’d bet my life’s savings that you’d let me dominate you too.”

I sink another goal, and keep going.

“You’d get on your knees for me, and let me boss you around. You’re always so in control, it’d feel good to give in to me, don’t you think?”

Another goal.

He’s barely volleying the puck at this point, his pupils are dilated and glazed over.

I reach across the table to knock the puck onto his side. “I bet you’d be such a good boy for me, Alexander.”

Final goal.

Seven to two.

The table shuts down, our mallets floating to a stop somewhere in the middle. But Alexander’s eyes don’t leave mine, wild and heated. What I wouldn’t give for him to snap. Grab me and have his way with me right here on the air hockey table.

“I didn’t turn you away because I’m not attracted to you. You know that, don’t you?” Alexander’s chest heaves as he stalks around the corner of the table and steps closer to me. “I think you know I’d love nothing more than to have you in my bed. To kiss you. Taste you. To feel you. I’d give you everything you need, and have you begging for more. And I’d give you more. I’d give it to you until your legs shake and your voice is hoarse from screaming my name, over and over again.” He stops when he’s in front of me, tipping my chin up so he can speak against my lips. “Because I’ve thought about you since that night too. I took myself in my hand to the thought of you on top of me, riding me, owning me, taking every last drop of me.”

Wetness pools between my thighs, and warm desire coats my insides.

“But I won’t touch you if you aren’t mine, Aarya. If you let me do the things I want to do to you, you won’t be doing them with anyone else. No one but me. And it wouldn’t be for one night.”

I tilt my head, trying to grasp at any semblance of control I have left. “You’re so sure you’d have me coming back for more?”

“I’m certain of it.”

The unwavering verity in his voice has me convinced as well.

But I won’t put myself out there to get rejected by the same man twice.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Too bad you’re nothing but a tease, Big Man. You talk a big game but you can’t back it up, which is why you now owe me some cash.” I step back from him, walking backward. “You might be the king of the ice, but down here with us mere mortals, you just got schooled.”

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