Prisioner In Your Arms

I loved you

At the pediatrician’s office, Santi was reluctant to be examined. Although he was familiar with his doctor, he didn’t like him, especially when he saw him smiling at his mom in a way that seemed silly to him.

“Hello, Santi. This time we’ll check your throat. Could you please open your mouth? If you do, I’ll give you a candy,” the doctor said, smiling as always.

“No,” the little boy replied, crossing his arms over his chest, clearly showing his displeasure.

“Come on, Santi. Open your mouth a little so the doctor can check your throat,” Nicole requested, feeling embarrassed by her son’s behavior.

Bruno noticed the way the young doctor was looking at Nicole, and it annoyed him. Instinctively, he also crossed his arms over his chest.

Observing them in that manner, Nicole realized that her son was a faithful copy of his father.

“Come on, son. Let the doctor examine your throat so we can leave. If you don’t, we’ll have to stay here,” she said reluctantly.

Santi reluctantly opened his mouth. After examining him, the doctor went to his desk to write the prescription. Nicole went with him, while Bruno stayed with the little boy, who was still sitting on the examination table.

“I don’t like the doctor, Dad. I don’t like how he looks at Mom and smiles,” Santi said in a very low voice.

“I don’t like him either, but don’t tell your mother,” Bruno replied in a whisper.

“That’s great! Now we’ll have a secret between us, Dad.”

“What secret are you talking about?” Nicole asked curiously.

“It’s something between Dad and me, right, Dad?”

“It’s something unimportant,” Bruno replied, hoping that Santi wouldn’t reveal what it was. He didn’t want Nicole to think he encouraged their son’s behavior towards the doctor.

“You shouldn’t keep secrets from Mom, I’ve always told you that.”

“Here’s the medication Santi will need. I’ve also written down some instructions. It’s an inflammation in his throat,” the doctor informed them, smiling while standing in front of Nicole.

“Thank you, doctor,” she expressed with a smile.

“Goodbye, Santi. Here are the candies I promised you.”

“Thank you,” Santi stretched out his little hand to receive them. Even though he didn’t like the doctor, he liked the candies.

The doctor bid farewell to Nicole with a handshake, lingering a little longer than necessary. Bruno felt the urge to hit him but restrained himself.

“We better hurry to pick up the medication,” Bruno suggested.

Upon hearing this, the doctor quickly withdrew his hand.

In the car, both Santi and Bruno were very serious.

“We need to find a good pediatrician for our son. That doctor is very young, and I don’t trust him,” Nicole stated.

“I’ve heard good references about him. He’s a good pediatrician.”

“I just acquired the majority of shares in a pediatric clinic. From now on, our son will be treated there.”

“When did you do that?” Nicole asked, astonished.

“This morning. I was notified a few minutes ago that it has been finalized.”

“It wasn’t necessary, Bruno. You can’t do this every time our son needs something,” she said, feeling annoyed and considering it unnecessary.

“Of course, I can, and I will. My son will receive the best care whenever he needs it.”

“I would like to stop by the office to get my car.”

It was pointless to argue with him. It seemed he would do things his own way.

“Fine, I’ll take you.”

“I want Dad to take me home.”

Nicole didn’t answer. She sensed that this couple would give her a lot of headaches in the future.

After picking up her car, she headed home. Bruno was already there with Santi.

“Mom, come have dinner with us. Dad has prepared dinner,” Santi said.

“Not now, sweetie. Thank you. You’ll stay with the nanny. I’m going out for a moment with Uncle Max and Aunt Sophie. I canceled on them yesterday and told them I’d join them today.”

“Alright, Mom. Will Dad stay here?”

“If your mother allows it, I will,” Bruno replied, a little annoyed that Nicole would be going out with Max.

“Not a problem for me,” she replied, indicating that Bruno would spend more time at their house than he should.

Nicole came down later, and Bruno couldn’t take his eyes off her. She looked beautiful in that short red dress, tightly fitted at the waist, with a semi-circular skirt, sleeveless and high-necked. Her hair was completely loose, and she wore golden stilettos that added a sensual touch to her outfit.

“Where are you going?” Bruno asked, curious.

“Max has partnered with some friends to open a new club. He’s taking us to see it. Tonight is the grand opening.”

“Ah, that’s great,” Bruno replied.

He approached Santi to give him his medication, and Santi took it without complaining. Bruno gently kissed his forehead and left. Outside, Max and Sophie were already waiting for Nicole.

“Hello, little dragonfly. You look beautiful. It’s great that you’re going out with us tonight, like in the old times,” Max exclaimed. Nicole didn’t feel as good about being called that anymore, but she didn’t say anything to avoid hurting his feelings.

“Hello, guys. Yes, just like the old times.”

They arrived at the club, and there were many people lined up at the entrance.

“Wow, there are so many people trying to get in,” Sophie commented, seeing the large crowd.

“That’s right. It seems we’ll have a great night,” Nicole replied.

The guards at the door immediately stepped aside to let them in upon seeing Max. They quickly made their way to the VIP area, where a table was reserved for them. Dante had reserved a table right next to theirs, as he would be joining with some friends.

As soon as the girls arrived, they ordered some drinks. After a while, the music changed, and Nicole hadn’t been out dancing in a while. She pulled Sophie along, and they headed towards the dance floor, swaying their hips to the catchy yet sensual rhythm. Max watched them from above, clearly seeing that they were truly enjoying themselves.

Max considered joining them on the dance floor but noticed Dante and Bruno arriving at that moment, accompanied by a few other guys. They went up to occupy the reserved table. When they turned towards the dance floor, they noticed the girls still dancing. The two brothers headed down, Dante embraced Sophie and passionately kissed her, while Bruno positioned himself behind Nicole, wrapping his arms around her waist and moving rhythmically. She immediately knew it was him, his scent was unmistakable.

She let herself be carried away by the moment, feeling great in his arms. A few minutes later, Nicole looked up and once again thought she saw Leandro staring at her intently. When he realized she saw him, he quickly walked away towards the bathrooms. She left Bruno alone on the dance floor and quickly went after Leandro.

Bruno had no idea what had happened. They were doing great, and suddenly he was alone in the middle of the dance floor. A beautiful girl wearing an excessively short dress approached him, dancing provocatively. He looked at her for a moment and immediately headed back to his table. The girl remained there, visibly upset.

Nicole entered the hallway that led to the bathrooms just as Leandro was about to enter one. When he felt someone grabbing his shoulder, he turned around and saw her standing in front of him. He didn’t expect her to follow him.

“Nicole, I’m sorry. I truly am sorry,” he said.

“Why are you hiding, Leandro? Why are you following me?” she asked.

He didn’t know how to tell her that he felt she was in danger. He didn’t want to scare her. He noticed that she had a strong smell of alcohol.

“Have you been drinking?” he asked.

“Just a little,” she lied, as she had actually been drinking quite a bit.

“I’ll take you home.”

“No thanks, I came with some friends. They’ll take me home.”Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

“I saw you were with Bruno.”

“He came with his brother. He caught up with me on the dance floor. How have you been? I’ve called you, but I don’t know what I’ve done that you don’t want to answer me,” she lowered her head, and Leandro could sense her sadness.

He felt the impulse to kiss her at that moment. How difficult it was for him to stay away from her. His stubborn brain couldn’t understand why he had to forget her.

Bruno, noticing that Nicole was taking longer, decided to go and find her. He saw her standing too close to Leandro, and that annoyed him greatly. What part of them being siblings did those two not understand?

“Is something wrong, Nicole?” he approached to ask.

“Nothing is wrong, Bruno. I’m just talking to Leandro. Give us a moment, please.”

Bruno moved forward to enter the bathroom. As he passed by Leandro, he lightly bumped him with his shoulder. He was furious. He wanted that man away from Nicole and their son. Leandro managed to control himself; there was no point in fighting with Bruno.

“Can I see Santi? I’ve missed him so much,” Leandro asked.

“Of course you can. My son loves you, and I would never keep him away from you.”

“I’ll come by tomorrow afternoon to see him. I’d like to take him to the movies.”

“Perfect. In the morning, I’ll send you the location of the house. I’ll tell the nanny to arrange it after school. She’ll be delighted to see you.”

“I’m leaving now. Please try not to drink too much.”

“I won’t drink anymore, I promise.” Leandro gently caressed her chin before leaving. She lowered her head, feeling sad.

At that moment, Bruno came out of the bathroom and approached Nicole, standing very close to her. Their proximity made him nervous, and he could feel her breath.

“I accidentally overheard what Leandro asked you. If someone is going to take my son to the movies, it will be me.”

“You accidentally overheard? Do you expect me to believe that?”

“Whatever. My son will not go out with him.”

“Don’t challenge me, Bruno Leone. I told Leandro he can take my son to the movies, and that’s how it’s going to be. And you will respect that. My son loves Leandro because he earned that love. ” She spoke to him furiously, on the verge of bursting into tears.

Seeing her so upset, Bruno decided to stay quiet. They returned to the table in silence. He sat next to his brother, and she sat next to Máx. She had promised not to drink anymore, but she couldn’t help it. Bruno infuriated her in a way that was hard to bear.

He watched her drink one glass after another, and Sophie was doing the same. However, Sophie was becoming overly affectionate with Dante, who laughed at her in that state. Bruno imagined Nicole behaving in that way, except it would be Máx next to her, not him.

“Let’s go. I’ll take you home,” he said, grabbing her arm, to the astonished gaze of their friends.

“I’ll take her. She came here with us,” Máx said angrily.

“No way. I’ll be the one to take her. I’m staying at her house with my son, so I’m heading there.”

Upon hearing this, Máx decided to keep quiet. The girls hugged each other goodbye, and then Nicole said goodbye to Máx, giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Bruno still held onto her arm, and upon seeing this, he pulled her towards him. Máx managed to restrain himself. What part of Nicole not belonging to him did he not understand?

They left the place, and she took two steps forward and one step back. Unable to move forward, she laughed.

“Ha ha ha, two steps forward, one step back, two steps forward…”

Suddenly, Bruno lifted her in his arms, not caring that people were staring. He placed her in his car and fastened her seatbelt.

“We had driven a few kilometers, and he thought she had fallen asleep because she remained in complete silence. A few minutes later, she began to speak with her tongue slightly tangled.

“I loved you, despite everything, I fell in love with you. You made me hate you.”

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