Prince Reagan

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

Girl Talk 1

then tone the smile an herlicher eyes and on the tutu on my wristwatter pleading with Rap, he still

the damn thing on. I swear I just wanna ning his neck till

hechoka todeth sometimes

“I see you’ve settled in comfortably.” She says in an amused tone. I glare at hr in return she beness on the bed beside me. “It’s a shame to see you this way.”

“Don’t you have some class to be at or something?…unlike me whe’s been deprived of her rights,”

mumble the last part, but can be an anything that she

heard me perfectly. I flip the page of my novel, pretending to

still be captivated by it so she would lewe. Lexi isn’t abad

person, but she’s related to the asshole, who cuffed me to

the bed and bosses me around like he’s my father. Hell, my

parents were never this bossy to me. They always asked me

what I want.

I hear Lexi sigh beside me as she shuttles to get

comfortable, leaning her back against the headboard with

her legs crossed over the other.

“Regan is just a bit pissed about the whole thing. No

beast will be happy to see their mate almost being marked

by another. I mean, what would you have done if you saw



The marble palude in my mind, a Wan gan pinne donna donna led, lain brechalie puis rudy to mark her ima masuk alaan . Very unpr. let myth as i violently flip the p rochenoweli had in hand, causing to tear slightly. I stare at the competunblinkingly as runningen the earlines.

I would firstly rip out that lady’s tong and forcher to willow it before running my claws over every feminine part she hat. I’m shocked by the violent thoughts I have

“So what mean.” Le points out beside me. I hutt and close the book befon dumping it on the nightstand besidu

me with a loud thud,

“it seill doesn’t give him the night to cuff me like huis

and make decisions in my life that are sa important. I’m still

a person with rights!” I cross my arm over my chet as

stare at the grey walls opposite me.

“You have to understand, Ellie, that Reagan wasn’t born

in the century. He’s used to women being silent beside their

men and only speak when spoken to or nod when

addressed. You’re the one who has to show him that you’re

not like that. That you’re different.” She places a hand on my

shoulder for me to face her.

“How am I going to do that if he doesn’t allow me to

Eren live the datin beam” i my hands in the air trustni. She chuckles slightly in ratum libr i n


“You know, the realmcem’t als in Canad.” She suddenly announces making me turn to stare at her in question, I’m surprised by the change of subject. “We originally resided in England, Dartyshine, to be preise. Hut in the late 1600s, there was a wara blood bath betwein


wolf packs in North A H

ow territorid

boundaries and considering the was where most

Werewolves reuded in, it was monstrou.”

“The will of the bests,” lawy, and she mods in

ment. I had read and heard about the warthahad

happened in the 19th century. Those who are still alive from

it are mostly old now and about to eat the dust, though. But

they told tales about it. Humans hadn’t been ware of it, but

if a werewolf ventured into another pack’s territory, they

were immediately captured, and. ceremony is held where

they were brutally slaughtered in front of the whole pack

Then, no werewolf could leave theirs unless they were on a

suicide mission.

“The council’s along with my uncle, the king decided to

move to North America and had a meeting with all pack

Alphas. Territories were divided, boundaries were given, and

freedom to move from a pack to another was announced as

long as they caused no trouble. To make sure the peace was

at INO

North America, ma il mede in why they moved here. This

way. the muld monitor the packs


another wa

was coming Werewolves are very territorial nature. They won‘t think twice about charming through others just to keep what they thought was theirs. And since there are so many Packs in North America, there’s always a fight about

boundaries somewhere.

But we in Lunar Pack hardly have that problem as we’re one of the besesë. Instead other packs try to get on our good sides just to earn lavors from us and not be an enemy.

Lexi shuffles beside me to sit straight and look clearly at

1. me. “Now, I was going somewhere with this. You see in the twentieth century, the idea of girls going to school wasn’t still commonly accepted. And for us Lycans, it was worse. We

still lived way behind humans and didn’t accept the new

customs so quickly. My dad was also a strong believer, and

thought my only job was to leam how to cook, clean, sew,

and to please my future mate. We Lycans don’t even wait for

our mate’s anymore as it’s almost impossible to find one for

1. us. We’re not as lucky as you werewolves.”

“Before I knew it, a match was found for me, and I was


loro me, Bangile on herlipart

I nad my head in anticipation aliendy immen



just like you.” She proudly enounces with


“No way I chuckle, my eyes twinkling in imm en. “Fram your dad? Didn’t you taught?”

“Of course, I did.” She shrugs. “My uncle’s a king of course, it would be to find me. I was locked in my bedroom and chalned to my bed until my mating cerimony

“How did you get out of it?” I ask with eagerness to

knowhare. She had me hooked.

“Simple. By not giving up.” She states like it’s an easy

task. I stare at her in curiosity, wanting to know more. “I pad

a maid of mine to spread a rumor about me having slept

with a ton of human boys during the time I ran away.”

My jaw drops open at her words. Lycans rarely

associated themselves with werewolves, not to talk of

humans. And for people to hear that she’d slept with a ton of

them, they would all look down on her like dirt.

“You did what?! Wouldn’t that tarnish your reputation?”

She shrugs once more like she doesn’t have a care ini

another so quickly. And heved it through this man. I didn’t cure what it would do to my reputation, long

mon. Mdid wastus, of course, Bulhaknes the disa



already done and couldn’t keep me locked up for

und nüüne Wacoming My mum pleaded with him to

Nese me, but when he did, he threatened Ladivorn me,

and that’s when I left to live with one of my relaties in New

Orleans I spent a lot of years ther, and then came back,

the rumor huddled down. Wellof course they would have

I’m a princess after all. Everyone wanted to get into my pasd books.” She flips her hair while t hing a chaming umile.

“Heu’re crazy.” ledled while also staring at her in awe.

She really was something else. I know I wouldn’t take that

risk for anything. It was too_crazy.

She laughs along with me as she leans back on the

headboard. “My point is, don’t hold back in getting what you think you deserve. You’re a smart twenty- first-century girl.

Act like it.”

I ponder over her words for a while as we remain in

silence. I had thought running away for a few days would get

me what I want, but it only made things worse, so I had to go

with a different approach. So far, Reagan has made it clear

that he’s never letting me go. And me going against his

wishes only gets him more fired up to cage me. It’s like a

game of cat and mouse. The more Jerry seems to escape

Tom’s clubes, the more Tum’ tammin mich hier And R an’s best. The more you in the month’s Esiled to put poi in your place. So seifidoni che hieri thonunk love What Hiium the tables around and make the came w erhim. This would surely catch him ah

Ohhh, I can see the wheels turning in your head,” Lai mirks, and i turn to wink at her. Lalready had the perluct plan to turn that bant into a puppy. Then rii be able to put out of these cults in no time.

glare at the said cutts, and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are already red lines around my wrist from me pulling too hard

“I can help with that,” Lexi wys before moving around

the bed while also taking a Bobby pin out of her hair. She

takes hold of the cuff and jams the Babby pin into the lack.

After three minutes, i hear the click of the handcuffs opening

on my wrist. And as cool air blows onto the red spot

immediately my wolf begins to heal the skin. I stare at Leul in

disbelief as she uses the hairpin to hold her coiffure hairstyle

back in place

“How’d you do that?” i gas.

“A lot of practice.” She shrugs, nonchalantly while I rub

and stare at my wrist and the cuffs in awe.

“Well, you’ve gotta teach me.” I zasp in awe, causing her

my mind This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Lati IIN.

The imapola Hoody B-d with his canine busine

brutally pulled out of his gums anhe howls out loud in pain. makes the seried on the bed. I don’t know what had

happened to him alter the whole ordeal.

I realize that the only emotion feel right now for Him wa pily. His parents would be devastated at the new and he won‘t be able to take up the position as an Alph. Anda for Stacy, well, she’s lucky he has already marked her. Otherwise, how would he without caninesi

“Um… Lexi?” I turn to her, making her raise her

Eyebrows at me in question. “Where’s uh…where’s Erad?” |

was afraid to ask because I was scared of the answer. Her

eyebrows slowly dreap down as a dark look takes over her

face. Her eyes divert to the floor, and she begins to answer

when a knock is heard at the bedroom door.

“Ellie?” I hear the familiar voice ask as she slightly opens

the door to peek in. Her eyes light up as they land on mine

and a huge smile spreads on my face.

“Lanal Thank God you’re okay.” I said before standing

up to drag her into the room.

“I brought pizzal” She announces as she shakes the

pizza box she has in hand.

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