Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 255

Chapter 255

#Chapter 255 – Morning After

The next morning, Victor wakes before Evelyn again. He’s pleased to see it, a little thrill of excitement running through him.

Great, he thinks – I can go wake the boys and finally put my plan into action –

“Nooo,” she murmurs, reaching for him as he starts to roll out of bed. “Come backkk. Too early to wake up.”

Damn it, he says inside his mind, careful not to send the thought in Evelyn’s direction. But still, even if it messes with his plans a little bit, it’s not such a horrible concession to have your beautiful mate begging you to come back to bed.

Victor rests back against the pillows of the bed, letting Evelyn wrap her arms around him and settle her head comfortably on his chest. He gives her a kiss on the top of her head, taking a deep sniff of her hair.

“Stop sniffing me,” she murmurs grumpily. “Too loud.”

Victor gives a little laugh at his mate. “What are you going to do about it? I’ll sniff all I want.”

She lets out a tiny feral growl in response, running her fingernails down the fabric of his t-shirt. He laughs again, just a little bit, setting his head back against the pillow, content to hold her but hoping, secretly, that she falls back asleep so that he can get up and wake the boys.

Apparently, though, Evelyn has other plans.

Victor feels himself stirring as Evelyn drifts the nails on his t-shirt lower, running across the bare little stretch of skin just above the elastic of his pajama pants. He opens his eyes, surprised. “I thought you

were sleepy?” he asks, smirking a little bit.

In response, Evelyn just growls again, but a darker, hungrier growl this time. She dips her hand under the elastic of his pants, pressing her palm flat against the hot skin there. Then, she turns her head to press a kiss to his stomach.

She frowns, though, as he watches. “Stupid shirt,” she murmurs, sitting up and hastily pushing it away, revealing the hard muscles and warm tan skin beneath. Victor’s heartrate picks up a little as his mate presses a warm kiss to his skin. He feels himself start to grow hard as he sees the direction of her intent.

Evelyn slowly begins to move downward, pressing sleepy kisses along the length of his stomach, moving her hand lower as well. A heavy sigh escapes Victor’s lips as he watches her, reaching out a hand to bury his fingers in her hair. She looks up at him with a wicked gleam in her eyes as she pushes the waistline of his pants lower.

“This is what you get for waking me up early,” she murmurs before giving a long lick of her tongue along the sensitive skin of his lower stomach. “I’m going to absolutely torture you, mate.”

“If this is what I get,” Victor pants lightly. “Then you’re never sleeping in again.”

Both Victor and Evelyn jump, suddenly, at the sudden pound against their door – the sound of a body being thrown against it. They both look at it, their eyes wide.

“Hey!” a little boy calls from outside. “Who locked this! Since when do we have door locks!”

“Yeah!” says his twin. “What if there was an emergency!?”

Victor groans, leaning back against his pillows. “We’re shipping them off to boarding school,” he murmurs. “I’m done with them. I no longer have sons. Disowned.”

Evelyn grins up at him. “Never thought that one of the downsides of having kids would be that they are massive cockblocks, did you?”

“No,” he murmurs, covering his face with his hand. “No, I did not.”

“Mommmm!” Ian calls, pounding on the door now. “What are you dooooing we want to come in!”

“Yeah!” Alvin joins. “Come on, no secrets!”

“No!” Evelyn shouts to then and then – torturing him, as promised – lowering her head to drag her tongue again against the skin of Victor’s stomach. “You don’t know the password!”

“Evelyn!” Victor hisses, pushing her away from him. “No around the kids!”

“What?” she laughs, wrinkling her nose at him. “I told you I’d make you pay.”

He scoffs, reaching for the edge of the blankets and tossing them over her head, burying her in a mountain of cotton as he swings his legs off of the bed and heads to the bathroom, where he can take a minute to…get control of himself. Before his kids inevitably burst into the room.

As Victor goes, he hears Evelyn laughing behind him, and then her footsteps to the door to let the boys in.

A few minutes later, Victor leans against the doorway between the bedroom and the bathroom, brushing his teeth and watching his family. Evelyn is laughing, sitting up against the pillows with her arms around Alvin and looking cheerfully up at Ian, who is testing the springs of the mattress and seeing how high he can jump.

Archie, never wanting to be left out, leaps onto the bed and begins to jump with Ian, playfully snapping in the air at the sleeves of Ian’s pajamas, trying to drag him back down to the safety of the mattress. The scene makes Evelyn and Alvin roll with laugher and Victor can’t help but join in.

“He’s a better jumper than you, Ian!” Alvin says, his gleeful eyes on the little dog.

Evelyn nods, egging Ian on. “He’s right! You have to go higher!” Taking the bait, Ian increases his effort, reaching for the ceiling. Victor turns away for a minute, going back to the sink to spit and rinse his toothbrush, but by the time he comes back Ian has collapsed onto the bed, the little dog leaping on him anxiously and licking his face with abandon.

All three of them are laughing so hard, his family so happy –

Victor almost can’t stand it, the joy that fills him in this moment.

He takes a moment – just a short one – to watch them, to rest his eyes on each of them in turn. First on the little dog, which they got before they even knew they were a family, and which knew instantly that Evelyn was his mom, sensing the warmth maternity in her. Victor looks, then, to Ian – his brave soldier. His wild boy, so eager for life and all of its adventures.

Then his eyes find Alvin, his sweet and thoughtful child, so curious and pure. His mother’s favorite, though she’d never admit it, even to herself. And, finally, his eyes find Evelyn, his laughing mate, so beautiful and warm, with a heart of pure and solid gold.

She is everything, he thinks, and Evelyn turns to him with a warm smile, apparently hearing the thought even if he hadn’t known he was sending it. Victor just shakes his head, marveling at her, at his family, at this incredible life he always wanted and had waited so long to have.

And it all centered around her.

His Luna. The woman he intends to make his wife.

Victor hadn’t thought it would happen like this – had a different plan entirely, really, with the boys distracting their mom and then leading her to a special place in the yard under the trees, where he’d

make a significant speech that he’s been practicing in his mind for days. NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

But this moment…it’s just so perfect.

Victor can’t resist. Smiling a little secret smile, he moves forward and pulls open the drawer to his bedside table.

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