Pregnant after One Night With The Vampire


“Jesus!! Sebastian you killed her!!” Ace yelled, rushing to Adia, who laid lifeless on the floor, blood flowing from her head, and hands.

“Is she breathing?” Rowan asked leaning beside her body.

“Call Evans this moment, I can still feel a purse” Rowan yelled, as Arion quickly grabbed his phone, as he dialed Evans number.

“Get me a cloth, let’s stop the bleeding, my Fang’s already threatening to come out” Ace muttered, what was his stupid brother thinking, this house is Stark full of vampires, some that’s even derived of blood, abd he still did this, he’s even finding a hard time controlling his self.

Rowan grabbed a cloth from, Sebastian’s closet, throwing it to Ace, who wrapped it around her head, as Arion came forward.

“What did Evans say?”

“Luckily he’s nearby, he’ll be here in ten minutes” Arion responded, as Ace picked Adia up from the bed, placing her on the bed, meanwhile Sebastian stood at a corner watching the whole scene unfold.

“Man, what were you thinking?” Rowan asked, walking up the him, he’s currently covered in blood and it’s going to take God’s grace, to restraint himself, thankfully they’re twilight vampires, they have more experience in dealing with blood.

“Mickelson!!!” Sebastian yelled, ignoring Rowan’s question.

“Sir” Mickelson responded, running in, only to be greeted by the stench of blood, he’s not like the older vampires in here, who has more tolerance, he’ll lose his Cool anytime soon.

He suddenly felt bad, on seeing Adia, she’s too kind to deserve this kind of treatment, and he dragged her into this.

“Gather all the servants in this house now, from old young, male to female, make sure no one is left out, gather them in my underground basement” Sebastian ordered, as Mickelson flinched, no one goes in there and comes out alive.

“Ok sir” he made his way to quickly leave, the stench of blood was everywhere.

” And you’re not excluded” Sebastian added.

” What are you gonna do to them?” Ace asked, after making sure Adia is in a good condition, that can make her last, till Evans arrive.

” None of your business, make sure she’s okay” Sebastian said, leaving the room.

” When you almost killed her, she’s pregnant Sebastian, not just pregnant, she’s suffering, we all know this pregnancy is a death sentence for her, at least allow her enjoy her last days, what if she dies, remember Evans said she’s more vulnerable at this state, Damn what’s wrong with you? That’s why I’ve always being against her coming here, cause vampires will bring her nothing but pain” Arion stated angrily, this wasn’t what he expected at all, he had expected Sebastian to know better.

“We’ll talk about this later” Sebastian responded walking out.


“Aunt I can wait to see, Adia, I got her the best gift ever” Addison said happily, as Cora smiled, they were all currently on a trip to see Adia, Evans insisted on coming along, so here they are, they’ve all gotten gifts for her.

” Sure Addison, I’m sure she’s gonna love it” Cora responded.

” I promise you the best gift tonight, only if you agree to come over” Evans smiled whispering to her, as Cora glared at him.

“Can’t you act without acting shameless for once?”

“I wish I could but…” Evans stopped speaking, as his phone rang out,

” One sec”

Cora could hear the person from the other side, thanks to her hearing abilities, and knows something’s not right.

” I’m on my way, be there in ten minutes, try and stop the bleeding and make sure to maintain her pulse” Evans instructed, ending the call, as he accelerated the speed of his car.

” Is everything alright?” Cora asked.

” Not at all,”NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

” What’s the problem?” She asked as Evans moved his gaze to Addison, and Cora knew immediately that Addison’s not supposed to find out about what happened.

“Where are we going now?”..

“Sebastian’s place” came the Curt reply, and Cora immediately knew something was off, Evans talked about bleeding and pulse, and Adia’s the only human living there, which only meant, she’s in trouble.



A strong smell of blood filled the air, all of Sebastian’s servants were all gathered there, some of them missing their fingers.

“Who told Adia to come in?” He asked in a menacing tone as they all shivered in fright.

“I did sir” Mickelson answered, as Sebastian shook his head.

“I’d love some enlightenment on why you did that?” He asked motioning the next person, Monica who placed her hands down in fright, but thankfully to being a vampire, they can regenerate, but being in the lower rank it’ll take months, especially when they’re deprived of human blood.

Raising up the knife, Sebastian landed it on her hands, chopping three off, the others were just two, but why her?

“And that’s for not stopping her from going further” Sebastian said , blood sprawled all over.

“I tried stopping her but……” Monica stopped as her eyes moved to Monique.

“Come forward” he motioned to Monique who moved forward.

” What hand do you have in this?”

“I only told miss Adia to go, I’m sorry sir, please spare me?” Monique pleaded, as she cursed at Adia, if only she could just die from the attack.

“Both hands” Sebastian instructed, and the next minute, all of Monique’s fingers were gone, as she screamed in pain.

“And that’s for supporting her, Mickelson come with me, I have other punishments for you” Sebastian said picking up a handkerchief from his pocket cleaning his bloodied hands, as he left the place along with Mickelson.




“Evans, thank goodness you’re here, she’s burning up” Ace informed as Evans rushed in.

” Move aside” he said checking her pulse, she was looking so pale at the very much moment, after fixing the IV, he dressed her wounds and put a new dressing.

“Who the hell did this?” Cora asked angrily, her friend looks so pale, she can’t help but feel sorry for her.

” It’s Sebastian right?, That monster” she uttered through gritted teeth,

” Where is he?” She asked, she really wants to punch that handsome face of his, his heart has only gotten more hollow over these years.

” What are you gonna do? Uhhh? Comfort him? You’ll lose your life as well, so keep your ass here and watch over her little sister, I’ll deal with Sebastian myself” Arion said as he leaped away.

Cora sighed deeply, Arion was right, she’ll only loose her life if she goes close to him, and Evans wouldn’t even be able to rescue her, that man is nothing but a heartless beast, who no one’s dares go against, she don’t even think Arion will be able to confront him, it’ll only turn to a bloody fight.

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