Pleasuring the Maid

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Ray was putting the last box containing my sneakers in the trunk of his car when I let the first tear fall.

I had tried to keep a happy face but I finally couldn't do it. The pain in my chest was becoming too

much. The smile I tried putting on my face finally faltered.

I had no doubt in my mind that Bryson was indeed the devil incarnate. This man was pure evil, every

word he spoke sent chills down my spine. There's this feeling his presence brought. I couldn't quite

explain it, but it was there and I wanted it gone.

So much for trying to be happy for once. Of course he'd be the one to turn my happiness to sorrow and

agony. Of course he'd be the one dancing through my sobbing.

The words he had spoken to me were replaying over and over again in my mind. Every single word had

been imprinted in the back of my head perfectly.

The minute Ray had packed his Lamborghini in front of my house, his brother had laughed. Of course

he would make fun of me.

He had pointed at my house clutching his stomach probably because of having laughed too much.

"This is where you live?" He pouted his lips before continuing. ' of course it is silly me".

Those were the first words he had said and I had brushed him off. Answering him back with a chuckle

and unlocking the door for them to enter.

Ray was surprisingly quiet, he hadn't said a single word. Guess he was just watching the scene unfold

before him.

"So you're not only a whore, but a fucking disgusting person living with an equally disgusting old man?"

No he didn't stop at that, Bryson wasn't about to stop insulting me.

"You seriously are sick Ava, fucking an old man just to have a place to sleep?".

What the hell was he on about? just because the place was old didn't mean an old man lived here.

What more could he say to ruin my mood completely? At this point I was beginning to lose it. The

smile, the happiness, everything was slowly becoming sombre in and around me.

The atmosphere was changing quickly, dark clouds had began forming in my head. Ready at anytime

to release the salty liquid. I did my best though to force the tears back. No, today wasn't supposed to

be like this. I was supposed to stay happy.

"How does it feel to have a wrinkled dick in between your filthy cunt? You love it, don't you. Spreading

your legs wide every night for a heavy old man to fuck you. You take it good like the whore you are.

That's what you do Ava. I'm I right?"

I couldn't believe the words that were coming from Bryson. Wait, who I'm I kidding, of course only

Bryson would say such vile things about me. Only Bryson relished in my obvious agony.

"Stop it Bry, you're crossing a line here. Ava lives alone." Ray addressed his brother. Ironically Bry shut

up and followed his brother and I to my bedroom.

I blamed it on Ray though, he was the one who thought it was a good idea to bring his idiot brother

here. He knew how his brother was and yet he let him come with us. Was it because he wanted to see

me get hurt?

Didn't he get enough when he had left me on the floor crying my eyes out? So this was it, he was using

Bryson to crush my soul completely. Meaning he was enjoying every sec...

"Snap out of it Ava, what are you taking with you?" His words had pulled me out of my thought. I had

pointed at my Suitcase, I only had one. With no wardrobe or closet, I usually kept my clothes in the

suitcase. As for my shoes, I had several boxes that I used for their storage.

So after telling him what I was carrying with me, I went to the bathroom to pick my toothbrush,

washcloth, body wash, shavers and a few more necessities that I couldn't leave without.

I didn't forget to pick the picture that I always kept under my Pillow. It was a picture of my mum and I.

The photographer had captured the exact emotions we were feeling at that time.

***Flash back ***

It was taken on my seventeenth birthday. We had gone for Ice cream and decided to go for a walk

afterwards. It was simple but I was happy and satiated.

Mum had been singing happy birthday to me on the street walk and I was trying to get her to stop

"embarrassing" me by trying to cover her mouth with my hand.

An old fellow passing by had been moved by our antics and taken that photo. He had shown it to us,

printed it to us for free. I remember the look of longing that man had in his eyes, when he looked at us.

I assumed he had lost his family and had seen it in us.

A few days later mum had made a copy, for herself and I got keep the original one. I didn't see her

copy after that, but I had kept mine under my pillow from that time.

***End of Flashback****

I would put it away when washing the beddings but immediately put it back under the pillow when done.

So while I was clutching the photo on my right hand reliving the moment, Bryson had walked in at that

time, snatched it, looked at it and surprisingly gave it back and just walked out.

Odd, I thought.

I followed him out just as Ray was placing the last box in the trunk and that is where Bryson decided to

be charming as ever. Smell the sarcasm.

"Your mother abandoned you huh? she discovered what a whore you were and threw you out. You

couldn't fool her, or did she just find you disgusting? She regretted ever giving birth to you right? Oh

wait, she's somewhere living her life. She left you, she left you."

That did it for me, I finally let my first tear fall, followed by a second one, a third one. I lost count, my

nose was becoming runny, my eyes were gradually becoming puffy.

And even though my vision was hazy because of my teary eyes, I couldn't tear my gaze away from

Bryson. Why did he have to bring my long gone mum? This man didn't have even an ounce of

humanity in him. Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Hey get in the car" Ray all but hissed. I didn't know if he was mad at me or his brother but either way I

used the little bit of energy I had and climbed in the back seat. I just didn't want to look at the devil


Ray didn't even spare his brother a glance, he got in, locked the doors and reversed that vehicle in an

inhumane speed. He's leaving Bryson behind? I thought to myself.

"Are you seriously leaving me here Ray? come on man, what's gotten into you? Let me in Ray." His

words fell on deaf ears. I was really confused by Ray's behaviour but well I was glad I wouldn't deal

with his brother for the next few minutes.

Ray gave him no reply, and soon the tires were gliding on the asphalt concrete, leaving Bryson behind.

I didn't know I was holding my breath until Ray asked me to relax and so I willed myself to.

He drove for a few minutes, before packing his car on the side of the road. I didn't know what he was

doing till he got out and came to the back seat.

He pulled me to his lap, I wasn't resisting because deep down I knew this is what I needed at the

moment. Just a little bit of comfort, even though it would be from the man who had hurt me a night ago.

"Let it all out princess, let it all out. I'm here for you princess."

Those words, 14 words that made me cry like I've never before. Those 14 words that drew me close to

Ray. Those 14 words that gave me hope.

He pulled my body impossibly closer. My head lying on his chest, and I let it all out.

I seriously let it all out.

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