Passion desire Lust

Chapter 98

When Megan came down the stairs from her apartment she was dressed in a dress with a flower print. The colors ranged from dark red, orange, and yellow. It contrasted with her dark brown skin and she looked delicious.

“All set”? she said.NôvelDrama.Org content rights.

“Yep, starving and thirsty.”

She gave me one of the helmets she was carrying and we got on her white Vespa. The ride into town wasn’t very long, but it was better to be safe than sorry. A lot of people drove drunk or high, or both, hence the helmets.

We arrived at Paco’s and found a parking spot right outside the restaurant. Inside it was still sparse with people. I few tourists were sitting at the wooden table scraping their chairs against the stone floor. A few older locals sat at the bar with coffee and brandies. Megan led the way and we sat down by the bar next to the tapas displayer. When the barman came over we ordered two small beers and then made our Tapas selection. I chose fried baby squids, a Spanish omelet, and meatballs. Megan went for the Bocaneros, which are small fish filets in vinegar, and then she chose a salad. As usual, the food was excellent and we ordered a second round of beers and Tapas.

There was a football game on the big screen TV which we finished watching and then Megan drove us home. She had to get up early the next day while I could sleep in. After dropping me off at my apartment and we kissed goodnight she drove away.

When I got home there was a note on the floor inside the door. It was from Gerome who had said he had gone to one of the nightclubs outside town with a couple of our coworkers and if I want to I could meet them there. I decided not to since I wanted to catch up on some reading.

One of the benefits of working in a hotel is that you have free books. People who buy them seldom bother to take them with them when they go home, and the housekeeping women drop them off at the receptions, and trust me, over a few months the books add up.

I got a glass of wine and picked up my book from my nightstand and went out onto the balcony. There was a breeze in the air that cooled me down and kept the mosquitos at bay. I could hear the show going on over at the outdoor restaurant and people were laughing. I opened my book and began to read.

An hour later there was a knock on my door and when I went to open it, I looked at the time and realized it couldn’t be Gerome. It was only just after midnight. When I opened it and saw who it was, I took a step back.

“Hi, I thought I saw you come home on the back of a Vespa,” said Tracy and walked in.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were going with Gerome.”

“The bastard stood me up.”

Shit, I thought. This was not good. “So, what are you doing here?”

“I was bored and thought you were too.”

“I was actually going to bed,” I lied.

She looked past me and must have seen the wine glass and the book on the table.

“It looks more like you are drinking and reading. I don’t like to read, but I like to drink. Get me a glass, will you.”

She pushed past me and I decided it was better to go along with what she wanted, for now.

“Where are Shannon and dad?” I said and gave her a glass of wine.

“At the show.”

“Is it any good?”

“No, it sucks.”

I sat down opposite her and noticed that she had dressed up for the night. Her hair was made up and looked nice, and her makeup wasn’t overly done. She was wearing thin and loose cotton pants in a light gray color and a black short-sleeved top.

She drank some of the wine and then said, “I would like to apologize for what I did earlier.”

This was a surprise. “Why would you, as for as long that I have known you, you have never apologized for anything in your life.”

She smiled at me. “That is true, I usually don’t, but this time I’ll make an exception.”

“And why is that?”

She drank some more wine and now her glass was empty. “Because I went around it the wrong way.”

Warning bells began to go off in my head, but after the wine, I had drunk they sounded a bit dull. She was after something, that I knew for sure.

“Would you mind explaining?”

“It’s quite simple. Ever since I moved out from the house and you became old enough, I have had the hots for you. I have spent nights masturbating and fantasizing about being with you.”

My jaws dropped and I just stared at her. She continued,” I know it might be wrong of me to do so, but I have always wanted to have sex with you. I should have done it with more finesse, maybe, not so crudely as today. But it doesn’t change the fact.”

This was going from bad to worse, I thought. I had to get her out of my place as fast as possible.

“Look, Tracy. I don’t think that this should go any further; I have no sexual fantasy about you, and will never have. To me, you are my step-sister, who I don’t especially like, but I had to live with for several years. Now we are grown up, and we can go our separate ways. There is no reason to take this any further, so please, go back to the cabana.”

She got up and I was surprised she had given up so easily, but I was mistaken. Instead of leaving she went to the kitchen and came back with another bottle of wine. After serving us she sat down again and then said, “Tim, why do you live in denial?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I know what you did, and I don’t mind it, but I think it’s only fair that I get to have some fun, not only you.”

There are some things in life we are not proud of doing, and I suddenly realized where all this was coming from. When I did, my heart stopped beating for a second, and I knew there was no way in hell I was going to bed that night without having sex with Tracy.

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