Passion desire Lust

Chapter 51

Story 10 Vodka And A Strapon

“Lord, bless this food we are about to eat. Thank you for giving us part of your abundance. Finally, thank you for bringing Vanessa safely to our home. Amen.”

Vanessa looked down at her plate and slowly cut into the thick slice of prime rib that was swimming in its juice next to a heap of mashed potatoes and a veggie medley. The plate was brimming with food and looking around the table at her uncle, his wife, and their two kids, Carlos and Juanita, she sighed. Would she end up the same size as them after five months as an exchange student? She prayed she wouldn’t.

“Vanessa, are you ready for your first day tomorrow?” asked Lupita

“Yes, Aunty, I’m. Got my bag packed and my clothes are hanging on the chair in my room.”

Uncle Ricardo wiped his fat, grease-stained lips and mustache before saying, “Now, remember that things are very different here than back home where you came from. The teenagers drink and fornicate like animals. I know my brother raised you right, taught you about church and God, and that expensive Catholic school you have been at did its part too.”

“Yes, Uncle, I will be a good girl.”

The extended family continued to shuffle food into their mouths, and she could have sworn they grew by every fork full. When they were done Vanessa went to her room. She was lucky and had Juanita’s room who had to move into her brother’s and she sure wasn’t happy about it, giving Vanessa long stares whenever she could. Vanessa picked up the picture of her parents and little brother and smiled at their faces. She missed them a lot but coming to America to go to high school was an opportunity she wouldn’t miss for the world. She already knew English since that’s what they spoke at the private school, so she didn’t worry about getting behind in her schoolwork.

Vanessa was a happy and friendly girl and had many friends back home. But, would she make any friends in this country she wondered? Maybe they didn’t like her or her accent, or the way she dressed. She looked over at the chair where her dark blue skirt and black blouse hung. It was sure to cover her entire body like if she was a nun. At her old school, they wore a uniform and even that was more open-minded than what her Aunt had suggested she bring with her.

Lupita and Carlos were simple people and had moved to the new country to make some more money and escape the cartels. Vanessa had grown up several hundred miles away in a relatively safe city, not yet run over by criminal gangs. Her mother and father were academics where her father taught chemistry at a university and her mother was a journalist for one of the newspapers.

Since she was young Vanessa had been taught what was right and what was wrong and what was expected of a young girl. When she turned fifteen there was a huge party with hundreds of people invited. Now she was almost eighteen and for the first time in her life, she would be able to make her own decisions, at least partly and outside her uncle’s house.

The sky was dark, and rain threatened on the horizon as Vanessa went in through the main gate to the school campus. Kids hung out by themselves, or in pairs, or in groups. Laughter, shrieks and screams filled the air. So much like home but so different at the same time. The biggest difference was that they didn’t wear uniforms. Some wore jeans, others sportswear. Some girls, in very short shorts and others in skirts that hardly covered their bums. The boys were whistling at the girls who wore fewer clothes and teasing them. Vanessa hiked up her backpack and walked past a group of four students. The three boys smiled and winked at her while the girl with heavy makeup and cut of jeans shorts and a top tied around her stomach scoffed at her and the way she was dressed.

“Weirdo, what monastery did you escape from?”

Vanessa ignored her and ran up the steps to the main doors and entered the school building. She looked left and right and when she saw the sign for the admin office, she headed that way. She knocked and entered. An older woman sat behind a desk and typed slowly on a computer.

“Hello, my name is Vanessa Martinez. I’m the exchange student.”

The old woman looked up. “We get many during a semester. What was your name?”

While Vanessa repeated it, the woman flipped through a folder. “Ah, here you are. Right, you will start the day with Math. Here is a copy of your schedule, the books you need to buy, and a few forms your guardians have to sign.”

The door opened behind Vanessa and a tall blond girl walked in and leaned against the door frame. When the older lady saw her, she smiled. “Natasha, there you are. This is Vanessa Martinez; she is new and since you also are an exchange student our enlightened director thought it a good idea if you showed her around today. You are in the same classes.”

Vanessa stuck out her hand and looked up into the green eyes studying her. “Nice to meet you, Natasha was it?”

“Sure is, sweetie. You just follow me, and you’ll be fine.”

Vanessa followed her out and had to catch up quickly since Natasha walked fast on her long legs. “Where are you from, Russia?”

“No, Sweden. My dad likes Russian films. You?”

“South of the border.”This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“Cool, I’m a big fan of tacos and tequila.”

“I’m not Mexican, I’m from Belize actually, it used to be a British colony.”

“Right, they made a movie about that place, The Mosquito Coast?”

Again, Vanessa had to hurry up. “Yes, that’s right.”

Natasha stopped at a door and walked inside without knocking. The students looked up and a few of the boys smiled and waved at her. It could be because she had a mini skirt on, or the fact that her nipples poked at the short T-shirt she was wearing. In any case, they were obviously all under her spell.

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