Owning the Mafia Don

The Wedding!


The car sped along now since the road leading to the lake house was generally empty. From what I recalled, Lucien had bought up most of the property surrounding the house to ensure that we would have our privacy.

As we turned into the Chapter driveway and reached the lake house, perched on the banks of the pristine, clean waters of the lake, I smiled.

I had fallen in love with the house, a house that Schwartz had gifted us. And I blushed as I thought of how I had, unsuccessfully, tried my hand at being a Dominatrix, here, in this very house.

No guesses for how that had ended.

Memories of how I had bound him to the bed and tried to tease him, only to pay for it when he easily broke his bonds and took me in his familiar, savage way, made my breath come faster.

Lucien Delano would always be the Alpha male who dominated me.

Dear God, but I loved the man…

Almost six years of marriage and I still trembled to his touch like a new bride.


As we entered the area where the cars were parked at the side of the long, low house, I saw with some surprise, that one of them was Schwartz’s Land Cruiser, a gleaming grey one.

“Schwartz?’ I thought in some bewilderment. He was not too close to Rachel, having only met her at mealtimes at my house.

So what could he be doing here?


But before I could ask, Beatrice was herding me and the kids into the house. To my astonishment, a horde of security men moved about, nodding their heads respectfully when they saw me.

“What is happening?’ I wondered aloud as Ria and Piers steered me into a room that faced away from the garden.

Liam Ghiang and Grace were there, grinning happily and Grace ran forward and threw her arms about me, hugging me. I returned the embrace but was a trifle puzzled. We had met last evening, why was she reacting in this way?

Was something wrong?


‘Hey?’ I said softly as I drew back and saw that her eyes were glittering with tears.

‘What is wrong?’ I asked, worried.

She shook her head and said, ‘Girlfriend, I am so happy. For you!’

Before I could fully comprehend what she was saying, Danielle had marched into the room. She sized up the situation with her narrow blue eyes and scowled.

“You got to help dress the bride, kid!’ she snapped.

And giving Grace a dark look, she added, ‘Save the waterworks for later, babe.’

I nodded and moved to help Lam Ghiang who still looked like the cat that had got all the cream. She was older than me by four years or so and she wrapped her arm around my neck and said,

“All my blessings, dear child.’

I laughed, embarrassed and helped her to apply her make-up.

Wasn’t I supposed o be saying that? I wonderedAll rights © NôvelDrama.Org.


Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ria stomping her feet impatiently. She was still clutching a bouquet of flowers.

‘Poppet!’ I said reproachfully, ‘What is wrong?’

She turned and gave me a brilliant smile.

Piers entered just then, looking as though he would burst with excitement. The babies were in the next room with the rest of the women, and I could see Claude tearing around on his plump legs, surprisingly agile for someone so round, as he went after the unfortunate Paddy.

I turned just in time to catch the end of the twins’ whispered conversation.

I heard what sounded like,’…he is here…”


Who did they mean?

As far as I knew, Rachel had not invited any male friends and the only people she had wanted were my family and Danielle and Grace. Melissa had tagged along because it would have seemed rude to let her stay behind.

I frowned. This game of cat and mouse had gone on long enough.

I had the absurd feeling that I was the mouse being plagued and tortured by a host of happy cats, my children and my friends.

‘Who is here?’ I asked, swinging my head to meet the eyes of my son. He blinked, turning red as he tried to wriggle out of telling me the truth.

Piers was unlike Ria who could weave a story out of thin air. Now he turned to his sister, looking for help.

Which was promptly delivered.

Ria stepped up to me.

“Mumma, please. Can you lead the way for Liam Ghiang?’

She thrust the bouquet of white lilies into my hands and I had no choice but to listen. Liam Ghiang, Grace and Danielle were standing, watching me with bated breath.

Something was definitely off.

I shook my head in annoyance and marched out to the open patio that led directly onto the lake.

But I had just taken a step into the sunny patio when I looked up.

And stopped.


Two men stood at the far end of the garden which had been decorated so beautifully, that it took my breath away. The theme colour, for there was one, seemed to be pink.

My favourite colour.

Large baby pink streamers waved in the soft air, deep pink balloons with white bows floated above us and yes, pink petals strewn along the path leading to where the men stood, their backs to us.

Schwartz and Lucien Delano.

Schwartz turned and beamed as he saw me standing transfixed, wearing a wide grin that seemed to split his handsome face.

And beside him, stood my lover, my husband, Lucien Delano, his hands thrust into the pockets of his powder blue suit as he turned slowly to look at me. He stood legs apart, his broad chest thrust out as the shirt stretched across his massive frame, the top buttons opened as always and my heart swelled in love for this man…

I bit my lower lip hard to keep from bursting into tears.

The grey-blue gaze raked my figure slowly and the heat rose up in my cheeks.

Then his eyes flickered to my face, resting on my mouth, lingering as surely as he had kissed me and I licked my lips, noting the way his eyes seemed to narrow further. His unsmiling face was as one carved in stone as he regarded me.

Ria’s voice piped up beside me as she gently shoved me in the small of my back, propelling me forward. She pranced beside me, showering petals on me as she went on chirping.

‘Pappa arranged it all. Isn’t it marvellous?’

And then she sang out loudly, clapping her hands in joy,

“It is YOUR wedding, Mumma! Happy wedding day!’

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