Olympiad is Falling, The Rise of Artemis

Chapter 14 Daylen

Solaris summoned me hours ago, I was with Artemis. Then I was left cleaning the mess left from Avon’s goons. I had no intention of telling Solaris, I didn’t need her to fight my battles. Fighting my battles meant placing distance that was the hard part.

We met at our usual spot, the deepest place in the castle. Forgotten chambers of a different time in the history of Paradis. Solaris waited by the sparking fireplace. I was late.

‘Don’t linger Daylen.’ She said. ‘We have plenty to discuss.’

I walked in, kicked the door shut. I sat and waited for her to grace her makeshift throne, but she never did.

‘I called for you yesterday Daylen.’

I clenched my jaw, ‘I was… tied up.’

‘Too tied up for the Queen?’

I stood, nothing would simmer the sun blazing inside her. I’d neglected her and I couldn’t cough up an explanation.

‘Forgive me, what was so important?’

‘You know what! I want you to take your seat.’

‘We both know I can’t do that.’

Avon would surely have me killed. I wasn’t worried about Jason, but people could surprise you.

‘I’m not asking Daylen. I order you to take the seat in my court.’ She threw the cap of her yellow gown behind her.

‘I’m sorry I won’t.’

Her eyes flared and her hand rose and struck me across the face. I shut my eyes and let the tingling sensation die. When I opened my eyes Solaris reached for me I battled not to back up.

‘Forgive me my son. I want you to rule. You know the throne is yours.’ She gripped my hand.

My face burned and my body stiffened. Solaris never showed weakness, never begged. She held my hand and her knees flirted with the ground.

‘You know it’s risky.’ I said through clench teeth.

‘It’s your right my love.’ She cupped my cheek.

I knew guilt sat on her shoulders. She only behaved this way when she laid hands on me. I knew a part of herself eat at her insides because of my childhood.

‘My first born son. You’re the only one who holds my heart. Draw your wings let me see them.’

I struggled out of her hold and marched to the fire place. I ran fingers through my hair.

‘You want my wings to make sure I really am your son? Isn’t it?’

‘I know you are Daylen. I knew the day I saw you.’ The edges of her lips twitched.

I was still a boy when Solaris first saw me cleaning the grounds of her castle. I hadn’t even touched a woman yet, never known a mother’s love. She killed the man who raised me the next fall and I became the secret she reclaimed.

Back then I wanted to ask her why I had to be a secret to begin with. I learned without her help. I needed to hear it from her, but I wouldn’t summon her anger on purpose.

Humming filled my eyes, like a siren call luring me to the mage dimension. Artemis. I thought I told her the necklace was only for emergencies.

‘Your son won’t like my inclusion. It’ll cause a stir, have you thought about that?’

She shrugged and finally graced her throne. ‘I’m the queen, remember? I can add whoever I want to my court without a complaint from anyone. Not the prince, nor the king.’

I was the rightful heir to the throne, but Jason was the crowned prince. With Alpheus fallen he had no other rivals, not to the naked eye. I wasn’t stupid not to expect a fight when Solaris stepped down.

‘I should think about it more.’ I said.

She eyed me, her gaze sizing me up. ‘Healing magic, strong kind too. Why would you need healing?’ She rose, her gown dragging behind her.

I swallowed, I didn’t think Artemis’ power still lingered in me.

‘Fight broke out in Laurelle. I had to stop it.’

Artemis’ call grew louder. She needed me after all.

‘I forget about your vulnerable side. I can fix that.’ She whispered in my ear.

The urge to open the portal and vanish clawed at me.


She chuckled, ‘Take the seat.’

She’s in trouble. I sidestepped my mother and raced for the door.

‘I have to go Solaris.’

‘We’re not finished,’ she barked.

‘This is important.’ I yanked the door, summoning the portal.

Solaris yelled behind me, but the portal gripped my skin and sucked me down to the mage dimension. I landed in rumble, dirt smudged my white pants. She was close.

‘You’re both going to jail!’ Marcus barked.

Dust filled the air, casting the allusion of a grey cloud. The remaining wall stood as a reminder of the building that once stood. Broken bottles and glass cracked under my boots. I raised my hand and commanded the wind to carry to the blinding cloud away.

Artemis stood behind a man in a ripped army green shirt. The brut challenged Marcus, who swung his rope of Hercules. I was interested to see if Artemis could withstand the power of the weapon, but I knew the magnitude of the rope. I summoned the weapon, it flew from my friend’s grip and landed at my feet.

‘Dude, what the hell?’ Marcus yelled.

Blood dripped down the side of his head, while the brut didn’t have a scratch.

‘It took you long enough!’ Artemis sighed and walked over, the brut grabbed her and brought her back.

I surged into the sky and landed between them. The ground shook dust escaped into the air, blinding me momentarily. I managed to release Artemis only to lock her by my side. The thought of the brut touching her made something inside me snap.

‘I’m taking her home,’ he said.

‘I don’t recall Hera’s dungeons being anyone’s home.’

‘I don’t work for the queen.’

‘Then why are you here?’ I felt Artemis slip from my side, my grip around her waist tightened.

‘Like I said I’m taking her home. You won’t stop me denmius,’ his jaw and fists clenched.

‘They’re both going to the Solaris’ court.’ Marcus shouted.

‘Artemis isn’t going anywhere.’ I barked.

‘Can’t you see the destruction she’s caused? Her and her minion?’

‘I’ll turn you into a minion,’ The third man threatened.

‘I didn’t do it alone,’ Artemis folded her arms.

‘You never do it alone, do you?’ I eyed her.

‘It takes two to tango,’ she muttered.


She rolled her eyes, ‘I think Orion has a little point to make.’

She’s insane, she’s so desperate she’d run off with anyone and trap herself with the wrong crowd. Olympiad knew there were enough wrong crowds in the mage dimension.

‘Daylen…’ Marcus grinded his teeth.

Too many people talking at the same time, too many problems to fix. I likely had bodies under the rumble. I knew General Storm was on his way. I meant what I said Artemis wasn’t going any where. I gripped her to my chest and opened the portal above us. I held my wings in and shot into the sky.


‘Is it even safe here?’ Artemis lingered outside the door.

I sighed, ‘Is the high and mighty Artemis afraid? Can’t take care of yourself anymore?’

She planted her hands on her hip, ‘I can take care of myself just fine it’s your friend that complicated things.’

I ushered her inside. I still had neighbours and I didn’t need them hearing the details of what happened in the mage dimension. The only thing they should hear were the sounds of heated passion.

‘I thought you were smarter than this Artemis.’ I walked to the bar.

Marcus wouldn’t let this go. I knew he was behind me. Orion I wasn’t sure the kind of monster he was though he knew what I was. Very few creatures have the power to discern.

Most Dinemus’ could especially those in the Royal family, but since I was only half of a whole I didn’t have most powers. That’s why I didn’t know Artemis’ true identity.

‘What are you on about?’ She sat on the couch as if it were the most delicate thing.

‘Were you really going to run off with him? That man?’

‘He said pretty compelling things. I think I need to hear him out.’

‘Like what? How to find your sister? He could just be sent to deliver the other half.’

‘Is it me or do you have trust issues?’

I groaned. I had plenty reasons for having trust issues, but this was just me being logical. Banging came at the door, I stood from the stool and motioned for Artemis to go to the room. She shook her head.

‘You’re not fighting.’ I whispered.

‘You could get hurt again.’

I ran my hand down my face.

‘I know you’re in there.’ Marcus pounded again.

‘Stay by the bar. Let me handle this.’

I opened the door and Marcus stormed in.

‘Where is she?’ He barked. ‘She can’t avoid the law because you’re sleeping with her.’

‘I am not!’ Artemis exclaimed.

Our heads snapped in her direction. She folded her arms and sat on a stole.

‘You’re not going to arrest her because your ego’s hurt.’ I shrugged.

‘Fuck that! Her and her accomplice destroyed an entire bar. Didn’t you see that?’

I looked at her. We needed to have a serious talk about blowing up buildings.

‘You don’t know her Daylen for all we know she could be a spy.’

‘I am not,’ Artemis growled.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and sighed. ‘Give me until noon.’

‘What?’ Artemis gasped.

‘Why?’ Marcus asked.

‘I know your head would have depleted by then.’ I shouldn’t have grinned, but failed to contain myself.

‘Fuck you Daylen. You don’t hand her in before Solaris’ sun sets today I’m going to Storm. You know he’s looking for her.’ Marcus turned.

‘Good luck with that Marcus,’ I let him slam the door behind him.

Artemis jumped off the stool and paced the room. She ran fingers through her hair, rumbling on and on. I wanted to grab her and throw on the couch. I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from climbing on top of her.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

‘I wouldn’t have done anything if – the boys started it I swear.’

‘And you finished it?’ I arched a brow, finishing the remainder of brandy.

‘This is serious Daylen, I can’t go to jail.’ She rubbed her shoulders and went back to the couch.

‘I won’t let that happen. Trust me.’

She looked up, ‘What can you do against a general? I know you’ve got your influence, but a general isn’t that a really high rank?’

I chuckled, ‘I’d like to think I know people higher than General Storm.’

I crossed the floor and sat next to her. For the first time I realized how small she was. Her hair covered her shoulders and flooded her back.

‘Nothing’s going to happen to you, but you have to help me out. You can’t go running off with strange men you meet in bars. It might work in the human world, but not here. Mages have been killed for less.’

She rubbed her forehead, ‘Ugh, I know he just… he said something that- Never mind you’re right it wouldn’t have ended well.’

The pod in my back pocket buzzed. A meeting, I groaned.

‘I don’t think you should go back to Laurelle at least for now.’

She turned to me, ‘I left Stella behind and Rocky remember? Before chaos broke out Marcus was supposed to give us information about where she could be kept.’

I stood and frowned at her, ‘Why would you ask for Marcus’ help? Didn’t I say I’d help you?’

‘Don’t be mad. I didn’t know it was Marcus. Stella asked him they’re… in a relationship or sleeping together. I hope I didn’t ruin things.’ She bit her lip.

They were sleeping around, Marcus slept with anything when the urge hit him. That he had a usual girl did surprise me.

‘He doesn’t know anything.’

‘You can’t be so sure,’ she threw her arms in the air and marched to the door and back.

I grabbed her arms and made her look at me. The urge to touch her conquered me more often than not. I relaxed my hold and let my hands fall down her skin. She shivered and the battle in my body raged on.

‘No on matches your sister’s description Artemis. There aren’t any captives from earth. You have to consider she isn’t here or she’s-‘

‘No, no! She can’t be dead. I’m not leaving here without her. She’s all I have left. She’s all I ever had.’ Tears trickled down her cheek. I brushed them away and instantly regretted it.

I paced to the bar and refilled my glass. ‘Maybe you’d be safer if you went back to earth. The possibility of her being here is slim.’

I didn’t want her gone, but neither did I want her in Storm’s hands or Hera’s. Her face fell. It wasn’t safe here, she was too special to belong here anyway.

She shook her head, ‘I’ll ask Alfie to snoop around on earth. I’m not leaving here without Rocky even if the chances are slim. You’ll have to accept that.’

I smacked my forehead. ‘Another friend of yours?’ The pod vibrated again, this time I pulled it out and glanced at it.

‘Relax, he’s a really good guy he’s a blancus witch.’ She beamed.

I raised my brow. She was a magnetic for trouble.

‘Last I checked Blancus witches were extinct.’

Her mouth dropped then she bit her lip.

‘They’re in hiding. Alfie told us today he had to go back because Hera found their hiding place. Heck he even showed us his tattoo.’

I laughed and smacked my hands together. The things monsters did to convince their prey.

‘You’re not going back that’s final.’

I grabbed the white jacket off the couch. I couldn’t miss the meeting as much as I wanted to.

‘I’m not staying. I have to make sure Stella’s okay. So take me back.’

I frowned and she folded her arms, challenging me.

Leaving her alone wasn’t the brightest idea. I knew Storm would be at the meeting so would Marcus, but they could send anyone.

‘You’re coming back when I’m done.’ I grumbled.

‘We’ll see.’

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