Not Your Regular CEO Husband

Chapter 4 Doomed to Marry him


It’s been seven years and I heard that  both Kade and Klyde had grown to be more alike than you could ever imagine – that you couldn’t tell them apart anymore.

I guess it was true since I was having the hardest time figuring out if the handsome, probably 6’2 man dressed in the most elegant dark – blue tuxedo was Kade or Klyde.

He signalled to two of his body guards to knock on my door and I looked away because of the intense flash from the cameras dying to capture the moment. As the men knocked on my door, I tried to put things together. Just how is it possible that the second this news about me was broadcasted, one of the Harold twins is here? Was this planned? Was it his doing? I thought he didn’t want a child.

” Viola!” I heard Jenna call and I snapped out of it.

” Wow… I’ve been calling you Jean and you didn’t answer” Nina said and I mouthed, ” sorry” to her.

“Who’s that guy outside? Do you know him?” She asked and I looked again and mentally face palmed myself. Just how delusional was I to have thought that Hulio was Kade or Klyde?

” He’s the P. A of the Harolds.”

” How the fuck is he so handsome?” Jenna asked as she stared at him lustfully.

” He’s probably your dad’s age Jenna ” I pointed out while my mind drifted off to how I had imagined that he was one of the twins – pathetic.

“Well what do we do? They’re knocking aggressively.” Nina said, her eyes evident with worry and fear.

” These people won’t leave anytime soon. This is a… Really big deal so, they may be here for weeks even.”

” So what do we do?” Jenna asked this time and I bit my lip, already regretting what my answer would be.

” We have to go with him. Let them in please, one of you, I can’t do it, I don’t want them to see my face.” I said and Nina sighed before she nodded at Jenna to open the door.

Two men walked in and quickly shut the door. One of them was so tall that I felt my apartment was too small for him, the other was probably around my height but the guns they were holding was terribly intimidating to me.

” Miss Walden, you have to come with us for your safety.” The taller one said and I nodded.

” Just let me grab my things first.” I said but he shook his head.

” There’s no time. Just come with us before our boss loses patience and leaves. Another batch of body guards will come and get your things but before then a few of us will stay back and make sure none of these freaks break into your home and invade your privacy any more than it already has.” The shorter one said and I paused and looked at Nina and Jenna.

I didn’t expect Kade or Klyde to be that concerned about me after all these years or was it Hulio that was concerned about my privacy? I never knew him to be nice to me though.

” Miss Walden!” He said after his wristwatch started to beep.

” You have thirty seconds or we leave.” The taller one said bluntly and the three of us looked at each other and then Jenna said, ” The fuck you looking at me for? Let’s go!!”

The men nodded and without warning, they opened the door and led us outside my house. The bodyguards outside were doing their best to keep the mob of crazy paparazzi trying to get a clearer shot of me but we made it into the car just in time before all hell broke loose and they overpowered the bodyguards.

” Dude drive!!” Nina commanded and the driver zoomed off, with the three of us watching the crowd of people who were around my house. I noticed that Hulio wasn’t there and wondered when he left.

” The fuck Jean…” Jenna said, her drunken state was starting to fade.

” … The first time we almost get mobbed by paparazzi and it’s not even because people love us?” She said and Nina scoffed.

“This has nothing to do with us, it’s all Viola.” Nina said and I started to say something but she silenced me by raising her index finger in front of my face.

” Just tell us the truth – your version of the truth because I don’t believe you’d dump children you gave birth to at an orphanage home when you could clearly take care of them.” Nina said, folding her arms and I nodded.

” It’s true that I dated Kade Harold, and it’s true that I…” I cleared my throat and blinked uncontrollably to stop myself from crying.

” I cheated on him with his twin brother.”

” Damn..”

“- but I never meant to… It’s just complicated.”

” It’s okay Jean – I meant Viola, just try to make it easy for us to understand.” Nina said as she rubbed my back softly.

” I can’t really go into details right now cause my chest feels like it’s about to explode…” I managed to say in between my sobbing.

” But, I got pregnant. I tried to hide it from my constant drunk of a dad but he thought he could use the situation to get some money from the Harolds so he told Kade and Klyde’s mother that Klyde got me pregnant.”

” Shit…”

” And that woman is a literal devil. Sure she offered my father money but it was to get rid of the pregnancy, I begged her that I couldn’t do it since I was already far gone and might die in the process, so she told me to leave London, make sure that after giving birth the children will be her responsibility and that I should never try to reach them or her sons again. I was scared, so I did as she asked. I moved here, gave birth and she was the one who dumped them at an orphanage home – not me!

I don’t know why after all these years she suddenly exposes my existence to the world. I played my part and kept the secret of my past BECAUSE I FEARED THIS WOULD HAPPENED… and now, lies about me is out there for the world to know.” I said.

The car was quiet for a while before Nina sighed and said, ” I’m sorry you had to go through that. I had no idea.”

” I deserved it. Kade loved me, he would’ve found a way to help me but I chose to fall in love with the wrong brother.”

” It’s okay. That’s in the past, what we need to do now is see how we can fix-”

” Nina do you have your phone with you?” I interrupted and Nina shook her head.

” Jenna?” I asked and she too shook her head.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

” What is it?” They both asked and I hit my thighs aggressively as I remembered that I needed to clear things up with Rick.

” I need to talk to Rick.” I said but there was nothing we could do.

” Hey driver! Can we use your phone please?” Jenna asked nicely but he said nothing in response.

” Why won’t you answer?”

” I’m not allowed to render services that Mr K. doesn’t authorize me to.” He said simply , turning so I could see his side profile.

” Shit!” I cursed and they both looked at me.

” What is it?” Jenna asked and I pointed at the driver, Nina immediately gasped when she realized that it was Hulio.

” You know what? I don’t even care if he heard what I said.” I said and I then watched as he touched his in ear plugs, responding to the person on the line with a quick ” yes sir”.

” Miss Walden. Your friends will be dropped off at a hotel and their belongings in your house will be brought to them, but you will be flown back to London where you’ll be safe.” He said before he stopped the car and said to the girls, ” get down from the car ladies, a room has been prepared for you two.”

” That’s absurd! They’re coming with me!” I protested and he sighed.

” Just do as I say, please don’t make me use threatening methods – although authorized by Mr K, to make you comply.” He said with a very blunt look.

” We’re not leaving our friend behind you asshole, do you and your stupid ass boss think that -” Jenna was saying but stopped when he suddenly placed a gun to her head.

” Is there something more you have to say?” He asked with an expression on his face that made it seem like he does this all the time.

” Oh no thank you sir, the hotel is fine.” Jenna said before she smiled sheepishly and got out of the car. Nina immediately followed her and was about to bade me goodbye but the man just shut the door and sped off.

” I’ll advise you to refrain from protesting or asking why I did that.” He said as if reading my mind and I kept quiet.

I was in a car with a man I didn’t know very well, and I was going to London to live with a man I once knew… And I was leaving behind a man who I knew loved me with all his heart and I didn’t even have a means to reach him.

As he drove, my mind wandered to a lot of things… Like the possibility of meeting my children and what it would be like to be back in London again and also, how do I face Kade when I see him?!

Hulio dropped me at the airport and  left me immediately without saying a word on what I was to do next! But in no time I was ushered into a private jet by two other men who dressed in black suits. As I followed them, I was nervous and kept thinking about what my life would be like now. Just what was I even going to do in London?

I settled down and tried to prepare myself as the plane took off and then one of the hostesses came to me with my dinner.

” Thanks” I said and she smiled at me and handed me a pen.

” this message is for you.” She said and pressed the head of the pen in my hand.

” Hello Vee-Vee…” Said the voice of a woman I dreaded – Emelia, Kade and Klyde’s mother.

” If you’re listening to this then you’re on your way to London now. I just wanted to be the first to welcome you back home and of course… Welcome to the Harold family. I can’t wait to see you at your wedding with Klyde! Bye now and sleep tight!” She said.

The pen dropped from my hand and I felt tears on my cheeks. Why on Earth would she do this to me? Why should I be treated this way?

” I won’t marry Klyde, I’m already engaged to Rick! ” I said to myself but I knew deep down that I’ll be doomed if I end up as Klyde’s wife.

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