No Way Back

No Way Back By Anna Mac Chapter 72

No Way Back By Anna Mac Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Luna was furious!

To let Jane Fowler and Lila Sutton go just like that!

Even before she had been able to vent her anger on them, she had been forced into a humiliating situation!

If she did not get her revenge, Luna wouldn’t be herself any longer!

Jane Fowler paused her step.

She turned around and stared at Luna with a mocking gaze that was as shone with the darkness of the abyss.

“Are you sure?”

Jane even took out her phone in front of Luna and turned on the recording function.

When Luna saw this, she immediately asked, “Why did you start recording?”

“If Miss Croft wishes to play, I’ll play with you to the end.

“It’s just that, you can’t judge a book by its cover. You look like the kind of person who would conveniently forget the bet.”

“It’s just a recording. If Miss Croft loses, at least I’ll have a guarantee, right?”

Luna instantly went berserk at Jane’s simple reply. Without thinking, she answered, “Then you’ve agreed!”


“Also, I’ll take another step back. It’s up to you to decide how we compete.”

Luna was stunned when she heard these words.

Jane Fowler must have gone crazy!

She actually left the decision to Luna!

It was obvious that she wanted to lose!

“You… Are you really willing to…”

“In any case, against a **like you, I can easily win.”

Jane’s mocking tone almost caused Luna to go berserk.

She was trembling with anger as she looked at Jane’s ***face

That was clearly an expression that only Luna was allowed to show.

What right did a piece of trash like Jane Fowler have to look down on Luna Croft?

The trash that the entire Fowler family threw away was not worthy!

“You have guts! When you lose later on and kneel down and bark like a dog, I’ll definitely let the entire world see the video!”

Madelyn, who was following behind, did not speak.

At the same time, she was puzzled.

Where did Jane Fowler get her confidence come from?

She even handed the decision over the contents of the ***to Luna.

No matter what, Luna Croft was a member of the Croft family.

No matter how useless she was, she had been incubated with money and given the best education since she was young.

Jane Fowler would definitely suffer a huge loss by underestimating her enemy like this!


Originally, even though Lila felt that Luna and Jane’s ****was just a waste of time, and that they should just ignore these ***…

She still instinctively supported Jane’s decision and believed that Jane would definitely win.

However, Jane left the choice of the ****to Luna.

In such a situation, Luna would definitely choose what she was best at.

No matter how powerful Janie was, if Luna chose something that Janie wasn’t good at, Janie would suffer a huge loss!

Jane sensed Lila’s worry and sent her a comforting gaze, indicating that there was no need to worry

In her previous life, Jane had already interacted with Luna multiple times.

Luna was definitely the black sheep of the Croft family.

She ****in a “***’ college that anyone could get into as long as they could pay for it, and had to spend money to buy a degree overseas

It could be said that Luna’s only redeeming features were her face and figure, and nothing else.

However, beauty was the most useless attribute in the Croft family.

If Raymond and Diane Croft had not spoiled Luna, she would still have some say in the Croft family.

In addition, she had a decent older brother, Layne Croft, to protect her.

Otherwise, a troublemaker like Luna Croft would probably have been chased out of the Croft family a long time ago.

For such a person, there were only a handful of things that she could be good at.

Jane was roughly able to guess what Luna would choose to compete in. How would she be able to catch a big fish if she didn’t give it some bait? Everything was in the palm of Jane Fowler’s hand.

“There’s an archery range in this amusement park. Let’s compete with that! A one-round ****! Whoever gets the most points will win!”

As expected.

Luna naturally chose her best skill, archery.

This was one of the few skills that Luna was proud of.

Jane switched to video mode, pointed her phone at Luna, and started recording before stating, “Whoever loses will have to kneel on the ground and bark like a dog.”


Luna had already lost her senses in her rage. She was only thinking about winning the ****and giving Jane Fowler a tight slap in the face to vent her anger.

At that moment, Madelyn stuck her head out and pulled on Luna’s hand weakly. “Luna, let’s stop. We shouldn’t argue with Janie. Janie, Luna’s archery skills are amazing. You’ll definitely lose… We’re all family. Why do we have to go this far…”

Jane could not be bothered to watch Madelyn’s ***act. She pulled

Lila and walked directly towards the archery range.

Madelyn had put in a lot of effort in her act, but the two most important ***members were missing from her stage. It was extremely embarrassing for her

Luna furrowed her eyebrows imperceptibly before complaining, “Sister ***, whose side are you on? I’m defending you, and Jane Fowler was the one who allowed me to decide the contents of the ***. I didn’t force her or anything. We’ve already reached this stage, so how can we let Jane Fowler escape?! I have to make her admit her complete defeat!”

When she saw that Luna was slightly angry with her, Madelyn immediately ***her ***, lowered her head, and kept her silence.

After all, Madelyn had already spoken her words of dissuasion.

She had already fulfilled her duty as a so-called “sister”.

If anyone asked, Madelyn could naturally absolve herself of blame. In the end, when Jane had completely lost, knelt down in front of Luna, barked like a dog, and had her video taken and spread everywhere…

It would be none of Madelyn’s business.

Perhaps it would even help the Fowler family to better resolve this crisis. The Fowler family would also ***Jane Fowler even more. It would completely erase any possibility of Jane Fowler returning to the Fowler family!

At the archery range.

Lila secretly asked Jane, “Janie, do you know archery?”

Jane revealed a confident smile. “Watch closely.”

Seeing this, Lila finally felt relieved and no longer tried to stop her.

At this moment, Andy sent Lila a message on WeChat.

“Where are you, girls? Didn’t you go to ride the roller coaster? How did you end up disappearing?”

Few people knew that Andy actually had a moderate fear of heights.

When taking planes, he would ride in the first-class cabin where he would not feel any bumps. In this comfortable space, he would put on his earphones and go to sleep without much worry.

However, in front of a roller coaster ride, even if he closed their eyes, Andy would still be afraid

Hence, Andy chose to find a coffee shop and drink some coffee while

waiting for Lila and Jane to finish their roller coaster ride.

Even so, these two had been gone for too long.

Andy realized that something was wrong.

“Andy, it’s hard to explain it on WeChat. Come here first.”

Lila quickly sent her location to Andy.

“Be right there.”

At this moment.

Luna had already picked up her bow.

Her gloves and professional tools had already been equipped.

Her gaze burned like a flame.

Whenever she shot an arrow, Luna would take a deep breath.

She concentrated.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Ten arrows flew out.

It hit the target ten meters away.

Her statistical score was 96.

The center of the target was worth ten points. One point would be deducted for each small ring the arrow deviated from the bullseye. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Ten arrows meant that a perfect score was 100 points.

To be able to get 96 out of 100 points was already considered outstanding.

Luna clicked her tongue.

Even though Luna rarely managed to get 100 points in one go during training,

Luna’s average was still a score of 98.

Perhaps it was because she had been angered by Jane Fowler’s **appearance earlier.

This must have affected her breathing and judgment.

96 points. Congratulations, Miss This is the first time someone has achieved such a good result at our archery range.”

With a face of surprise, the staff of the archery range hurriedly handed over a small gift.

Luna did not even look at the staff. She stared at Jane Fowler provocatively. “It’s your turn!”

Madelyn remained silent. She did not try to be manipulative or provide Jane Fowler with a way to back out of the ****.

She couldn’t wait to see Jane Fowler kneeling on the ground and barking like a dog.

And yet.

Jane Fowler appeared extremely calm.

It wasn’t just Jane Fowler.

Even Lila Sutton appeared at ease.

This calmness, as if victory was in their grasp, made Luna and Madelyn’s hearts skip a beat.

Before they could convince themselves that Jane Fowler was just bluffing. In the next second.

Jane Fowler put on the protective archery gloves and pulled open the longbow.

Without hesitation, one arrow after another.

They flew out.

Their speed was extremely fast.

Ten arrows had flown from her hands, and it took Jane Fowler less than

one-tenth of the time Luna took.

Everything happened without the slightest trace of nervousness or hesitation

It was as if she wasn’t worried about her accuracy at all.

She did not do anything fancy as Luna did

It wasn’t just the staff of the archery range

Even Luna and Madelyn were stunned.


Jane Fowler was actually this strong?!


The scores were out.

An undeniable 100 points.

Jane placed down her bow and looked coldly at the dumbfounded Luna.

Her gaze was 70% mocking and 30% playful.

“Luna, kneel, bark!”

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