No Longer Lovesick After a Memory Loss

Chapter 403 Time Is Insufficient

Chapter 403 Time Is Insufficient 

Inken’s tone grew serious as he spoke, “I’ll arrange for someone to go to Caltun General Hospital right away to retrieve Jamie and Edward’s medical records.”

After ending the call, Braxton’s expression hardened. He had suspected the other party was trying to get close to the Kaufmann Family, but he hadn’t anticipated their success. It became clear to him that Freyal rescuing Edward was part of a larger conspiracy.

The following morning, Freya headed to the dining room, her mind racing with thoughts on how to get more electronic parts, especially batteries.

To her surprise, everyone was already at the table. Jamie was seated at the head, with Edward beside him. Russell, Maddox, and Lucius were also present. Everyone appeared fine except for Maddox, who looked pale.

Edward’s eyes lit up when he saw her. “Frea, you’re here.

“Yes, were you all waiting for me?” she asked.

Jamie smiled politely. “Edward would like to join you for breakfast, and I was just about to arrange for someone to fetch you.

Freya glanced at Lucius and Russell and noticed a subtle tension.

“Since Frea and the specialists are here specifically for my treatment, I thought it would be fitting to meet everyone and express my gratitude,” Edward said with a smile.

She nodded, and from the corner of her eye, she noticed Maddox perched on the edge of his seat, his legs. trembling beneath the table. Then, she smiled and took her seat. “Edward, considering your illness, you should rest more. No need to rise early for breakfast.”

Breakfast that morning was surprisingly quiet; even the typically chatty Lucius said nothing.

On the other hand, Edward remained focused on Freya, seemingly undisturbed by his cancer diagnosis. “Frea, give this a try,” he said, placing a deboned fish on her plate.

She looked at him and said, “You should also eat more. It might not be pleasant, but it’s crucial for your recovery and your body’s well-being.”

He nodded and ate his porridge.

Later, she told Jamie, “Starting today, I’ll handle Edward’s meals since his digestive system is quite sensitive.”

Jamie grinned mischievously. “No objections here. Miss Kaufmann oversees our meals and accommodations, so it’s your call.”

After breakfast, Freya headed to her office while Jamie assisted Edward back to his room. Once inside the room, Edward suddenly felt nauseous, pushing away his brother’s hand and rushing into the bathroom.

The retching sound came from behind the bathroom door, and Jamie’s face turned solemn.

A few minutes later, Edward emerged from the bathroom, visibly unsteady.

Jamie rushed to Edward’s side with concern etched across his face. “What’s wrong” he asked.

Edward’s voice was raspy due to his recent bout of vomiting. “I think I overeat this morning. My stomach. felt off while I was eating.”

Jamie furrowed his brow. “Why didn’t you stop eating-

Edward managed a weak smile. “I didn’t want Frea to worry.”

After helping Edward settle onto the bed, Jamie couldn’t help but notice how much weight his brother had lost. Edward used to be a star player on the Evergreen University basketball team, lean but muscular. But now, his clothes looked too big, and he hadn’t eaten much that morning.

After some thought, Jamie left the room to find Freya.

Meanwhile, Russell, Maddox, and Lucius sat in the office with concerned expressions.

Maddox’s voice quivered slightly as he spoke. “We’re not going to go through this every morning, are we? It feels like we’re having our last meal.”

Sitting at her desk and massaging her temples while pondering how to obtain batteries, Freya looked up when she heard their concerns. She reassured them, saying, “Don’t worry, we won’t. She knew Jamie wouldn’t allow Edward to join them daily, even if they wanted to.

While everyone was lost in thought, the office door swung open.

Freya looked up and saw Jamie standing there.

“Miss Kaufmann, could you step outside for a moment, he requested.

Maddox started trembling, and Jamie’s gaze turned cold as it passed over him. He had little patience for those he considered useless. Since this person couldn’t cure Edward’s illness, his existence was useless.

She stepped forward, shielding Maddox from Jamie’s icy gaze. “Let’s talk outside.”

In the corridor, Jamie informed Freya about Edward vomiting up his breakfast.

“Are you certain Edward will be okay? If he continues to vomit like this, won’t it harm his stomach more?”

Freya shook her head and reassured him. “It’s still better than an empty stomach. Even if he throws up. he’s still getting some nutrients. We can supplement it with fluids.” «

Jamie eyed her suspiciously, sensing something was off. But given her close relationship with Edward, he decided not to press further and walked away.

Back in her office, Freya ignored the distraught Maddox and glanced at the office wall clock. She knew there were one or two batteries in it, but she knew the office might be under surveillance, making it risky to retrieve them.

Throughout the day, she stayed focused on her research into refining targeted drugs. She hadn’t given up on helping Edward and was doing everything she could to slow the progression of his cancer.

Unfortunately, the tune Jamie had allotted was proving insufficient. Hence, she needed to figure out how to dismiss her three assistants by this week.

At noon, Freya joined Edward in his room for lunch, anil afterward, they decided to take a leisurely stroll in the garden. While they were walking, he couldn’t help but notice a surprising sight in the courtyard-a bunch of roses in full bloom.

He asked, somewhat puzzled, “Frea, can roses bloom at this time of year?”

She glanced over at the flowerbed tucked in the corner.

Roses typically bloom from May to July, but it was now late autumn, yet a few blossoms remained.

“Maybe,” Freya replied with a chuckle,

Edward bent down to pluck a flower, but as soon as his fingers touched the petals, he winced in pain.

She rushed to his side and asked, “What’s wrong? Are you feeling unwell?”

He broke into a sweat, and his body trembled slightly. However, he kept his eyes fixed on the rose he couldn’t pick. “It’s nothing, don’t worry.” Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Concerned, she helped him back to his bed and gave him some painkillers.

“Thank you,” Edward said, looking somewhat guilty. “Did I interrupt your weekend livestream? And what about your fragrance brand with the Monaghan Group? Don’t you need to be there every day?”

Freya reassured him with a smile, “Don’t worry about the live stream. Everything’s fine. And as for the fragrance brand, there’s a vice president in charge, so they can manage without me.”

Monkey nodded, “Should I arrange for your travel, only you be going personally?”

“I’m short on time. Let Moonblade handle it, Jamie decided Altera brief pause, a mischievous grin crept across his face, “Tell her that if she manages to secure that boodle has time. I might consider her confession.”

“Roger that. I bet Moonblade will stop at nothing to secure the blood Monkey said eagerly, trying to impress.

Jamie nodded, his mind naturally wandering to Freya’s delicate vet serenisingly strong and resilient demeanor. He always felt a sense of unease around her.

Oh! Here’s this month’s utility bill,” Monkey said, placing a stack of bills on the table.

Jamie’s gaze fell upon the bill, and he scrutinized it.

At 8 o’clock at night, Freya entered the bathroom right on time. She pulled out three batteries from

arcus watch from her pocket.

She climbed onto the sink to retrieve the “mobile phone” hidden in the ceiling, connecting the batteries. using wires. Sadly, the battery was nearly dead. Uncertain if Radley got her message shed hurriedly dialed In number on the chip. Seeing the light turn green, she knew the call had connected bother time was limited


Alinud bangs startled her, and the bathroom door was kicked open. Jamie and Monkey stood ite dium- way, themcold stares fixed on her and the circuit board in her hand.

Freya strambled to her feet, attempting to flush the circuit board down the toilet, but Monkeyssw tekter in wrist

The crudimart flew into the air and crashed to the ground.

Jamie amxcited, lius eyes locked on the green light flickering on the board. “Freya, I’ve clearly underestimated you. Despite the surveillance, you managed to outwit us.”

Munkey grinedsmugly and asked, “Mr. Strategist, how should we deal with her?”

Jamie glancetautin grem light on the circuit board that had just turned off. “Freya, can you explain this. or should have somme took into it?”

Freya clenched her lists, knowing Jamie’s reputation for making people pay for silence. She steadied herself and said. Ikalbasic communication system. I took apart some electronics today, but you destroyed them beter lenuit make a call.”

Monkey picked up the heart and handed it to Jamie, who examined it with a smirk.

“Miss Kaufmann is quite comitting A pertunier, mortician, doctor, and now a chip programmer. You’re Full of surp

She shivered at James wuris.

Jamie casually stashed the art away. Who were you thinking of calling?”

Freya knew she couldn stereve um with le “Tudiey”

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