My Unwanted Billionaire


“Oh my God, why aren’t you dressed yet?” Jason asks as he walks into the kitchen. He just came out of his study.

“Asks the man who just stepped out of his study,” I say, cleaning my hands on the kitchen napkin. I am making dinner. Jason invited his grandmother over for dinner at his place. Tracy is going to be serving us. He is using this dinner to find out if his grandmother is genuinely the one behind it.

“It does not take time for men to get ready.”

“I am almost done here. Once I am through, I will get ready.”

“This is why I didn’t want you to cook tonight. I could have just asked Jessica to work today,” Jason says, walking over to me by the stove.

“Today is her grandson’s birthday. There is no need to make her miss such a special occasion when I know how to cook.”

“I should have hired a private chef for tonight,” Jason says, wrapping his arms around me from behind. He rests his chin on my shoulder.

“Did I complain about making dinner for us tonight?” I say, beating his hand away as he tries to take one of the appetizers.

“No, you didn’t.”

“Good, so stop complaining for me.”


“Good, now go and shower.”

“Alright, I will see you in a few minutes,” He says, pecking my cheeks

“Later,” I say before he walks out of the kitchen.

After I finish making dinner, I walk upstairs to take a shower and get ready. I made Basil pesto pasta with charred aburi salmon. For dessert, I made lemon coconut mousse. I just have this feeling Mrs. Sullivan will complain a lot tonight about the food, but I don’t care. I know my cooking skills are not the greatest, but you can still enjoy eating my food.

I step out of the bathroom and walk to Jason’s closet to get dressed. He is downstairs speaking to Tracy. I am sure he is probably telling her how to serve his grandmother so he can see their faces properly when they see each other. He needs to see the way his grandmother would react once she sees Tracy. Jason did not tell his grandmother about Tracy’s accident, and neither did Tracy, so to Mrs. Sullivan, her plan has not been figured out. I don’t even want to imagine how tonight is going to go.

I am putting on my earrings when I notice a box with a paper on it on my vanity table. Jason had a vanity table installed in his closet for me. I told him he did not have to, but you already know how those types of conversations end with Jason. The words on the paper read.

“My second gift from Dubai”

I open the box to reveal a pair of blush-colored diamond earrings. They are gorgeous. Why does Jason like buying me jewelry? They are expensive, and he knows I don’t like him spending too much money on me. It’s like the man does not listen when I complain.

I am keeping the paperback on the table when I notice there are words behind.

“Make sure to wear them tonight. They will look lovely on you.”

I look at the earrings and think about if it’s a good idea to wear them tonight. Mrs. Sullivan believes I am after Jason’s money. I don’t think it’s wise to wear something so expensive for a simple dinner at Jason’s place. I place the box back on the table and wear my own earrings. I know Jason is not going to be happy I didn’t wear them, but he will thank me later when his grandmother does not use them as a means to call me a gold digger.

I walk out of the room once I am done putting on my shoes. I walk down the stairs to see Mrs. Sullivan and Jason talking.

“Good evening Mrs. Sullivan,” I say, walking over to Jason to stand by his side.

He wraps his arms around me. “Why aren’t you wearing the earrings I bought for you,” Jason asks, whispering into my ears.

“I have my reasons. I will explain later,” I whisper back.

“Hello dear, how are you doing?” She asks, with an evil smile on her face. I am sure the smile on her face hides the fact that she is surprised to see I haven’t left Jason.

“I am good, and you?” I ask, smirking

“Good too”

We walk to the dining area and get seated for dinner. Tracy walks in a minute after we get comfortable in our seats. Jason’s eyes are fixed on his grandmother. He wants to see how she would react to seeing Tracy. I also focus my attention on her so I can see her reaction. Tracy serves Mrs. Sullivan her food, and she shows no sign of being surprised to see Tracy here. How comes? She is supposed to look surprised or act uncomfortable to see Tracy. Jason turns to look at me, confused, once he notices how calm his grandmother is to seeing Tracy serving us. Could Tracy be lying? That’s not possible; why would Tracy lie about it.

Once Tracy finishes serving the food, Jason excuses himself from the table. I am sure he is going to talk to Tracy.

“I am surprised to see Jason and you are still together,” Mrs. Sullivan says after taking a sip of her wine.

“Of course, you are surprised. You thought your plan would work”

“What plan are you talking about, dear?” She asks smirking

“I know you asked Tracy to pretend to be pregnant for Jason.”

“I do……” Mrs. Sullivan gets cut off when Jason walks back out with Tracy crying and him boiling with anger. I look at him, wondering what happened.

“Grandma, do you know this girl?” Jason asks,

“No, I don’t. Who is she?”

“Her name is Tracy, and she claims you paid her to pretend to be pregnant for me.”

“What,” Mrs. Sullivan says, looking shocked. I don’t know if she deserves an award for best pretends actress, or she truly is shocked to be accused of what Jason just said. “Why would I do such a thing?”

“Same thing I thought, but she claims you hired her”

“I have never seen this woman in my life,” Mrs. Sullivan says, causing Tracy’s eyes to widen and her mouth to hang open.

“Mrs. Sullivan, I already told him everything. You don’t need to lie anymore.”

“How do you know who I am? I have never met you before, and I don’t know what you are talking about?”

“Mrs. Sullivan, you know who I am. You paid me half a million dollars to pretend to be pregnant for Jason.”

“Half a million what?” I ask, shocked. We never asked Tracy the amount she was paid. I can’t believe Mrs. Sullivan would pay that much to get rid of me. Does she hate me that much?

“I don’t know who you are and why would I do that. Do I look like I don’t have better things to do with my hard earn money?” Mrs. Sullivan says, sounding offended

“You are outright denying this, Mrs. Sullivan, because I don’t have proof to show you paid me since you paid in cash,” Tracy says and turns to face Jason.

“Jason, I know you are never going to believe me over your grandmother because of how much you love her and find it too unbelievable what I claimed she did, and I understand. I know I will regret ever collecting that money from her and pretending to be pregnant for you. I will leave now because I don’t see any hope of you believing me or Mrs. Sullivan accepting she did it but before I go. When the time is right, you will find out yourself. Goodbye, everyone,” Tracy says, walking to the door.© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

I watch my only hope at proving Jason’s grandmother is out to split us up walk out of Jason’s apartment.

“I am very sorry about that, grandma,” Jason says once Tracy walks into the elevator.

“It’s okay, dear.”

“I don’t think Tracy is lying,” I say

“Eleanor,” Jason says, sounding surprised that even after what just happened, my decision to believe Tracy still stands.

“And why is that dear? Do you have proof to claim I am lying”

“I don’t have proof, but like Tracy said, when the time is right, the truth will come out, and when that day comes, Mrs. Sullivan, you will lose your precious grandson forever.”

“I don’t think such a day will ever come.”

“Don’t worry, it will.”

“Would you like to explain to me what happened downstairs?” Jason says as we enter his bedroom after saying goodbye to Mrs. Sullivan. We did not discuss the Tracy matter during dinner after I told Mrs. Sullivan she would get caught one day.

“Which part exactly do you need me to explain?” I ask sarcastically. I know what he is talking about. I am too annoyed with him to answer directly.

“Are you really asking me that?”

“Yes, Jason, I am because it seems your brain is not working.”

“What is that supposed to mean.”

“Jason, you are refusing to look at the facts.”

“Which facts”

“The fact that Tracy has no reason to lie that your grandmother is the one who paid her to pretend to be pregnant for you.”

“She has a million reasons to lie.”

“Name one for me, please.”

“The real person who paid her wants my grandmother and me to split up.”

“And who in this world could that be and don’t mention Alex because there is no way in hell he can be behind this”

“Alex is not the first person that would come to my head right now since it does not have to do with our relationship. My cousins from my mother’s side were the ones who I was actually suspecting.”

“Really, your cousins, and why would they want to split you and your grandmother up.”

“If my grandmother and I split up, there are so many people who would benefit from it. If I accuse her of something, she did not do and cut ties with her. Do you think she will leave her company to me?”

“No, she won’t.”

“Now, do you understand why I can’t blindly believe Tracy’s words over hers?”

“What about what I told you about her thinking I am a gold digger.”

“I believe you 100%, but I don’t think my grandmother would go through such trouble to split us up. They are easier ways to do that than to hire someone to pretend to be pregnant for me.”

“But you accept she might do something to split us up.”

“Yes, I do, but I just don’t think she is responsible for this”

“No problem as far as you believe, she might do something to make us split up. I am fine.”

“Thank you for understanding, and I promise to speak to my grandmother about it.”

“Thank you”

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