Chapter 11 She’s alive

Lucas sat in his exquisite black chair, a glass cup of wine in his hands as he stared into space.

His mind lingered off to the face he saw hours ago during the party and truth be told he couldn’t get his mind off her.


He called but he seemed to be seeing another face while calling her name and closing his eyes, the name just fell out of his lips, “Jenna.”

Why does he feel they were the same person even though they looked so different?

Jenna had long silky brown hair which fell across her shoulders, a round innocent face, an angelic shaped lips and certainly wasn’t wearing any glasses.

But Emily on the other hand had short platinum hair which stopped just below her neck, an oval shaped beautiful face, Rubina shaped lips and wore big round glasses which made her look more sexier.

Jenna was a lady, a young beautiful lady who depended on her parents for everything she needed, but Emily? Emily was already a woman, a beautiful woman who has grown independent and was now taking care of herself without her parents.

Could she really be the same person? Or was he just overthinking things?

Even if she was the same person, why didn’t she tell her parents anything? Why make them suffer thinking their only daughter was dead? Why live a poor life when her rich parents could give her anything she wanted?

And Niguel, did he know anything about it? Or was he as confused just as he is?

Lucas got more confused thinking about all this and soon enough he brought out his phone and dialled a number.

“Hello Boss.”

The person spoke from the other end of the line after picking the call at the third ring.

“I need you to do something for me Henry, run a quick research on Niguel’s new assistant who goes by the name Emily, I need her surname, who her birth parents are, her age, where she grew up in and how she got to be living in Los Angeles, I need every little details about her and I need it real fast.”

Lucas announced.

“Ok Boss, I’ll call you soon.’

The voice said from the other end of the line.

“Be fast about it.”

Lucas ordered and without waiting for another second, disconnected the call.



It was barely an hour when a call came through my phone and checking it discovered it was Henry.

Took him long enough.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“What did you find?”

I ran out of patience waiting for him already.

“I did a quick research on Niguel’s Assistant as you requested boss and I did find some details on her”

“Ok, go on, what did you find?”

I asked, my curiosity getting the best side of me.

“Her name is Emily Martins boss, age 22 and was working as a waitress in a small restaurant before she started working for Niguel.

Here is the interesting part boss, she has no records of birth parents nor foster parents, where she grew up in and how she started living in Los Angeles is still a mystery boss, I found nothing else about her. It’s as if she never existed but only just started existing recently, I’m also suprised boss.”

He explained and I felt the urge to scream “I knew it!”

“Thanks Henry.”

I appreciated before ending the call.

“Emily Martins, Jenna Eagan, are you both really the same person?”

I took a sip from the glass of wine in my hands as I let out a deep breath.

This was getting really interesting.

Emily Martins, just what are you hiding? What game do you really think you’re playing?

No matter what it was, I’m going to find out about it very soon.

So play while you can.





A smile played on my lips as I made my way to my bedroom, at last there was finally a glimpse of hope, she was alive afterall, Jenna was alive.

I had my bath and came out of the bathroom feeling refreshed as ever, I took out my laptop and did some works on it before finally closing it to get some sleep.

Not like I did feel like sleeping anyway but I just had to lay on the bed.

My mind drifted off to Emily and how she looked stunning tonight and I just couldn’t help but to smile.

Who would have ever thought thinking of a woman would make a monster like me smile? Yeah it was so odd for me to smile, I don’t even remember the last time I ever smiled.

Talking of Emily, I suddenly remembered I didn’t punish her for being late today, she got away today but tomorrow she wouldn’t, I would definitely make sure of it.

I was still thinking of what her punishment would be when a call suddenly interrupted my thoughts.

It was a private number.

“You knew right?”

The voice asked immediately i picked the call and I knew it was none other than Lucas.

“Knew what Lucas?”

Why did I even picked the call in the first place?

“You knew she was alive and I’m certain you’re also having doubts of Emily being her, you knew all along right?”

He asked making me let out a sigh.

“I suddenly feel drowsy, I’ll be sleeping now Lucas.”

I announced and without wasting another second disconnected the call and dropped my phone on the table beside my bed and drifted off to sleep.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

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