My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 148

Chapter 148

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 151 Nôvel/Dr(a)ma.Org - Content owner.

4 Hard Decisions

Ruby POV

“Why the hell did I do that” is the first thought I have when I sit back down at my desk. I could hear how upset he was through the wall during his conversation with Connor. I couldn’t hear exactly what he was saying but he sounded angry. I debated whether to check on him and my desire to make sure my mate was alright won out. I shouldn’t have gone in there. I interrupted his call and what would I have said if he wasn’t on the phone? Gemma chuckles and I roll my eyes. “I’m glad your enjoying this.” “I am, it’s not often I get to see you frazzled. Besides, you want to be close to him just like I do.” I block her and turn to my computer. I start to type up my notes for our meeting when there is a knock on my office door. I already know it’s him on the other side when the scent of coconut invades my nose. I take a deep breath before I answer him. “Come in” I say. The door opens and I’m glad that I blocked Gemma. He is the most handsome man I have ever seen and I don’t need her comments right now. He smiles and I’m glad I’m sitting down. “Ruby, I’m sorry about that. My mom loves to talk to new people.” “You have nothing to be sorry for and your mom is lovely.”

“Yes she is. I’m very lucky to have her.” I see a flash of sadness in his expression. Before I can dwell on it his smile returns. “I try to call twice a day while she’s in the hospital.” “You’re a good son for doing that. Can I ask why she’s in the hospital if I’m not being too invasive?” “No, I don’t mind. She was diagnosed with breast cancer a month ago. Her oncologist wanted her to have intensive chemo for two weeks before she can start her outpatient treatments. She’ll be staying with me when she gets out of the hospital.” It breaks my heart to see the pain on his face as he talks about his mother. “She seems like she is in good spirits. If you ever need to be with her, please know that I will completely understand. Family is the most important thing we have.” “Thank you, Ruby. I really appreciate that.” We stare at each other for a minute before he finally speaks again. “Oh, I came in here to find out what I could do

for you. I know you didn’t just come in to meet my mom.” I chuckle panicking inside for a reason to tell him.

“I thought we should go over my notes for tomorrow’s meeting since you have been working on it for so long. I would like to see exactly what properties are involved in the acquisition.” “Of course, I’ll grab my folders and meet you in the conference room. It will be easier to spread them out in there.” I nod and he leaves my office. “Quick thinking” Gemma chides, at me. “Goddess, he is so hot.” “Seriously, after all, he just told us that’s what you have to say.” “Ruby, do you remember when your grandfather was sick and Tabitha helped him.” “Of course, I do but you know as well as I do we can’t expose our kind to humans that we are not officially mated to.” “I love you for being a rule follower but there are gray areas when it comes to mates. You’re a very smart woman and I still believe he will be ours, so we need to come up with a plan for Autumn to meet his mother.” I think about what she just said. Even if we don’t get our mate, we can still help him by healing his mother. I can see how important she is to him and I know how I would feel if my mother was sick. I stand from my desk and grab my folders.

As I head to the conference room, I stop in the hallway. I can see through the plexi-glass that Jennifer is talking to my mate. She is a little too close for my liking. Gemma growls and I watch as Maverick steps back from her, shaking his head. I walk in and Jennifer steps back and smiles at me. “Ms. Solace I was just asking Mr. Colwell if I could do anything for him. Is there anything that I could do for you while I’m here?” “No, thank you” I manage to get out but what I really want to say is f**k off. She rushes from the room and closes the door. I want to ask Maverick what the hell that was about but he starts to spread the folders out, so I let it go.

Maverick POV

I head into the conference room and set my folders on the table. I hear the door open and look up to see Jennifer walking toward me. She steps into my space and I try to be calm. I step back “can I help you with something Jennifer?” “I just wanted to let you know that Delilah has called every hour on the hour. I know you didn’t want to be disturbed but she is getting pretty angry when I tell her that you

aren’t taking calls today.” I feel like she is enjoying telling Delilah that she can’t talk to me. She steps toward me again and I’m losing my patience with her. “If that’s all, Jennifer, you can go back to your desk.” “Are you sure there is nothing I can do for you?” A throat clears and she finally steps out of my space. Ruby is standing there staring at her. I swear her beautiful green eyes darken for a second, but I know that’s not possible.

Once Jennifer is gone, I start to spread out the folders. Ruby comes around until she is standing next to me. Her perfume invades my nose and I swear I’ve never smelled anything so sweet. We both take a seat and listening to her speak is one of the sexiest things I have ever heard. I know Connor laughed when I described her as capable, but her being capable is attractive. It just adds to her beauty. I don’t understand what the hell is going on with me when I’m around this woman. I’m not saying I haven’t noticed pretty women, but this is more than that. I need to focus on work and what I’m going to say to Delilah when I get home. We work for the rest of the afternoon. By the time we finish it’s time to head home. “Thank you Maverick. I am definitely ready for our meeting tomorrow. I’m glad that my grandfather has recognized what an asset you are to the company. You are very good at your job” she says. The pride I feel is strange. It’s the same I would feel if my mother said it to me. “Thank you, Ruby.” “I’ll see you tomorrow, but before I go I have a question for you that is not work related.” “What’s the question?” “Do you believe in holistic medicine?” I chuckle “I believe nothing can hurt. Why do you ask?” “One of my best friends is a healer in holistic medicine and I would love to have her visit your mom.”

“That would be amazing. Thank you, Ruby.” “You’re very welcome, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She turns and heads out of the conference room. Warmth spreads through my chest at her words. There is just something about this woman. I shake those thoughts away. It’s time to go home and face the only woman I should be thinking about. I park the car and head up to our apartment. When I walk inside, I immediately smell my favorite Italian food. I set my briefcase down and head into the living room. Delilah is standing with two cups of wine and a smile that a few days ago would have made me happy. She is wearing my favorite red dress. “Hi Maverick, I got your favorite dinner and I have wine” she says

as she starts to walk toward me. “Delilah, this isn’t a date. We need to have a serious conversation about the future of our relationship.” “Maverick, please I love you. I know your angry but I we can get through this.” “I’m going to change and then we are going to talk.” I head to our room and grab gray sweatpants and a t-shirt. Once I’m showered and changed, I head back out to the living room.

I take a seat on the loveseat across from her. “I have thought a lot today about what I saw last night.” “Maverick” she starts to say and I cut her off. “Just listen to what I have to say.” “You’re not even letting me explain or defend myself. That isn’t fair and I should have the chance to tell you exactly what was going on.” “My eyes work perfectly fine. There is no defense for what you were doing. You were not dancing with another man. You were practically f**king him on the dance floor. As I said, I have thought a lot about what I saw. I need you to go stay with your parents because I can’t have you here. I understand that you don’t think what you did is a big deal, but it is to me. You had the audacity to come to my office acting possessive in front of my boss because she is a pretty woman and you are the one who is out screwing around.” “I never f**ked anyone else.” I stand “the fact that you define cheating as f**king is part of the problem.” “So that’s it. We are over just like that.” She jumps up and wraps herself around me. “Maverick please, don’t do this. I love you and I would never hurt you intentionally. I drank too much. It was just dancing.” “Delilah, I still love you but I can’t trust you and that means this is over. I hope that you learn from this so that you never have to feel how you do right now again.” I head for the hallway that leads to my room. I turn back, “I’ll sleep in the guest room tonight and you can take your things tomorrow.” She starts to sob but I don’t turn back because I don’t trust myself. I have to think about what’s best for me and if I forgive her, I will never have peace after what she has done. I head to the guest room and lock the door.

Ruby POV

After I change I head to the pack house. I promised my parents that despite having our own space, I would still have dinner in the pack house. When I walk into the dining room, everyone is seated at our two tables. It makes me laugh how the tables keep growing. I take my normal seat between Jade and

Autumn. Archer is across from me. “Thanks for today, Ruby” he says to me, and I know exactly what he’s talking about. I wink at him before I start to eat. Jade leans in as I chew “how was work?” I stiffen, I will kill her if she says anything about Maverick in front of everyone. I’m not ready to tell everyone yet. My grandfather smiles at me from his table. Sh*t I hope he didn’t say anything. My mother will be really pissed at me if I’m not the one to tell her. “It was good.” Thankfully she doesn’t say anymore. “Autumn, do you think you can come to the cottage after dinner?” “Absolutely, is everything alright?” “Yes, I just thought we could hang out for a while.” She nods and we finish eating. I stand ready to head back to the cottage when my mother stops me. “Ruby, can you come upstairs for a minute before you head home?” “Of course” I say and look at my grandfather. He shakes his head slightly, telling me he didn’t say anything.

I head upstairs and my mother and grandmother are waiting for me. I’m going to kill Jade, I think to myself. “Have a seat Ruby.” I sit across from them. “So, your mate is human”, my grandmother Sabrina says. “Jade has a big mouth.” “Don’t be mad at your sister. You should have told me first” my mother says. “She is worried about you and that is the only reason she told me.” “I just wanted to figure things out before I said anything. I wouldn’t have told Jade but you know she is an empath and relentless.” They both laugh and honestly, I’m not even mad that they know. My sister has kept many of my secrets so I understand why she told, this one. “So what is your plan”, my grandmother asks. “You sound like Gemma but honestly, I don’t have a plan. He is with someone and I can’t interfere in that.” She leans forward and takes my hands. “Take it from someone who had a human mate. The goddess knows exactly what she is doing. I’m not telling you to interfere in their relationship, but I am telling you not to give up on the bond that the goddess has gifted you.” “What if he marries her then what?” She places her hand on my face. “Have faith and understand that relationships are not always what they seem. I thought I was happy before I met your grandfather, but that was a lie and the goddess knew that. She makes no mistakes and this time is no different. I am grateful every day for the bond she gifted me and some day you will be too.”

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