My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 120

Chapter 120

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 123

61 How Can It Be

Alpha Jayden POV

The patrol guard links me that Alpha Lake and Alpha Gabriella have arrived. I take a seat behind my desk and a few minutes later a knock sounds on the door. The guard leads them in and I stand to greet them. I’m just about to reach out my hand to greet Lake when I realize they are not alone. I recognize her immediately, even though it’s been two years. I rush over to pick her up. Hope blooms in my chest. As I look past her hoping against hope that Brooke is with them. I know it can’t be true because I didn’t smell her sweet scent of apples and cinnamon. I’m waiting for an answer when my father barges in. Storm growls just as anxious to find out where Brooke is. Once I send my father away, I invite them to have a seat. I can’t stop smiling at Jocelyn. “I’m sure you have figured out that we weren’t exactly truthful about the reason for our visit” Lake says. I turn looking at him with concern. I feel sick to my stomach at the thought that Brooke is hurt or worse. “Where is she” I say harsher than I mean too.

“Alpha Jayden, Brooke is dead because of you” Joecyln says, and all of the air leaves my lungs. I feel like I can’t breathe. She can’t be dead. I never had a chance to love her. Then the words she said sink in. She thinks it’s my fault her sister left me. I compose myself before I speak again. “I’m not sure what you know about your sister leaving but I had nothing to do with it. I was ready to make her my Luna.” She laughs and stands as she begins to pace. She turns back to me with anger in her eyes. “You are a liar. You gave us to that ba**ard because you were embarrassed to be mated to an omega. My sister is dead because you decided to get rid of the unworthy wolf that the goddess gave you.” I stand slamming my fists on the desk. Lake is immediately on his feet. I understand he doesn’t know me, but I would never hurt Jocelyn or my love. “I did no such thing. I loved your sister. I looked for her for months.” Jocelyn stares me down, I’m sure looking for insincerity in my eyes. She must not find any because her anger seems to fade.

“Please sit down and tell me what happened?” She looks to Gabriella, who nods at her. I’m glad she found kindness in this pack. She takes a seat before she takes a deep breath. “We were taken by vampires.” I squeeze my fist until my knuckles turn white. I stay quiet and let her continue. “The night we were taken, we woke up in the cells in the coven. When Brooke told him that he needed to let us go because she was your mate, he just laughed. Then he told us that you gave us to him.” This time I can’t hold Storm back and he growls. “I would never do that to Brooke or you. She is my fated mate and I love her.” I breathe pushing Storm back down. “Who was this vampire?” “His name is Drayce and he is the leader of the Black Blood Coven.” “I know exactly who that f**king prick is and I promise you he will die for what he has done. Jocelyn, I know you said that Brooke is dead.” The words taste like acid on my tongue. She nods and I can see that she has unshed tears in her eyes. “Could you be wrong?” She starts to shake her head and cry. “Jocelyn, two pack warriors were attacked and killed the other night by a vampire. Some of the pack members who witnessed the attacks said it was Brooke.” “Its not possible. He killed her.” “Did you see him kill her?” “No, but she was barely alive when he took her from the cell. She fought him every time he came for us.”

The rage I feel at what she just said is unimaginable. He touched my mate. He forced her to do things she should only have done with me. He will wish for death when I kill him. Everything that Jocelyn said about the Alpha being involved keeps playing over and over again in my mind. “Jayden, he is your father. He wouldn’t do that”, Storm says. I wish I had such faith in him, but right now I don’t. If I find out he had anything to do with what happened to my mate and her sister, he will die along side that f**king leech. “Alpha Jayden” Joceyln saying my name brings me out of my thoughts. “Jocelyn, you do not call me by my title. You are my sister-in-law. I am Jayden to you.” She smiles and stands coming around my desk. I stand wrapping her in a hug. “I promise Jocelyn that we will figure out where Brooke is and bring her home.” My office door flies open and Rian rushes inside. “Jayden what are you doing?” I growl releasing Jocelyn. “How dare you touch my mate, omega?” I step toward her. “I am not a little girl anymore Rian so I would be careful how you speak about my sister’s mate.” The pride I feel with her words tampers down my anger. I link the guard to come to my office.

A few minutes later, he arrives. “Can you tell me why she is out of the cells?” He looks worried and he should be. “I’m sorry, Alpha, your father came down and demanded the keys.” “Get her out of my sight. I will deal with my father shortly.” “Jayden, you can’t mate an omega. She is gone and she is never coming back.” She slams her hand over her mouth. “You were involved in what happened to Brooke.” “No, I swear I don’t know anything.” “You are a liar and I swear you will pay for whatever you have done.”

Nicholas POV

I knock on the door to Liz’s room. A few seconds later, she opens the door smiling. “Are you ready to go to your new home?” “Of course, I just hope your family doesn’t mind your mated to a warrior.” “My family won’t care what your rank is. They are amazing and they will love you. I called my father last night to tell him we would be coming. My mother is really excited to meet you. I hope you don’t mind my aunts and uncles will be there too.” “I won’t say I’m not a little intimidated to meet your whole family at once, but as long as you’re with me I’ll be fine” she says. She goes up on her toes and presses her lips to mine. We head downstairs and John and James are waiting. I hug them both. “Give our sisters a kiss for us” they say. I smile and nod. I wait for Liz to growl but she never does. We head out to a car that Liz brought to make the drive back to the pack. The drive feels like it takes forever. “Are you alright Nick, you are really quiet?” “Yes, I am fine, just excited to see my family and have you meet them.” She smiles and I take her hand in mine for the rest of the trip.

When we pull into the gait the guard leans down. “Nicholas, welcome home” he says before he turns back to open the gate. We drive up and my parents are waiting on the steps of the pack house. I get out and walk around the car to open Liz’s door. Once she is out, we walk over to my parents. My mother pulls me into a hug. “I’m so glad your home. I missed you so much.” “I missed you too mom.” I pull back and my father hugs me. “Mom and dad, this is Liz, my mate.” The words sound wrong but I need to play the part until I figure out what’s going on. My mother wraps her in a hug first. “Liz, this is my mother Tracey and my father Levi. Mom, you need to let her go” I say with a chuckle. My father

shakes her hand. “Everyone is waiting for us in the Alpha dining room” my father says. I take Liz’s hand and we follow my parents through the pack house. I love being back home. We reach the dining room and everyone rushes over to greet us. I look around but Serina isn’t here. “Everyone this is my mate Liz.” I introduce Liz to everyone. Archer, Sabrina, Tabby, and Jonathon are all here. “Where is Gabby, Lake, and Serina?” “Gabby and Lake will be back later. They had to go speak with an Alpha about pack business” Sabrina says. “Tabby will fill you in shortly.” Goddess, I love my family. That is a brilliant way for me to speak to Tabby without Liz present. “What about Serina,” I ask and I feel Liz squeeze my hand. I look down and she looks concerned.

“Serina is babysitting right now but she will be down later.” “Whose pups is she watching?” “Thats a long story that we can talk about later” my mother says. “We want to hear all about Liz.” “Liz is also a warrior and a Beta” I say and smile at her. They start to ask her a million questions. After a few minutes I can’t wait anymore to talk to Tabby. “If you would excuse me for a moment, I need to speak with Tabby about the meeting.” “Maybe I should come since I will be Beta Female.” Before I can say anything Archer speaks up. “Unfortunately until you have your ceremony and become pack you won’t be able to be involved in pack business. You understand, don’t you” he asks. She nods with a smile. I bend down and kiss her forehead before I head out the door followed by Tabby. We head into an office that is down the hall. “Tell me everything Nicholas”, Tabby says as soon as we are inside. I tell her everything that happened and everything I feel for Liz. “I don’t understand why Ezra can’t feel her wolf or why I feel drawn to her, but I’m still thinking about someone else.” She smiles but thankfully doesn’t push me about who it is right now. “I promise you Nicholas we will find out what she is hiding.” “Thank you, Tabby” I say and hug her before we get ready to head back and join the others. I’m just about to open the door when I’m struck by the most delicious scent and it’s not Liz’s.

Serina POV Belongs to NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“Serina, Nicholas is back. When Jo gets back, come and say hello.” “Why is he back, is everything alright” I ask my mother. “He found his mate and wanted to introduce her to the family.” Ruby whimpers

in my mind and I’m overtaken by sadness. “Serina are you still there.” “Yes, I’ll be down to meet her as soon as I can.” I cut the link and sit down on the bed. Why am I upset about this? I should be happy that he found his mate. “You wanted him to be our mate”, Ruby says. “What I never” I start to say and stop myself. She’s right I did. “It’s alright to be sad but just remember we will find our mate too.” I really don’t want to think about that right now even though I know she’s right. I stand grabbing Brooklyn and Wesley, placing them in the stroller. I push it down toward the dining room. I’m almost to the door when the smell of strawberries invades my nose. I stop looking around when a door opens and Nicholas steps out. His eyes are black and he is staring at me. “Mate” he says, and my knees go weak. How can this be happening? We can’t both be his mate. Before I can stop her, Ruby pushes to the surface “mate” she says. Tabby takes the stroller and I’m engulfed in strong arms. Tingles are erupting everywhere our skin touches. “Nick” I hear a harsh female voice and it’s like a bucket of cold water, bringing me back to reality. He brought a woman here that he said is his mate. I pull out of his arms, stepping out of his reach. “Serina” he says, with a pain looked on his face. I grab the stroller from Tabby and head back to Jo’s room. I don’t understand what just happened but I need to figure it out.

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