My Fated Human Luna

Chapter 114

Chapter 114

My Fated Human Luna Chapter 117

Alpha Jayden POV

The door opens and my father walks in with a look of concern on his face. I’m sure it’s about the vampire attacks on the pack. I told him long ago associating with that coven was not a good idea, but he wouldn’t listen. He cared more about having them as allies than the caliber of people they were. I will kill every one of them if I find out they have killed my pack members. I have nothing against their kind but I never liked that ba**ard Drayce when my father used to meet with him. “Jayden, Drayce assured me that his coven had nothing to do with the attack.” “Honestly father, I believe nothing he says. Those two guards were taken down by something powerful and angry.” “I understand that Jayden, but that doesn’t mean the coven had anything to do with it. I have been dealing with Drayce for years before you took over as Alpha and I believe him if he says they didn’t attack the pack.” “You can believe what you want of him but I want nothing to do with that coven father.” “Jayden” he starts to say and I stop him. “I am the Alpha of the pack now father and it is my decision.” He hates that I am not his puppet as he wished I would have been. “My warriors have orders to kill any vampire that comes into the territory without permission.”

A knock sounds on the door. “Come in”, I call out and when the door opens, I wish I was anywhere but here. I can’t deal with her right now. “Rian, I don’t have time right now to speak with you.” “Jayden” my father says my name sternly. I wh!p my head in his direction. “Do not speak to your future Luna that way.” I stand slamming my hands down on my desk. “She is not my future Luna.” “My Luna is gone and until she returns, this pack will have no Luna.” “Jayden please” she pleads and I storm past her. I turn back, “I will say this one last time to you Rian, you are not my mate and you will never be.” I push the door open rushing down the stairs and out of the pack house. As soon as I’m outside, I str!p and shift into Storm. His anger is overwhelming me and we need to calm down. As we run through the trees, I think about Brooke. I should have accepted our bond that day we realized we were mates instead of

waiting to tell my father first. I could’ve linked her and talked her out of leaving. Storm whines as we think about our mate. We will never mate with someone else. I would rather be alone than betray her. As we approach the eastern border, I run into the patrol guard. He bares his neck at me before he shifts. I do the same. “Alpha, is everything alright? Is the vampire back again?”

“You say that like you saw the vampire.” He looks confused “I did Alpha.” Now I’m pissed. Why am I just learning this? “Why wasn’t I told what you saw?” “I’m sorry Alpha, I spoke with your father and he said he would handle it.” “Did he now?” “Yes Alpha” he says. I can see he is afraid he is in trouble. “You did nothing wrong, but next time something happens in the pack you speak with me or Beta Andrew.” “Yes Alpha” he says and seems to relax. “Can you tell me exactly what you saw the night of the attack?” He nods “I was patrolling and as I approached the eastern border, I heard screaming. I ran as fast as I could but by the time I got there, she was already starting to cross the border.” “She, the vampire, was a woman that took out the two guards. Are you sure she was the only vampire here? “Yes, Alpha, I’m sure. The only thing that was strange was I smelled vampire and wolf, but never saw the wolf.” “That is strange. Alright, you can get back to patrol and if you see anything I want to be told immediately.” “Yes Alpha” he says before he shifts and takes off. “I don’t like this Jayden”, Storm says. “I don’t like it either, Storm. I think we need to have a talk with father again. He is going to learn he is no longer the Alpha if it kills me.” We shift and take off back toward the pack house to find him.

Drayce POV

The door opens and Adrian walks in. “What the hell do you want Drayce?” I roll my eyes. “Did you have a nice trip?” “I know you didn’t call me here to discuss my trip, so what do you want?” “Actually, I did. It seems that a vampire bled two wolves in Alpha Joseph’s pack.” She remains calm and there is no change in her heart rate but that means nothing. Adrian is cut from the same cloth as me and has learned to control her fear. “Again, what does that have to do with me?” “Don’t play with me Adrian, did you bleed those two wolves?” “No, I didn’t.” “Then answer my question, where were you?” “I think I made it clear where I go is not your business. I told you I wasn’t anywhere near that fvcking disgusting

pack.” “Don’t let me find out that you have lied to me, Adrian, because there will be consequences.” She rolls her eyes before she turns leaving my office. If she leaves the coven again she will be followed. Goddess, she is a pain in my “Who is a pain in your a**?” I look up to see Prudence walking into my office. “My sister is definitely a pain in my a**. I hope you coming into my office means that the location spell is done.” “It does, but you’re not going to be happy when I tell you where she is.” “Prudence, I am not in the mood for a guessing game, so just tell me.” NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

“She is in the Scarlett Rose Pack.” “I have heard the name, but why would that upset me? I’m not afraid of wolves.” She laughs “obviously you don’t know anything about the biggest and most powerful pack in our region.” “I only deal with one wolf pack and honestly I’m not afraid of the size of a pack. We have our ways to deal with them.” “Do you have your ways to deal with the most powerful light witch I’ve ever seen?” “What the fvck are you talking about? “Witches don’t live with wolves.” “Tabitha Crane is mated to a wolf in that pack and she is not someone to be trifled with.” “Prudence, I can’t believe what I’m hearing. You’re afraid of a goody two shoes light witch.” I feel like I can’t breathe. “I’m afraid of no one but I’m also not stupid enough to put myself at risk.” I grasp at my throat even though there is nothing there to grab. She finally let’s go and I drag air into my lungs trying to catch my breath. “Never speak to me that way again, Drayce, or next time I won’t be so nice.” “Fine, I apologize if I upset you, but I believe you are a strong witch. I’m sure that this light witch is no match for you.”

“You’re trying to flatter me to do your bidding. I’m not a woman who can be manipulated by the likes of you.” “We both have something to gain by getting Jocelyn back, Prudence. All I’m asking is for you to think about what you’re losing if you don’t help me. You want that hybrid as much as I do. You won’t get your payment if we don’t get her back.” I see the anger flash across her face. “I am not saying yes to this until I do my research about the pack and Tabitha. I know the basics but I will not about to risk my life for any payment. I will let you know if I decide to get involved in any of this.” “When can I expect your answer?” “When I give it to you” she says, before she is gone. I fl!p my desk and scream. What the f**? How did she make it to that pack? It has to be far enough away that I am not familiar with it.

The door flies open and West rushes in, looking around. “Are you alright” he asks. “I’m fvcking*g fabulous.” “Sit down, we have a lot to discuss.”

Nicholas POV

We just finished our run and we are heading back to the pack house to shower before our class. I head into the shower first. As the water runs over my body, I start to feel hot. A heat like I’ve never known. I feel like my blood is boiling inside my body. My skin is prickling like a million tiny needles are being stuck in my skin. I scream and the boys come rushing in. “What the hell is wrong with you” James asks. “I don’t know”, I manage grunt out. The pain knocks me off my feet. When I look up, Liz has come into the bathroom. “Get out, you can’t be in here.” “Oh, Nick, shut up. You’re not the first n.aked man I’ve seen.” “Not the point, you’re not my mate, now get out.” She rolls her eyes and turns to leave. “By the way, if you want to know what’s happening, you’re going through your first shift.” “Holy sh!t, your getting you’re wolf early” John says. “Thanks for that captain obvious. How about helping me outside before I shift in here?” They help me wrap the towel around myself and help me outside. I’m getting looks from men and women as we head into the pack yard.

I have never felt anything like this. The pain is unbearable. “Hello Nicholas” I hear a distant voice. I try to focus on that voice. “Are you, my wolf?” He chuckles “well I’m a wolf, that’s for sure. My name is Ezra and yes, I’m your wolf. I need you to listen and not fight me, Nicholas.” “Alright, I won’t fight.” “Take some deep breaths and let me take over.” I do what my wolf says and breathe deep several times. “We are here with you Nicholas”, I hear James say even though he sounds far away. I’m glad they are here even though they can’t take away this pain. “Nicholas, we are going to shift, remember what I said about not fighting me.” “I’m ready” I say. The pain seems to worsen and I feel like every bone in my body is breaking at the same time. I can hear the cracking and I do my best not to fight it. It feels like it lasts forever. Suddenly there is peace and I can hear everything. The smallest noise is amplified and I can see farther than I have ever seen before. “Oh, my goddess Nicholas, your wolf is

awesome”, John says. I look down and my paws are a silver color that looks like silk. “You ready to try this, Nicholas” Ezra asks. “Hell yes, I am.” He takes off and I have never felt anything like it before.

As we run, I can feel the wind rushing past me and I feel whole. “Ezra, how did this happen already?” “You’ll understand soon but know the goddess does everything for a reason. You all have free will and choice, but make no mistake, the goddess helps you along if your heart is pure.” He goes quiet and I don’t ask any more questions. I trust the goddess and I’m thrilled to have Ezra. We come to a running stream and he bends to drink. For the first time, I see him in all his glory. He is magnificent. Silver fur with emerald green eyes. “Your awesome Ezra.” “No, we are awesome Nicholas.”

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