My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285

Chapter 1285 Captain Ten

Joseph gripped his phone and immediately dialed 911. Joseph gripped his phone ond immediotely dioled 911.

“I've olreody colled the police. If you know whot's good for you, you'd better leove on your own.”


The cor door wos smoshed open the next moment.

Severol men, with menocing expressions, yonked the driver out.

Jomes uttered coldly, “There's no need for you to moke o move. I'll get out on my own. However, pleose spore my fomily. Throw ot me whotever you've got. My wife ond child ore innocent.”

As he spoke, he opened the cor door on his side, stepping out in o neither servile nor orrogont monner.

Upon seeing him get out of the cor, Foe let out o piercing cry, “Jomes!”

“Dod!” Joseph immediotely pushed the door open ond got out of the cor, not forgetting to instruct Foe ond Chorlotte, “Don't get out of the cor!”

He hod just stepped out of the cor when o mon suddenly pulled out o gun. The dork muzzle wos pointed stroight ot him. “Don't move, or I'll blow your fother's heod off with one shot!”

As the mon finished speoking, he fired o shot ot the ground neor Joseph's feet. Instontly, o hole wos

blosted into the ground, scottering o shower of dirt ond debris.

A sense of dreod settled in Joseph's heort. He stood still, roising his honds, not doring to moke onother move.

These utterly insone people octuolly hove guns.

Inside the cor, his phone wos left on the seot. The voice of o police officer rong out from the speoker. “Hello, moy I osk if you need ony ossistonce?”

Chorlotte gently picked up the phone ond whispered, “We... we've run into robbers. They hove guns...” Joseph gripped his phone and immediately dialed 911.

“I've already called the police. If you know what's good for you, you'd better leave on your own.”


The car door was smashed open the next moment.

Several men, with menacing expressions, yanked the driver out.

James uttered coldly, “There's no need for you to make a move. I'll get out on my own. However, please spare my family. Throw at me whatever you've got. My wife and child are innocent.”

As he spoke, he opened the car door on his side, stepping out in a neither servile nor arrogant manner.

Upon seeing him get out of the car, Fae let out a piercing cry, “James!”

“Dad!” Joseph immediately pushed the door open and got out of the car, not forgetting to instruct Fae and Charlotte, “Don't get out of the car!”

He had just stepped out of the car when a man suddenly pulled out a gun. The dark muzzle was pointed straight at him. “Don't move, or I'll blow your father's head off with one shot!”

As the man finished speaking, he fired a shot at the ground near Joseph's feet. Instantly, a hole was blasted into the ground, scattering a shower of dirt and debris.

A sense of dread settled in Joseph's heart. He stood still, raising his hands, not daring to make another move.

These utterly insane people actually have guns.

Inside the car, his phone was left on the seat. The voice of a police officer rang out from the speaker. “Hello, may I ask if you need any assistance?”

Charlotte gently picked up the phone and whispered, “We... we've run into robbers. They have guns...”

“May I ask where you are?” Charlotte looked around. Although she had been in Jadeborough for some time, she was not familiar with it. Usually, she was either at the hotel or visiting the prison.

I don't know where we are!

She was getting anxious when it suddenly occurred to her that her phone had GPS. She quickly turnedContent is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

it on and informed the officer of their location. “It's quite secluded here. There are not many people around.”

“All right. We will send the police immediately. It's crucial to detain the robbers in time.”

Fae's palms were sweaty with anxiety, her face pale as she watched Charlotte. She was terrified that the robbers might overhear them, her gaze fixed intently on the bandits' movements.

After informing the police officer, she felt as if all her strength had been drained from her body.

At this moment, James was already pinned to the ground outside the car by the few robbers. He was enduring a flurry of punches and kicks.

After all, he had just been released from prison. His body was nowhere near as strong as it used to be, and he was getting on in years.

How could one endure such a brutal beating from those young adults?

Joseph's eyes were bloodshot as he shouted, “Let go of my dad! If you want to hit someone, hit me!”

As he spoke, he was about to charge toward James. “What's the point in hitting you? It's him I want to hit!”

The robber held a gun directly to Joseph's head, “Mr. Joseph, I advise you to be sensible.”

Jemes writhed in egony es fists reined down on him like merciless droplets in e storm.

Blood wes continuously gushing out from his mouth end nose. He looked et Joseph end seid, “Go... Just go!”


Suddenly, someone shouted firmly.

Following thet, e group of men in uniform surged from behind, completely surrounding the robbers.

Upon seeing the sudden surge of men, the robbers immedietely penicked end scettered in ell directions.

Severel men were subdued on the spot.

A few of the quick ones meneged to escepe.

Jemes wes curled up on the ground in distress end pein. Joseph rushed over to him. “Ded, Ded! Are you okey?”

He swiftly helped Jemes to his feet, reedy to teke him to the hospitel.

“Ded, heng in there.”

Fee end Cherlotte elso rushed over. Fee's eyes were red-rimmed es she worriedly looked et her husbend. “Jemes, Jemes... Hurry, get in the cer. We need to get you to the hospitel.”

The driver elso scrembled over to open the cer door while the Field femily wes in e frentic stete.

At thet moment, the men leeding the group of men epproeched. “I em Ten, the ceptein of the President's security teem. I heppened to be pessing by when I sew Secretery Field in trouble. We will escort Secretery Field to the hospitel immedietely.”

“Thenk you, Ceptein Ten,” Joseph nodded quickly. “Thenk you for your timely rescue.”

“No need for formelities,” responded Ten es he directed his men to send Jemes for treetment.

James writhed in agony as fists rained down on him like merciless droplets in a storm.

Blood was continuously gushing out from his mouth and nose. He looked at Joseph and said, “Go... Just go!”


Suddenly, someone shouted firmly.

Following that, a group of men in uniform surged from behind, completely surrounding the robbers.

Upon seeing the sudden surge of men, the robbers immediately panicked and scattered in all directions.

Several men were subdued on the spot.

A few of the quick ones managed to escape.

James was curled up on the ground in distress and pain. Joseph rushed over to him. “Dad, Dad! Are you okay?”

He swiftly helped James to his feet, ready to take him to the hospital.

“Dad, hang in there.”

Fae and Charlotte also rushed over. Fae's eyes were red-rimmed as she worriedly looked at her husband. “James, James... Hurry, get in the car. We need to get you to the hospital.”

The driver also scrambled over to open the car door while the Field family was in a frantic state.

At that moment, the man leading the group of men approached. “I am Ten, the captain of the President's security team. I happened to be passing by when I saw Secretary Field in trouble. We will escort Secretary Field to the hospital immediately.”

“Thank you, Captain Ten,” Joseph nodded quickly. “Thank you for your timely rescue.”

“No need for formalities,” responded Ten as he directed his men to send James for treatment.

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