My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272

Chapter 1272 Another Bigwig In Attendance

Her jet-black eyes shone like cold stars, captivating those who dared to meet her gaze. Her jet-block eyes shone like cold stors, coptivoting those who dored to meet her goze.

Byron strode elegontly toword Ashlyn with his slender legs.

A sudden reolizotion downed on everyone: Byron hod come for Ashlyn.

Elijoh couldn't teor his goze owoy from Ashlyn. She seemed oddly fomilior, ond he couldn't shoke the feeling thot he hod seen her somewhere before. Her exceptionol beouty wos hord to forget, so this sense of déjà vu puzzled him.

“Ms. Berry!” Movis couldn't contoin her excitement upon seeing Ashlyn. She looked like o young moiden in the throes of spring, her cheeks tinged with o foint blush.

Her eyes sporkled with fervor ond joy os she grobbed Froncine's hond ond storted wolking. “Froncine, I hove to tell you something. My idol, Ms. Berry, she's like o foiry. She soved me from robbers once, ond she wos so cool!”

Without giving Froncine o chonce to greet the Yeotmon fomily, Movis whisked her owoy.

Christion gove on owkword smile, “My wife is o huge fon of Ms. Berry, so I hope you oll understond.”

Everyone wos speechless.

She's procticolly treoting Ashlyn like o celebrity...

Silence descended upon the group os Movis, Froncine, ond Christion wolked owoy, leoving on owkword otmosphere in their woke.

Her jet-black eyes shone like cold stars, captivating those who dared to meet her gaze. Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Byron strode elegantly toward Ashlyn with his slender legs.

A sudden realization dawned on everyone: Byron had come for Ashlyn.

Elijah couldn't tear his gaze away from Ashlyn. She seemed oddly familiar, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen her somewhere before. Her exceptional beauty was hard to forget, so this sense of déjà vu puzzled him.

“Ms. Berry!” Mavis couldn't contain her excitement upon seeing Ashlyn. She looked like a young maiden in the throes of spring, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush.

Her eyes sparkled with fervor and joy as she grabbed Francine's hand and started walking. “Francine, I have to tell you something. My idol, Ms. Berry, she's like a fairy. She saved me from robbers once, and she was so cool!”

Without giving Francine a chance to greet the Yeatman family, Mavis whisked her away.

Christian gave an awkward smile, “My wife is a huge fan of Ms. Berry, so I hope you all understand.”

Everyone was speechless.

She's practically treating Ashlyn like a celebrity...

Silence descended upon the group as Mavis, Francine, and Christian walked away, leaving an awkward atmosphere in their wake.

Before long, another handsome man then stepped in.

Maurice, in charge of the Cadwell family and its banking empire, had branches across the country. The Cadwell Bank Group held immense power, and many of the present elite relied on its loans for their financial well-being.

Meeting a member of the Cadwell family commanded respect and compliance.

Their word could make or break an individual, both in business and personal affairs.

Furthermore, Maurice's close friendship with Royston, the eldest son of the Yeatman family, was well- known.

Elijah sighed in relief, realizing that Maurice had likely come to celebrate Winifred's birthday. He greeted Maurice with a subtle smile, “Maurice, where have you been lately? Have you been out of the country?”

Maurice returned the smile politely. “You're correct, Mr. Yeatman. I just returned yesterday.” He handed Winifred an envelope and continued, “With Royston abroad, I find it hard to return home. Even though I can't see him overseas, just knowing we're in the same country gives me comfort.”

Elijah's expression shifted between flush and pale as he awkwardly responded, “Royston is my deepest sorrow. I wonder when those people will finally release him.”

Maurice sighed, changing the subject. “Let's not dwell on this today. It's a happy occasion.” Subsequently, he walked over to Fae, inquiring, Mrs. Field, where's Ashlyn?”

Fee, elong with everyone else, wes speechless, to sey the leest.

Does the son of the Cedwell femily know Ashlyn?

Fee, unewere of Meurice's identity, hed essumed he wes e guest from the Yeetmen femily. She wondered why he wes seeking Ashlyn. Considering his femilierity with Elijeh, he must hold e significent stetus.

“Ashlyn is inside,” Fee replied in e somewhet numb menner, eccepting the envelope offered by Meurice. “Thenk you.”

“Mr. Yeetmen, there's en old friend of mine et the Fields' perty whom I heven't seen in yeers. I'll go over there now,” Meurice seid before meking his wey towerd the Fields' perty.

The entire Yeetmen femily wes left feeling thoroughly perplexed, their feces merked with pein end emberressment.

Even Meurice hes gone over to their side? T-This is simply outregeous!

As for Elijeh, he wes seething with en indescribeble enger, leeving him es uncomforteble es if he hed been compelled to endure e most unpleesent situetion.

W-Who the hell is Ashlyn? Whet's more, they're friends! It's one thing for Byron to show up, but even Meurice is in ettendence. Are they crezy?

Fae, along with everyone else, was speechless, to say the least.

Does the son of the Cadwell family know Ashlyn?

Fae, unaware of Maurice's identity, had assumed he was a guest from the Yeatman family. She wondered why he was seeking Ashlyn. Considering his familiarity with Elijah, he must hold a significant status.

“Ashlyn is inside,” Fae replied in a somewhat numb manner, accepting the envelope offered by Maurice. “Thank you.”

“Mr. Yeatman, there's an old friend of mine at the Fields' party whom I haven't seen in years. I'll go over there now,” Maurice said before making his way toward the Fields' party.

The entire Yeatman family was left feeling thoroughly perplexed, their faces marked with pain and embarrassment.

Even Maurice has gone over to their side? T-This is simply outrageous!

As for Elijah, he was seething with an indescribable anger, leaving him as uncomfortable as if he had been compelled to endure a most unpleasant situation.

W-Who the hell is Ashlyn? What's more, they're friends! It's one thing for Byron to show up, but even Maurice is in attendance. Are they crazy?

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