My Best Friend’s Brother

Chapter 31 Molly/Chris/Molly

I knew I would go through this again as soon as he came back, so I decided to find someone to keep me far away from him, Jack.

I got used to Colin’s absence so quickly, but it also made me realize that he was never really there.

My thoughts return to Chris and his mouth glued to mine minutes ago.

Then I conclude that he kissed me only because, I don’t know, maybe remorse for not having helped me when he could?

I don’t know.

But I know one thing, and I liked it so much that he kissed me. It was hard to let it go like that.

… Chris…

I am just finishing getting my things and putting them in my backpack to go to work when Julie comes home from college.

The problem is that she is not alone. Molly is right behind her. They are talking about the girl who lives with Molly, but I don’t pay attention. I am still calculating what I will do when her eyes meet mine.

I hadn’t seen her since that early morning walk to her apartment and kissing her two days ago.

”Chris, are you leaving already?”

Julie asks me, making me turn and look in their direction.

I smile and nod my head affirmatively. Then she looks at me. I don’t know what she’s thinking, and I can’t interpret it. But at least she doesn’t seem angry about what happened.


Then she says:

”Hi, Chris.”

I say hello, and Julie walks out, smiling toward the kitchen.

I’m sure she told Julie that we talked. I don’t know if she left out the kissing thing.

” Is Jack coming over today?”

Julie breaks what seemed to be a pleasant mood between us when she asks this question, and I soon realize that she is still dating that asshole who was with her when I arrived.

She looks a little flushed when she answers:

”Yeah, he’s coming.”

I say to Julie:

”I’m coming.”

I walk past Molly and don’t even look at her face.

She certainly didn’t tell Julie about the kiss. I must stop being such an idiot and thinking this girl has feelings for me.

Because it sure didn’t mean anything. You know what? Not to me either.

My cell phone vibrates next to me on the bed. I answer it.

”Dude, what is this shit that you arrive and not even warn? Let’s go out and get some chicks tonight?”

”Adan, today is Tuesday.”

”So what? You don’t give a shit when it comes to drinking and getting laid, man.”

”Judging by your voice and the loud sound, you’re undoubtedly already doing that.”

He laughs.

”Sure! You have twenty minutes to get here, and I’ll introduce you to Carol’s friend.”

”Who is Carol?”

”A hot blonde who is hugging me now.”

He still says to someone:

”Say hi to Chris.”

A female voice says, laughing and sexy at the same time:

”Hi Chris. Come soon.”

I also think she is drunk. But I say:

”Man, I’d love to go if I didn’t have a job and needed to stay out of bars during the week. It’s just not going to work out.”

”No partying tonight?”

”No partying tonight, Adan.”

”No chicks?”

”No chicks.”

”You shit.”

”Thanks, Adan.”

He says some shit to the girl that is with him. I hang up the phone because I don’t want to listen to the shit he’s going to say to her now. I already know everything by heart.

I know I never cared whether it was a week or a weekend to go out and get it on. But lately, I haven’t needed to do that, especially after going to New York.

The problem is that this change has a name and… beautiful legs too.

… Molly…

It had been a few days since Chantal had been arguing a lot with Sean, but I didn’t think it would end in a breakup.

The thing is, it did end, and now while Julie is consoling her on the couch, I finish preparing a soothing tea for our dear colleague.

Julie says after a while where Chantal doesn’t cry, only sobs:

”We should have a girls’ night.”

I affirm:From NôvelDrama.Org.

”Yeah, chocolate, drinks, and talking shit about guys.”

Chantal laughs. I think she approved.

Julie adds:

”Tonight at my place.”

We have the TV on with some music video program, and while I put the drinks we bought in the fridge, Chantal gets the pillows and spreads them out on the mattresses we put in the living room.

Julie prepares some snacks, and we sit at the table and start drinking, eating snacks, and talking about guys, especially the disappointments they have already caused us.

An hour later…

” I’m not going to talk about me because it’s a bastard what Colin did to me …”

The door opens.

Chris enters.

I stop talking instantly.

He looks around at our glasses.

”Oh no, Chris, tonight is girls’ night!”

Judging by Julie’s voice, she’s already a little airborne.

He raises his hands in the air and says:

”Okay. You won’t even know I’m here. I’m going to my room.”

He goes up the stairs and doesn’t even look in our direction anymore. What do you mean he’s not going out on a Saturday?

Julie told me that he’s been staying home more these days, and telling you the truth, I haven’t seen him go out or come home with any girls.

Well, it’s not because I haven’t seen him that he’s not doing it.

After drinking, dancing, singing sad songs on TV, and listening to Chantal cry some more, I think we fell asleep because when I woke up, I saw on the cell phone clock that it was already 2:30 in the morning.

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