Mr. CEO Sassy Bride

Cold and Crazy

Standing before the monumental doorway in the immense corridor, a woman adorned in traditional maid garb awaited. Clad in a somber black dress with a crisp white apron and a matching hairband, she exuded an air of timidity.

For what seemed like an eternity, she remained motionless, hesitant to grasp the doorknob and step into the room. With each passing second, her body trembled uncontrollably, a sign of her inner fear. It was as though she was about to enter into the lair of a ferocious lion.

Summoning every ounce of courage she possessed, she prepared to knock on the door. But before she could, the door violently swung open, revealing the owner of the room.

Nelson Carter. He stood tall and imposing, emanating an air of regality and power. Like a Greek deity in human form.

The maid quickly lowered her head, offering a respectful bow. “G-Good morning, Mr. Carter. I-I’ve come to inform you that b-breakfast is served and Madam is w-waiting for you.”

Despite her best efforts, the servant could not hide her stutter, for in the presence of this god-like man, one could not help but feel overwhelmed with nervousness and awe.

Nelson departed the room silently, exuding an aura of glory as his alluring scent wafted through the air.

Before long, he found himself in the dining hall, a faint smile gracing his lips as he caught sight of the one person capable of softening his cold demeanor.

“Good morning, Mother,” he spoke softly, approaching her with confident strides before taking a seat at the sleek and lengthy dining table.

“Well, well, my super duper handsome son,” Susan exclaimed, abandoning her task of arranging the dishes to plant a kiss on each of Nelson’s cheeks, beaming with joy.

At sixty-five years old, Susan exuded elegance and grace beyond her years. Her neatly twisted gray hair and gently wrinkled face radiated pure adoration.

“Did you sleep well?” she inquired, her soft hands tenderly caressing Nelson’s face.

Nelson never had the opportunity to respond before she interjected, “I had a magnificent dream about you, my dear son.”

As she spoke, she unveiled the delectable meal. “You were on your way to the office that morning when you rescued a distressed woman and then–”

“That’s enough, Mom,” Nelson interjected with a sigh, meeting her gaze. “I already promised you that I would bring a bride home for you soon. So please, spare me your dream.”

A smile crept onto Susan’s face, but it quickly disappeared as she sat down next to him and took his hand. “Not for me, Nelson, but for you. You will adore and cherish your woman–”

“Mother!” Nelson abruptly slammed the table, startling his Mother.

His face had darkened so much it was alarming, as if a sunny day had suddenly turned to storm clouds.

“You of all people know how much I abhor the idea of being with a woman, Mother. You are well aware of this, so please,” he paused, flaring his nostrils, “do not push me any further,” he ground out through clenched teeth.

Feeling embarrassed, Susan averted her eyes from her grandson’s angered expression and attempted to say something. However, Nelson had risen to his feet and stormed out.

“Good heavens,” Susan sighed, watching him leave the room.

Nelson’s hands coiled into tight fists, the tension in his imposing figure palpable as he seethed with fury. His jaw clenched and unclenched, a physical manifestation of his simmering rage.

Reaching the garage, he spotted the driver already waiting behind the wheel. Without hesitation, he barked out his demands. “Get down and hand over the keys, man,” he ordered sternly, the anger evident in his voice.

The driver hastily complied, but didn’t immediately submit the keys. He noticed his boss’s heated demeanor and couldn’t understand what he had done to deserve such wrath, especially considering he had only been on the job for a week.

“M-Mr. Carter, I beg your pardon if I have overstepped any boundaries,” the middle-aged driver stammered, attempting to appease Nelson’s wrath. But the businessman cut him off, the fury in his voice overpowering.

“Are you itching to lose your job? Is that what you want?”

The man shook his head frantically, “No, sir. Please no,”

“Then give me the damn keys,” he fixed the driver with a determined gaze, his hand outstretched to receive them.

Trembling, the driver placed the keys in his hand and watched as he hastily entered the SUV and careened out of the yard.

“He’s in a terrible mood,” the driver murmured to himself before letting out a deep sigh.


“Oh, damn it, Lani! How could I have miss that scene, out of all of scenes? You should have called me, Hannah. I dozed off,” Leilani whined, her phone held up to her ear, looking close to tears.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

She was on the road, waiting for the pedestrian crossing sign to change while on a call with her closest friend – both of them fervently discussing their favorite primetime drama that aired at 9pm.

“So you mean after all these years, Zavier mustered up the courage to finally confess his love to Flora last night?” Lani exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“Indeed, Lani, you must witness the sight of Zavier enfolding his strong arm around our pitiful Flora and ardently pressing his lips against hers,” Hannah exaggerated, her excitement overflowing.

Feeling the same fervor, Leilani grinned ear-to-ear while on the phone, envisioning the scene in her own mind.

“How long did the kiss last? Two minutes, five, ten, or even twenty?” Leilani gushed, her cheeks flushed as she covered her mouth.

Just then, she noticed the passersby had crossed the highway, leaving her alone on the road. In a rush, she quickly headed towards the street, but a speeding vehicle nearly collided with her.

“Damn!” she cursed, slamming her hand on the car out of frustration before regaining her balance.

“Sorry, Hannah, I’ll call you back,” she abruptly ended the call, slamming her hand on the car again as she impatiently waited for the driver to get off.

The irate voice of Nelson reverberated as he emerged from the vehicle, his tone laced with rage and an ominous question, “Hey, do you want to die? Get outta my way.”

Lani locked eyes with him, unflinching in her gaze, and quipped, “So, your intention was to end my life, right?” She strode towards him with determination, determined to stand her ground.

Nelson emitted a disbelieving scoff, “If I had not exercised caution, you would be six feet under by now, woman. Do not be melodramatic and simply move aside.” Impatience and fury mingled in his words as he pivoted to return to his car.

“Do you think you can move this car from here, you wretched bastard?” Leilani’s voice boomed with vexation, punctuated by another loud bang on the car.

Nelson’s eyes narrowed in astonishment at the troublesome woman before him, set on provoking a confrontation with him this morning.

“Who do you think you are?” Lani seethed, her eyes flashing with uncontrolled anger. “Just because you drive this old-fashioned car, do you believe you can speak nonsense or have me killed?”

“Oh shut up, young lady. The vehicle clearly did not collide with you, so what is all the fuss about?” Nelson retorted, seething with anger.

“You shut up!” Leilani shot back, causing Nelson to blink in surprise. “Are you out of your mind? How dare you tell me to be silent! Do I look like your servant, someone you can order around?” Leilani exclaimed, secretly taking pleasure in the growing number of onlookers.

Nelson’s tight jaw and clenched fists revealed the raging storm within him, but Leilani acted as if she didn’t see it, unfazed and unafraid.

“Listen to me, you fool. If your car had hit me just now, then you would be sitting in jail by now,” Leilani threatened fiercely and finally backed away, leaving Nelson speechless.

She then turned her attention to the spectators who were watching the scene unfold. “You can all go back to your business now. I have put him in his place.”

As the crowd began to disperse, she gave a final irritated glance at a seething Nelson.

“Look at him. Shameless man, talking back to a lady. No shred of manners or etiquette, and on top of it all, a face like Archaeopteryx,” she spat in disgust and crossed the road, leaving Nelson fuming.

A muscle in Nelson’s jaw twitched and his hand clenched as he suppressed his anger. It was the sound of several car horns that brought him back to reality.

Panting, he uttered a string of curses as he made his way back to his vehicle.

“I must find that bitch!”

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