Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

It was back to reality and routine once again.

It had taken two full days of sleeping in and going in to work later to some how try and recover from the jet lag. Not to mention the readjustment of sleeping schedule due to the time difference but ir had past before | knew it.

The office had ran smoothly in my absence seeing as the department’s were doing their final checks before the big meeting and | couldn’t wait to attend it. The meeting was precisely less than 24 hours


In less than 24 hours, we would know who had won the bet on agreement and either Dante or myself would walk away a victor and one the loser. | didn’t want to think too much of who would be who though | like to remain positive and asume the best possible out come for myself.

The week we had spent together should not change any thing. | didn’t think it did for Dante but | wasn’t sure. However, | felt like | needed to know what he had been thinking. We had gotten on surprisingly well in the week that past... a little too well, in fact, but | was not going to complain.

What happened in Vegas stayed in Vegas. Right?

It was inevitable. A small part of me knew this the minute he gave me heated look when | licked chocolate of my fingers before we had even left. | knew from then that the inevitable would happen. whether | tried to fight it or not.

And it did.

| didn’t regret it at all but it did leave a few questions unanswered like was that a one time thing? or did this change anything? or was there any meaning to this?

| remembered the last time | looked too deep in to rolling in the sheets with Dante and it had only gotten me hurt because | expected more... no, no, he lead me to believe that there was more.

The last night that we had shared in Greece held no promise of any thing neither did it hold any deception. We were just two people who had been over taken by the moment and gave in with out sparing it too much of thought. All | could think about was how | couldn’t hold it off any longer and if | was going to scratch this itch then | might as well do it while we were still away so when we got back it would be like a new start and easier to pretend that nothing had transpired between us.

“Earth to Sophia.” Adam waved his hand in front of me and | snapped out of my reverie and returned my attention to the present. The present being our usual cafe spot just down the block from my office where we decided to meet and catch up since we had not for a week.

“Sorry, | was just lost in my thoughts. | shook my head like the thoughts would just leave me alone.

“| can see that. Still jet lagged?” He questioned leaning back in his seat causing the buttons of hist





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Chapter 62

white shirt to grow taut.

“Not at all. The jet lag eased up a day ago.” | explained defensively and Adam raised a curious brow

at me.

“So, how was your week long get away?” The inquisitive note in his question was loud and clear.

| wasn’t going to tell him any thing that he didn’t need to know. Adam would possibly berate the and admonish me for being so careless again and it was just a tid bit that he did not need to know about.

| chewed on a bread stick before inhaling. “It was surprisingly nice. Hayley had an absolute blast which I’m sure you’d hear all about when you see her.” | said hopefully leading him away from Dante and I.

“lam sure she did but how did you find it?” He looked at me with a focussed, pinned look.

| shrugged. “I found it very relaxing. At first | was worrying about butting heads with Dante alot but he was just focused on Hayley and | was mostly doing my own thing. It was a vacation that | didn’t know | needed.” | said truthfully and he nodded pressing his I*ps in to a thing line before taking a sip of his coffee.

“I'm surprised to say the least. | thought the man would get on your last nerve.” He said and my head immediately went to the fact that he did managed to get on a lot of my nerves but just the right ones but | kept that comment to myself.

“Truth be told, | was expecting that too but it was all smooth sailing.” | said with a neutral smile.

Adam let out a breath. “A break before the meeting. When is it?” He queried even though he had no intention of joining in. Adam hated meetings in general and would not be caught dead at one that he didn’t absolutely need to be at

“Tomorrow at 10 in the morning.” | told him and his brows raised at the time.

“Sooner than | thought.” He said in surprise. “best to g get the suspense out earlier rather than later.” He shrugged.

“| know and | do not want to think about it at the moment.” | closed the topic and Adam respected. that.

About a half an hour later, Adam had taken care of the bill and we left the cafe. He dropped me of at the office while he headed back to attend a meeting of his own.

| marched in to my office with the attention of taking care of whatever work | had for the day before | could leave the building and head home to Hayley. After spending a week with Dante and |, | noticed that she was still adjusting to being left without either one of us. She was eager to see Nancy and give her the souvenirs she had gotten her but aside from that she was taking some time adjusting back to routine.



Chapter 62


| had just settled behind my work desk when Lucy let herself in to my office with a scandalous look on her face, her eyes ablaze with mischief, and her phone in her hand.

*Sophia, you have got to see this. This has just been published.” She moved closer then handed her phone over to me to check whatever it had been that she discovered.

| took the phone from her and m eyes read over the bold black headline and my mouth ran dry.

| couldn't believe what the words that | had read that made up the headline at one of New York’s number one tabloids. My heart slammed against my chest and my throat felt like it was closing up.

Dante Crawford’s Ex- Fiance Confirms Pregnancy! Read the headline that had me feeling like | was going to throw up what ever I had eaten.

Pheobe is pregnant with Dante’s child!

“What the hell. | said in disbelief trying to control my reaction and not truly express how | felt seeing as Lucy was sitting right across from me with her eyes watching me like a hawk.

“| know! This man is walking scandal. No one knows why they saperated but what if this makes them reunite for their child?” Lucy mused and | shuddered at the thought.

“| wonder.” | responded dryly.

“| think they will but then again she isn’t the nicest of person. | think Mr Crawford has realised this and may never get back with her.” She spoke her mind completely aloof to my shock.

“Why do you follow his gossip so much?” | asked Lucy handing back her phone to her and maintaining my composure despite how | felt on the inside.

Lucy took her phone and tucked it in to her pocket. “I’m surprised you do not.” She raised a sardonic brow at me. “He is a major investor to the company. If any one should be on your radar, it should be him.” She said with a shrug but then saw herself out of my Office.

The minute she shut the door behind her, | slumped against my office chair. | ran my hands over my face like it was going to run away the nightmare that this was proving to be.

Pheobe just didn’t seem to be able to go away for good! She was like a plague that didn’t disappear and there was no cure for. After knowing just how dangerous she is and all that she had attempted on my life, | couldn’t help but feel terrified for my own safety, for Hayley’s safety, if this woman is back in Dante’s life.

Now that Dante knew and formed such a bond with Hayley, Pheobe was not going to like it neither was Dante going to stay away from Hayley.

Aside from the fear, |

was also immensely furious with Dante. This couldn’t keep happening! Why on earth did Pheobe manage to creep her way back to relevance after Dante and | had been. intimate. It was like she had some sort of sensor that alerted her when it felt like Dante and | were kind of finding a balance between us.


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Chapter 62

Apart of me wondered if Dante knew about this first or was he also finding out of Pheobe’s pregnancy from the tabloid. If he had found out sooner then he did not let it be known but it was too close in time for him to have found out this morning and it to have hit the tabloids in the afternoon.

But if | calculated correctly, Pheobe would have been finding out about her pregnancy recently which means that Dante and her were still very much happy and intimate even when he had been chasing after me.

Ugh! Da mmit.

| pushed back my chair and it slide back hitting the wall behind me but | didn’t care. | stormed out my office and told Lucy to cancel the rest of my day. | couldn’t think of spending another moment here.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.




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