More Than Lust

21) Torture!

21) Torture!

Grace's pov

My eyes wondered around the club. I thought it's some kind of business party. What are we doing in

club. I am not dressed according to the club code.

Guards quickly opened the door for us, may be they know him. We entered the club and first floor was

empty. Only clicking voice of cutlery by the waiters.

He led me towards second floor and i visibly gulped when I saw people there.

Chairs were arranged in rectangular form. Few of them were already sitting on the velvet chairs.

Chief greeted few of them in Italian and sat on his chair. I was about to sit beside him but he grabbed

my wrist and gestured me to sit on his lap.


I have never sit on his lap. It will be so uncomfortable and why would I sit on devil's lap like a child.

"Chief can I sit there?"

I asked hesitated.

He glared at me and pulled me on his lap.

I gasped when I landed on his lap but quickly composed myself. He wrapped his hand around my

waist and other rested on my thigh. Text content © NôvelDrama.Org.

"Don't use your little mind... We are not here for party."

He warned. I looked up at him confused as he covered my exposed leg with my dress.

If not party then what is this? Why i am on his lap?

I sat there uncomfortably. It's so weird. Why can't they give me seperate chair?

He is holding me like he owns me, well he does for more few days but that doesn't mean he can show

it publicly. I am strictly prohibited for talking about our relationship and he is taking me to the parties like

he is my lover.

I released a sigh and tried to make myself comfortable on his lap but it's literally impossible. His scent

is teasing my mind. It's a beautiful smell but it has so many terrifying memories attached to it. It

reminds me of every painful night.

He always makes me cum but there are hardly few days when I have felt pleasure. Most of the time he

takes his anger on me.

Still i feel lucky enough that he isn't beating me or worst.

I slowly looked up at him. Even after sitting on his lap i am still reaching to his shoulder. He is really tall

and handsome Italian man.

If it wasn't for his occupation and behavior then i would have definitely fall for him. His eyes are enough

to lure any woman.

His long eyelashes will put any woman to shame.

Beautiful things are always dangerous. For me he is definition of danger.

He tilted his head and looked down at me, i quickly looked at my lap trying to avoid his gaze. God! He

saw me looking at him. I hope he doesn't misunderstand.

Slowly chairs started filling. Just like me most of women were sitting on laps like queens. I can clearly

see proudness on their faces. May be they are wives but if wives are sitting on laps then why me, i am

not his wife.

Like i wanted few girls are sitting beside their partners too. Why i can't sit like this?

My eyes widened when I saw one girl sitting at man's feet. What the hell is this? What's going on here?

I looked up at him with questioningly. Should I ask him? Will he answer? Will he care about my


May be he read my face.

"She is sex slave..."

He answered.

Oh my god! Are those things still in existence. Which world is this? It's terrifying.

"Mafia world!.."

He Smirked and I looked at him like a deer caught in headlights.

I gulped and took away.

"I want your girl..."

I heard One man who is sitting beside us. He was looking at the girl with very nasty look.

"Since she is not on your lap, i assume she is available for me..."

What the fuck!? If she is not on lap then does it mean that she available, what kind of rule is this?

Women's are just objects for these mafias.

Is that why I am on lap?

He doesn't want anyone to touch me. Does he care about me?

"Why I am on lap?"

I mumbled looking at him.

He looked at me like he wasn't expecting this question from me.

"I don't share my things..."

He stated.

Thing! Right, i am just a thing which he has purchased for few months.

His posture changed when his brother and mother entered. They weren't alone.

Alexander was with beautiful woman, she has blonde hair and blue eyes. Is she Bella?

The way he is holding her, she seems important.

Anamika was with man. Oh my god! He is literally giving me Lucifer Vibes. Dark hair and amber eyes.

Alexander has got his eyes and hair.

These brothers has got everything from parents. They are evil but their father looks more dangerous.

Even his energy is scary. The way he is looking at people, his walk, his aura everything seems like a

danger. Why is Anamika with him?

I have only talked to her once but she seems kind and friendly. How can she marry such man?

The way he is holding her, screams pure possesion. Well it's not surprising because she is so beautiful

that anyone can get obsessed over her.

My stomach churned when his father looked at us. He doesn't seem happy. After throwing daggers at

his son with his murderous eyes, he looked at me. I subconsciously scooted closer to chief. He is

scaring me. Chief wrapped his hand firmly around me.

They took their seats and Anamika looked at me. I lowered my gaze, what will she think about me?

What i am doing on her son's lap.

All seats got their respective owners and each man was with partner except one.

He must be waiting for someone.

His face instantly turned happy when the girl entered through the main door.

Everyone's eyes snapped towards her as she walked towards him like a queen. She looks confident.

From where these people get so much confidence.

I almost flinched when i felt vibrations. Fuck!

What he wants? I bit my lips.

I won't give him this satisfaction. He is trying to play with.

I won't react, let him do whatever he wants.

I clutched on my dress and tried to keep my face normal. But the sensation intensified.

Again I was second away from the pleasure but he turned it off. I mentally Groaned.

I looked at him and he is involved in meeting like he is unaware of my presence. Wow! He really does

know, how to play.

He did it again and again but didn't give me release. Thankfully all women gathered at the counter

away from partners.

He let me go and i stood in the corner. I was standing quitely but this monster again started torturing


The girl, Rosetta was talking to me but I didn't realise what she is asking and what I am talking because

all my mind was on that thing which is inside me.

I excused myself and ran towards the washroom. I washed my face and tried to calm down. It's so

difficult and frustrating. I want orgasm. This is so painful. It's making me restless.

I fixed my makeup and walked out just to collide with Alexander.

My heart started racing when that moment flashed in front of me. I gulped looking at his evil eyes.

"Little birdy..."

He Smirked.

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