Mated With Five Boys

Chapter 16: Coffee Shop Girl.

Chapter 16: Coffee Shop Girl.

"Keep love in your heart.A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead’

The walk home was long, the fact that Axel was following behind me in his car made it longer.

At first, he was trying to hide it but now he was just creeping right behind me.

Occasionally there was a frustrated honk from the people behind him but he would just honk right back, not giving a single care in the world.

It was frustrating, I wish he would just leave me alone.

I can't handle the constant change in behaviors and feelings, it was just too much.

If you like someone tell them, show them.

If you hate someone, push them off a really high cliff.

It's so simple.

But for Axel, he rather leave me hanging off the cliff, dangling helplessly.

But that doesn't matter because I'm done with him, utterly and unbelievably done with them.

If I ever saw him again it would be too soon, but unfortunately for me, I live right across the hall from him.

I tried to ignore him, totally block out his entire existence but every once in a while he would honk at me which would make me almost jump out of my skin and of course it was the funniest thing in the world to him.

After the third time of scaring me, I was furious.

I huffed out and turned around to face him.

He was laughing uncontrollably and I'm pretty sure his face was turning red.

"Axel!" I shouted when he rolled down the window.

"Mia." He chuckled.

"What's your problem?" I look at him bewildered.

"What do you mean." He gave me a look.

"I can't handle your identity crisis!"

I shouted, throwing my hands up in the air, I can't believe this kid.

"Look, I know I was jerk-"

"A jerk? Try a raging asshole." I spat.

"Just get in the car and let me take you home." He sighed.

"Kiss my ass!" I shouted at him.

"Excuse me?" Axel looked at me amused.

"Kiss.My.Ass." I repeat slowly.

"I mean if you insist"He laughed loudly.

"I can't stand you; I told him.

"Then sit."

He smiled cheekily, patting the passenger's seat.

"I'm done with this,’ I whispered more to myself than to him.

"You know you're kinda hot when you're mad." He smirked.

His words made me sick.

"What happened to being less than average?"

I repeated his words, I couldn't help the hurt that came out along with them.

"Angel I didn't mea-" He started.

"You know what? Just forget it.

I'm over it, I just want you to leave me alone.

That shouldn't bother you since you wish you never met me, right?"

I forced a laugh, trying not to let his words affect me.

I didn't bother waiting for a reply, I'm tired of feeling like this.

I began walking down the sidewalk trying to stop myself from kicking Axel's stupid expensive car which he probably got from the drugs he sold.

I was still following the GPS on my phone and as of right now it has me walking through downtown, I'm pretty sure I was a couple of blocks away from where I paint the portrait of my mom, a couple of blocks away from where I felt like I came alive again.

I couldn't help but think of what my mother would say about the choices I've made, would she be proud? I doubt it, I haven't done anything to make her proud.

Sometimes I wish I was the one that died, I would have gladly given my life for hers.

The last words my mom had said to me was I'm sorry.

She was laying in a hospital bed dying and she told me she was sorry.

Even to this day, that memory breaks my heart.

I should have been the one to say sorry, I couldn't save her or make her pain go away.

I could only watch as she suffered.

I remember that day like it was yesterday.

She called me over her bed and weakly grabbed my hand.

I remember her telling me out of all her many blessings I was her best and brightest.

I remember the look in her eyes when she told me she loved me.

I remember being so angry that she left me here, alone.

The breeze hitting my wet cheeks made me realize I was crying.

I quickly shook my head and wiped my tears.

Get a grip on yourself.

I looked into the windows of the various shops I was walking past, trying to clear my mind.

I came to a halt when I read a "Work Wanted" sign on the window of a coffee shop.

I debated on going inside for a few moments, the faster I get a job the fast I can get away from here.

I looked back at Axel and saw he was on the phone with someone but his eyes were still trained on me.

Not wasting another second I quickly snatched the piece of paper off the glass and walked into the medium-sized coffee shop.

There was a ding of a bell when I open the front door and I was hit with the smell of coffee beans and vanilla.

The shop was called "Betty's Cafe"

and it was definitely one of those coffee places where people came to do work on computers or read books, it even had a few bookcases filled with random books.

I immediately fell in love with it.

I walked up to the bar in front of the room where an auburn hair woman stood.

She was wearing a green shirt and a white apron that said Betty's Cafe, her name tag read Samantha.

I walked towards her and offered a friendly smile.

The woman was very pretty, she couldn't be older than 40.

"Hi, what can I get you?"

She smiled, her voice was strong and confident.

"Can I talk to your manager please?"

I asked awkwardly.

"I hope the owner will work instead."

She grinned.

So she owned this place? "I was hoping you were still looking for people to hire,’ I told her, placing the flyer on the dark wooden bar that separated us.

She looked down at the paper and then back up to me, her eyes looked over me.

"What's your name?" Content from NôvelDr(a)ma.Org.

Her eyes landed on my face.


I cleared my throat.

"How old are you.’’ She asked after some time.

"Seventeen” I rushed out.

"Do you have any experience in retail?"

She adjusted her apron that was slightly crooked.

"No ma'am” I said looking down at my feet.

I couldn't help but feel embarrassed, I never had a job before.

"Are you a fast learner?"

She questioned.


I lifted my head to look at her.

"How about this Mia, come in on Sunday and I'll train you on the cash register and show you around the back."

She told me, making a latte for a customer that came in.

"I must warn you though, there isn't a set schedule.

You could work less than 3 days a week."

She spoke, handing the coffee to the customer."Thursday's is poetry slams and Saturdays are open mic nights, those are the busiest days so you'll more than likely be working those days; Samantha informed me.

"And don't even think about taking cash from the register because it's just me and now you working here."

She gave me a pointed look.

"l understand”I told her.

Samantha wondered off to somewhere in the back and I took that as her way of dismissing me.

I inhaled deeply before pushing the cafe's door open to continue my walk home which I needed to hurry because it was starting to get dark.

When I walked outside I was prepared to see Axel waiting for me, ready to follow me home but he was nowhere in sight.

"Over here!"

Someone called out.


I gave him a confused look.

He was sitting in his car with his hand waving frantically out the window trying to get my attention.

I couldn't help but smile at him, he was just so goofy.

"What are you doing here?"

I laughed at him when I got into his car.

"My Mia needs a ride radar went off, it's like a six sense or something."

He grinned at me.

"Axel called you didn't he?"

I asked, remembering seeing him on the phone before I went into Betty's.

"You read me like a book Sugar Plum."

Rylan joked, staring at the car.

"What did he tell you?"

I asked curiously.

"Something about him being an idiot so basically normal Axel"

I saw the corner of his lips turn up.

I couldn't help but laugh at his words.

I studied Rylan, I don't get why I couldn't be into him.

Rylan was kind and funny and undeniably attractive, I can see why Kina was so into him.

Why did I have to have a thing for the malevolent one? Rylan looked at him inquisitively, now he was studying me.

I was confused when he pulled the car over and turned sideways in his seat to face me.

"Something is different about you Sweet Loaf."

He declared, narrowing his eyes at me.

"What do you mean?"

I asked him.

"I don't know yet."

He stated.

"You're laughing, not a forced laugh or smile but it's genuine"

He told me.

"And you kissed Axel."

Rylan looked at him accusingly.

"Don't remind me.’ I sighed thinking back to the kiss.

"Something is definitely different, I just can't put my finger on it yet I watched as he turned the right way in his seat and pulled the car back on the road.

"Let me know when you have"

I joked, nudging his shoulder with mine, I instantly wanted to facepalm from how awkward that was.

We sat in silence for a good 10 minutes before Rylan spoke up.

"I think Kina likes me.’’ He blurted out.

I wanted to "duh, of course, she does" but I promised her I wouldn't say anything.

"Why do you say that?"

I asked instead.

"I don't know, I see the lovesick looks she gives me."

He furrowed his eyes.

"Is that a bad thing? Kina's a great girl"

I spoke.

"But she's not the girl"

He emphasized.

"Who is the girl?"

I questioned.

Rylan looked over at me, his eyes were intense with an unknown emotion.

"It doesn't matter, she doesn't feel the same."

He sighed deeply, looking back at the road.

"Maybe Kina is the girl, you just haven't given her the chance to prove it” I told him because I secretly already shipped them together.

Team Rina.

"Is that how you feel about Axel? Likes he's the one?"

Rylan asked he’s hands tightening on the steering wheel.

"Not even close."

I wanted to laugh.

"Axel hates me and the feeling is mutual, I stated.

"What happened today was a mistake, I fell for the whole bad boy being good only for me act."

I looked out the window.

I was disappointed in myself, to say the least.

I thought I knew better than to fall for someone like Axel.

"As much as it pains me to say it, I've never seen Axel be so fond of someone in such a short amount of time."


I practically snorted.

"He said he wished he never met me!"

I raise my voice slightly.

Rylan rubbed his face with one of his hands, I could tell he was getting irritated about talking about Axel.

"Mia there are just things you don't understand yet"

He sighed again, putting his hand back on the wheel.

"What don't I understand?"

I leaned up in my seat to look at him head-on.

"The less you know the easier it is to keep you safe Punkin: Rylan looked at me with sad eyes.

Unlike Axel, I trusted Rylan.

I knew he wouldn't try to put me in harm's way and maybe there are things that I don't know yet, but his words didn't change my mind about Axel.

When we finally reached home I felt exhausted, even though I didn't really do anything all day.

I just wanted to go upstairs and take a nice hot bath and go to sleep.

I lazily started climbing the flights of stairs as I saw Rylan disappear down the hallway towards his room.

I was silently praying that Axel wouldn't be home, I didn't want to see him, I don't think I had any more energy to argue with him.

When I made it to my room I notice my bedroom door was slightly cracked open, that was weird because I know I shut the door all the way when I left for school.

I slowly swung my door open, the only light in the room was coming from the open bay window where the moonlight was creeping in.

It took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, I even bed multiple times to make sure I wasn't seeing things.

An uncontrollable scream left my lips when I realized the black figure that was rummaging through my dresser wasn't a figment of my imagination.

I'm pretty sure I scared them as much they scared me because the person dropped everything and ran towards the window.

My room was on the third floor how did they get up here? "Angel?"

I heard Axel's panicky voice swing his bedroom door open.

I watch as the unknown person climbed down the side of the house with a thick piece of rope that was connected to my windowsill.

I tried to make out what the person was wearing but it was just black clothing with a ski mask to match.

My heart was racing and felt my body start shaking, I couldn't even bring myself to speak when Axel's face appeared in front of mine, asking me what was wrong.

I just simply pointed at the window where the rope was still connected.

I felt tears threatening to come out and my breathing was unsteady.

I could feel my body become numb, something it usually does when I was about to have a panic attack.

"Mia it's okay, deep breaths."

Axel coached me, noticing my panic state.

"Listen to me Angel, just focus on my voice."

He cooed, bring my head to his chest.

I wanted to back away from him, tell him to stop touching me but something about the sound of his heart thumping in my ear was relaxing, so I concentrated on that instead.

I'm not sure how long we stayed like that, standing in the hallway with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped protectively around me but despite everything Axel has done to me, I was thankful for him at this moment.

And for the first time since I moved in, I was grateful his room was right across the hall from mine.

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