Mated With Five Boys

Chapter 12:  Family Game Night.

Chapter 12:  Family Game Night.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart."- Helen Keller

A couple of days had passed since the day at the warehouse, and I've been avoiding Axel like the black plague hence.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't constantly on edge everywhere I went.

I've been waking up with nightmares the past four nights over the past events.

And to top it off I'm practically walking on eggshells around Rylan.

I want to tell him everything that happened, but Axel said to keep my mouth shut.

Axel as continuously tried to talk to me but I somehow always find a way to evade him.

I could tell he was growing annoyed with my constant diversions because he's always sending glares at my direction whenever do we manage to be in the same room, or knocking on my door, that I now kept locked.

And don't get me started on the text messages.

He also refuses to teach me how to fight until and I quote "love myself."

Which is oddly poetic for someone like Axel, who is a freaking gang leader and all.

I still can't believe it, but at the same time, I can.

I knew when I first saw Axel he was nothing but trouble, I just didn't know it would be this much trouble.

Camila has made herself extremely scarce for the last week, I haven't seen her around the house much, I talked to Angelo about it and he said she's been stay with her friend.

Something about that didn't settle right with me, but I didn't say anything.

I wonder what Angelo would say if he knew who his sister's boyfriend really was? Camila had been in school but you'd never noticed, the girl that was once a fiery red girl was now a deeper, darker, a sadder shade of red.

I remember the beginning of the week she was furious at me, sending death stares from across the gym floor but as the week progressed she only looked at me with dull eyes.

I got up from my bed and walked over to the mirror that hung on the sliding doors of the closet.

Axel's words kept haunting me, I couldn't help but think maybe he was right, even though I would never admit it out loud.

For the last four days, I've been standing in front of my mirror topless, staring out myself.

And when I could finally look at myself without tears threatening to spill out my eyes I was only left feeling anger and frustration.

I definitely didn't love myself, I'm not sure if I ever fully could, however, I wasn't as repulsed with my body as I was before.

My fingertips grazed the smooth scar that runs up the side of my stomach, it was at least three inches long.

I winced and pushed the memories out of my head.

I hated the hold my past had on me, letting me know it wasn't dead every chance it got.

"Mia, are you in there?" Rylan’s voice asked.

"We need to talk." He said sternly, knocking on the door.

I quickly put my hoodie back over my body and unlocked my door, opening it to come face to face with Rylan.

He was standing in front of me with determination written on his face.

I watched as walked into my room, not once taking his eyes off me.

"You need to tell me what's going on" He said sharply.

"Camila hasn't been home in days, and when she is here it's only for a few hours until she's gone again.

You've locked yourself in this room, not bothering to come out unless it's for school.

And Axel has been antsy and I've never seen Axel antsy.’ I've never seen this side of Rylan, he was usually so carefree, comedic and relaxed but you would have never guessed looking at him now.

"I can't! I whispered, looking at the wooden floor.

"Mia please, I'm begging you cupcake; Rylan spoke softly.

It was that moment I felt myself give in, I was going to have Rylan what happened eventually anyway.

"You can't tell any one; I stated to him.

"I won't.’ He nodded his head.

"I'm serious Rylan I'm trusting you, don't make me regret it."

I gave him a pointed look.

"I promise, I won't say a word"

I sat down on my bed and patted the spot next to me, Rylan took the hint and pulped down beside me.

I took one last deep breath before letting the cat out the bag.

I told him everything, from what happened the first day of school to the day at the warehouse.

Truth be told it felt good telling someone, a small weight was lifted.

I was still nervous that Rylan wouldn't believe what I was saying was the truth but I tried not thinking about that.

"I'm sorry I lied to you, I didn't know what to do,’ I muttered, fidgeting with my fingers.

"I'm not mad at you."

He told me, catching me off guard.


My head snapped up to his.

The determination that was once on his face was now replaced with sadness and remorse but his eyes held nothing but the fire of seven suns.

Rylan was pretty much vibrating rage, but I could see he was trying to control it.

Suddenly Rylan sprung off my bed and marched across the hall to Axel's room, I quickly followed after him.

When I got to him he was already pounding on Axel's door.

"Ry no!"

I shouted at him, he promised not to say anything.

I was silently praying Axel wasn't home, that he would be out wandering the streets or something but of course he wasn't.

His door open slightly but I guess Rylan got impatient cause he roughly pushed it open fully."How could let this happen?"

Rylan snapped at Axel.

Axel was unbothered by him and look rather annoyed that he came barging into his room.

He was wearing a light gray shirt with black sweats that hung loosely on his waist, not that I was staring or anything.

It was just weird seeing him in something other than his leather jacket and jeans.

You were most definitely staring.

"You told him?"

Axel's eyes snapped to me accusingly.

"I'm talking to you, not her’ Rylan spoke before I had the chance to say anything.

Axel looked back over Rylan narrowing his eyes at him.

I was certain there was going to be a bloodbath right here in the hallway but instead, Axel just rolled his dark chocolate eyes at Rylan before bring his attention back to me.


Axel fumed, not being as calm as he was before.

"We need to talk."

He said gritting his teeth.


He finished, his eyes snapping back to Rylan.

"You can't take a hint can you?"

I blurted out.

"Usually when someone goes out of there way to avoid someone that probably means they don't want to talk; I explained to him slowly.

"I don't care what you Mia"

He narrowed his eyes at me, I could tell I was testing his patience.

"Leave her alone,’ Rylan said deadly, standing in front of me defensively.

"Do you honestly think you can protect her? Do you remember what happened last time you tried to protect someone or do you need me to remind you?"

Axel sneered walking up to Rylan, rage obvious in his voice.

Protect me? Why would I need protecting? If I stayed away from Axel there shouldn't be a problem.

And what the hell happened last time? So many questions were running wild in my mind.

"Do what he says."

Rylan released a defeated sigh, his words brought me out of my thoughts.

"What? No way!"

I said stubbornly watching the two boys glared at each other.

Axel was about to say something but was cut off by footsteps coming up the stairs.

All three of our heads turned to see who it was coming up the staircase.

I think it shocked all of us when we saw it was Kina.

"Wyatt's making us have a family game night; Kina muttered confused.

"He wants us all downstairs in three minutes."

She continued, giving us all a weird look.

We all nodded our heads in unison letting her know we understood.

I watched as Kina smiled shyly at Rylan, giving him one last look before retreating back downstairs.

I then looked at Rylan wanting to see if he caught what she did but he was right back to staring at Axel.

After a few moments, Rylan spoke.

"If something happens to her it's on you.’ He smoldered before walking down the stairs.

What could happen to me? What am I missing here? I was about to follow Rylan down the stairs but Axel stopped me in the process.


He called out, his voice smooth.

"Axel; I repeated now facing him.

"This isn't over Angel."

His eyes boring into mine.

"I wouldn't hold your breath; I said a lot more confident than I felt underneath his stare.

I was confused when I heard him shut his bedroom door before following me down the stairs, I didn't take him as the type to play board games.

When we finally hit the main floor Angelo quickly rushed into the kitchen, saying that Wyatt is going to have a breakdown if we don't start soon.

I enter the kitchen and saw Kina, Phoenix, Indy, and Rylan already sitting at the table.

I took the open seat next Rylan and of course, Axel grabbed the empty chair by Phoenix and sat it down next to me, sandwiching me between them and Angelo was sat across from me next to Indy.

I tried to scoot closer to Rylan because Axel was basically sitting on top of me.

I couldn't even think properly how was I suppose to play a game? I was hyper-aware of his closeness, it was making me squirmy and I knew he noticed because he looked over at me with a smirk on his stupid, flawless face.

Flawless? Really Mia? I let out a small gasp as my shoulder accidentally bumped into his, sending little sparks down to my toes.

After what felt like an eternity Wyatt came into the room holding the game Monopoly.

He quickly threw down the game onto the kitchen table, dust flew off the box, causing Kina to sneeze.

"Bless you,’ Rylan told her.

"Thanks: She looked away embarrassed, her cheeks bright pink.

"Are you guys ready to lose?"

Wyatt cockily asked everyone.

After everyone nodded their heads or in Phoenix's case: rolled his eyes.

Wyatt opened the box, throwing it over his shoulder.

"Let the games begin.’ He spoke with a wicked grin on his face Jntbloloidaiciciaidaiok "You dirty rat!"

Wyatt shouted at Indy as he landed on her property for the third time in a row.

"That's going to cost you 50 bucks."

She smirked evilly at him.

Wyatt stood up from his chair and flipped the bored of the table, sending the little pieces flying.

"Fuck Monopoly!"

he cursed, walking out the kitchen.

"And that's why we stopped having family game night."

Angelo laughed, shaking his head.

"What a diva"

Indy smiled.

"I should go talk to him."

Phoenix signed getting up and walking out.

I couldn't help but laugh at him, the whole game was filled with him cursing and muttering under his breath every time he landed on a property.

It was actually really fun and I enjoyed myself.

Out of nowhere, my hand felt like it was on fire, I quickly looked down and saw Axel had put his hand on mine underneath the table.

I froze looking at it, my hand was tingling like crazy.

I looked up at him with a confused look on my face, Axel noticed me staring and sent a wink my way.

I tried pulling my hand from his but his grip would tighten not allowing me too.

Suddenly Axel stands up and starts heading towards the stairs, still holding onto my hand.

I nearly fell out of my chair not expecting the abrupt movements.

I looked back at the table their confused faces matched my own.

"What are you doing?"

I hissed as he toed me up the stairs.

"I told you it wasn't over Angel."

I could hear the smirk on his face.

"Did you have to make a scene like that? Everyone was watching.’ I huffed as we made it to the third floor.

"I don't care."

He said simply, his hand still wrapped around mine.

"Well, I do,' I said.

"That sounds like your problem."

He snapped.

I flinched slightly at his words, I tried to remove my hand from him again but he still wouldn't let go I just wanted to go to my room.

"Let go,’ I told him sternly.

He just looked at me amused, humor shining in his eyes.

What on earth is his problem? Why can't he pick an emotion and stick with it? "Make me."

He taunted me.

Something about him made my blood boil like he knew all the tight bottoms to push to make see red.


I shrugged my shoulders, if he wants me to make him, I will.

Axel furrowed his eyebrows at me, not expecting me to have that reply.

I brought myself closer to Axel, trying to not get distracted by the constant tingles that were still happening in my hand.

I remember what Axel told me the day at the warehouse.

Go for the face, stomach or penis.

So that's exactly what I did.

When I felt I was close enough I smiled sweetly at him before I forcefully lift my knee right between his legs.

I heard Axel take a sharp breath in before he fell to his knees, his hands covered the area between his legs protectively and I swear he stops breathing for a moment.

"What did you say again? Face, stomach and where the sun doesn't shine?"

I questioned, already knowing the answer.

"Did I do it right, Coach?"

I smirked, proud of myself.

"You're going to regret that"

Axel's head instantly snapped up to me.

"You're really going to regret that."

He gritted his teeth, staggering to get up.

My eyes widen realizing what I just did.

I'm so dead, Axel was going to kill me I'm sure of it.

Not wasting another second I turned to skedaddle to my room, so I could lock myself in there and never come back out.

I could already see it on my tombstone: "Here lays Mia Morrison 17 of New York.

Cause of death: Kneed a gang leader in the penis."

I was about two steps away from saving my life when I felt strong arms wrap themselves around my waist sending me to an unanticipated halt.

This is it, Mia, it was a good run.

"What demon possessed you to fucking do that?"

He asked panting.

"Because I know you're not that stupid."

Axel's warm breath hit my neck causing me to shiver in his arms.

I wanted to laugh but I knew it would only make the situation worse but I, a 5 foot 5 inched tiny teenage girl made Axel come to his knees.

It was probably the most badass thing I've ever done in my entire life.

I was definitely leaving this world in Axel turned me around to face him, his arms still around my waist.

He had sweat rolling down his forehead and water coming from his eyes and I instantly was filled with regret.

"I'm sorry.I mustered up the courage to look him in the eye.I was no longer proud of what I did.

"Oh, Angel you will be"

His voice was now back to normal.

"I'm sorry, please don't kill me! I'll do whatever you ask!"

The words rushed out of my mouth.

"Whatever I want huh?"

Axel said, a devilish look in his eyes.

I just nodded my head, he was right I was going to regret this.

I watched as his eyes glanced down at my lips and back up to my face and then back down to lips again.

"Kiss me."

He whispered softly, his breath hitting my cheek.

My heart nearly fell right to the floor.

Is he actually crazy? I just freaking kneed him and he's asking me to kiss him! "Ew no! I'm not kissing you."

I made a face at him.

"You said whatever I want Angel"He smirked.

"Do you want me to knee you again?"I deadpanned.

"You made a deal."He huffed out in annoyance.

"What the hell is your problem?"I asked flabbergasted.

"What do you mean?"He asked.

"You have a girlfriend and you're standing here asking me to kiss you."I snapped angrily.

"I don't have a girlfriend"

Now it was his turn to make a face at me.

"What about the girl you were kissing in the hall? Morgan or whatever: I rolled my eyes at the memory.

"Are you jealous?"He smirked down at me.

Was I jealous? "Of course not! Don't be stupid"I hissed.

I was jealous.

Why on earth was I jealous? "Let's just say she doesn't like the equipment I'm packing.’ He nodded down to his pants.

"If Morgan is into girls then why was she kissing you?" Published by Nôv'elD/rama.Org.

I asked.

"It'll be explained in due time, but for now you owe me a kiss,’ Axel smirked.

"You said we need to talk? What was that about?"

I ignored his statement.

"Well maybe if you didn't ignore me for 4 days you'd know: His voice was hard and his eyes looked at me accusingly.

"Just because you risk your life every day doesn't mean you can risk mine too."

I snapped at him.

"Well I hate to break it you princess but you're the one that risked both of our necks."

He snapped right back.

With that Axel untangle his arms from my body and walk to his room, slamming the door behind him.

How the hell was this my fault? I didn't do anything! I walked into my room and shut the door, I replayed everything that just happened in the last ten minutes in my head.

I was at a loss for words and the only thing I could think about was: Axel wanted me to kiss him.

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