Mated To The Alpha Kings

Chapter 40 Confused

~ Delaney’s POV ~

“What are your plans for today? Left for me, I’ll sleep all through and wake up at night.” Cassie sighed, bouncing back on the bed.

I shrugged. “Don’t know, I think I’ll check out my work today. I’m tired of staying at home.” It’s Friday already – a day after spending time with Knox, and I miss him. I haven’t seen Rakel since that day, I’m beginning to worry. What is he up to now? Does my presence affect him to a point where he can’t come see me? I’m running out of time, I know this. They don’t have to tell me… I can see it in their eyes, they want me to choose, but who?

Who will I go for? Who would have thought that choosing a boyfriend will be this hard? Just the thought of leaving one after choosing the other made my heart ache. How will they feel? According to Mira, rejecting a mate can drive the rejected insane if they can’t bear the grief. The thing is… I don’t want to put anyone through that, I want to avoid being the cause of their grief. Gosh, relationships are so complicated!

“Laney? Are you okay? You look pale.” Cassie stated, waking up from my stupor.

I gaze at her, wondering if I should tell her about it. It doesn’t seem right to tell her about my feelings, she might get hurt. “I…”

She gasps. “Wait… don’t tell me you… Oh my God! You are in love!”

I blinked. “What are you saying? That’s not what I…”

I trailed off. Am I?

Cassie scrambles towards me with a wide grin on her face. “Tell me, who among them? I’m dying to know who won my sweetie’s heart.”

My mouth opens and closes several times, not knowing how to answer. Luckily, the doorbell rang, saving me from responding. My first instinct was to rush to the door to see if that was Rakel, but I forced myself to stay back as Cassie got up. “I’ll get it.”

She returned shortly holding a box of pizza, I could also hear chattering from behind her. “Laney, guess who we have here…”

My eyebrows lifted. “Who?”

“Our new neighbours!” She stepped aside, revealing two beauties. They both smiled, and then the blonde girl bowed. Yup, bowed.

“Your Highness.”

Cassie and I glance at each other, equally stunned. Okay, what the heck is going on?

An awkward silence passed, and suddenly, the other girl elbowed her. “Gotcha! Don’t mind my sister, she loves role play.”

I laughed nervously, “Oh!” Weird, “I’m Delaney by the way.”

“Celine and this Avatia.”

Cassie shook her head, set the pizza on the bed, and clapped, “Enough of this, Delaney here was in the process of telling me who she’s in love with. I think you guys came at the right time.”

Ugh, great. Why can’t she just drop it?

Celine and Avatia glanced at their selves like they were having a silent conversation, and then they broke into a wide grin. “Awesome! We love such kind of discussion.”

“Who is he? Please tell me he’s cute.” Celine muttered excitedly.

“Not one, they are two! And they’re super cute.” Cassie boasted.

The girls gasp. “Two? Now that sounds kinky.”

They gave me a knowing look. I groaned, “Please, stop it. It’s not what you think.” I took a deep breath, “the thing is, I have to choose between the two, but I can’t. I don’t… I’m just confused.” my shoulders lowered in defeat. The few times I’ve spent with them made me look past their extraordinary self. So, what if they are not human? Can’t they love someone? Though theirs seems to be extreme at some point, I’ve come to realize that’s how they are. If you want to love someone you have to accept them for who they are or what they are.

Avatia rubbed on my back “Aw, let me guess, there are two guys you like isn’t it?” I nodded and she continued. “Okay, but then you feel like you have to choose between them, why?”

I blinked. “I… because I can’t have both?”

She and Celine giggled at my reply.

“Look, I’ve had more than three guys in my bed and I don’t mind. It depends on what you want, if you want both of them, then go for them. And if you feel like you have to choose… go for the one your heart tells you to.”

I nodded.

We ended up chatting all through the day when it was time, the two left. Cassie went into the bathroom to shower. Truth is, I felt better after our conversation, and I’ve come up with a decision. I wonder how Rakel will take the news.

With a sigh, I got up, to take the remaining pizza to the fridge when I saw a bracelet lying on the sofa where Celine sat. She must have dropped it. I picked it up and rushed outside to return it, but they were already gone, I’ll have to take it to their house.

The walk to their house wasn’t much, I arrived in two minutes. Just as I raise my hand to knock, I heard them arguing.

“…shouldn’t have told her that, Avatia! We can’t interfere with the prophecy!”

“Oh? What did I tell her? I was only giving her advice. She has to make the right choice or our kind will perish forever! Isn’t that the reason we came here?”From NôvelDrama.Org.

“You… you almost ruined our plan!”

“How about you, Celine? You curtsy the moment you saw her! Like a fool.”

“She’s our queen, she deserves it!”

“She’s still human and doesn’t know us, so that’s a silly excuse!”

I slowly backed away from the house. To say I’m shocked will be an understatement, I am stupefied! Advice? Queen? Our kind? What the hell do they mean by that?

I became confused the more I try to wrap my head around it. Does that mean they are also not… human? Are they the enemies Asher talked about? If that’s the case, then they should have harmed me by now, isn’t it?

I decided to keep the bracelet with me till I see them next time. As I neared my house, I saw a huge figure standing in front of the house. My steps halted instantly. Rakel?

He turned as if sensing my presence. He didn’t move, he stood there watching me. There was something around him that I don’t get, guilt? I trotted towards him only to stop in his front, “Hi.” I breathed.

“Hi,” he whispered back.

The next moment, I found arms wrapping around him. I don’t know who moved first, the only thing I felt was his hands sliding down my back. He pulled me tightly against him, then we were kissing. The kiss was hot, feverish, and sweet, the kind that’ll leave you aching for more.

We pulled back when we both wanted air. Rakel rested his forehead against mine, “I missed you.”

“Me too,” I mumbled. I had many questions to ask like where was he was, and why he left like that, but that would ruin the moment, so I hugged him tighter.

“Come with me.” He finally said after a while. I glance up at him with a raised brow. “Where?”

“You’ll see. Put on something thick.”

My face heated. “Something thick, huh?”

He narrowed his eyes playfully, “Ms. Screamy, I left you for just three days and your mind is already corrupted. Tell me what you were thinking just now?”

“Nothing!” I squeaked.

He raked his fingers through my hair then patted my backside, “Now go.”

“Yes, sir,” I answered, running away as his eyes darkened. He likes it when I call him ‘Sir’ hmm. I mused.

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