Mated To The Alpha Kings

Chapter 18 Mind link

My eyes widened, I swallowed hard before replying, “Wh- what do you want?” I held my breath waiting for his reply.

He buried his face in the crook of my neck (where there was no mark) and inhaled. I shudder slightly as his lips met my skin, he trails his lips lightly to my ears, he then whispered “Kiss me.”

I scoffed, why am I surprised by his reply? Furthermore, I should have expected it!

“You said you wouldn’t do such kind of things till the mark wears off!”

He growled at the reminder of my mark, he raised his head, so he could look at me. I’m now faced with an angry Rakel. Shit! Why did I remind him about it? Well, it’s in line with my plan to make him go crazy, mad, and frustrated, but I don’t want the anger directed at me, who knows what he’d do then.

“Umm, I meant to say-”

“Fucking kiss me Delaney and stop wasting time, mind you, I said I won’t mate with you till the mark wears off, I never said other things aren’t involved. You are mine, both your body, mind, everything is mine! Now, don’t make me repeat myself.”

I blinked slowly at his outburst, I wanted to refuse him, but then an idea popped into my head. I wiggled slightly, silently asking him to unpin me from the wall. He did, I asked him to close his eyes in which he gave me a look that practically screams ‘what the fuck?’

“Just do it, Rakel, I won’t have the confidence to kiss you with your eyes open.”

He gaped at me for a while before closing his eyes. With a smile, I took his big hand in mine and placed a kiss on the back of his palm.

His eyes popped open instantly, the look he gave me was priceless. I bit my inner cheeks hard to keep from laughing, “What did you just do?” He asked.

“You said kiss you, but you never said where.” I pointed out with a shrug.

He mumbled something I didn’t quite catch, “You -”

A barking laugh interrupted him before he could speak. We both turned to see Asher laughing his ass off, “Goodness Rakel, It seems the Moon Goddess gave you a mate that fits your personality, haha, I can’t believe that just happened!”

Rakel glared at him, I used that opportunity to step away from him.

“Good morning, Laney, how was your night?” Asher asked, taking in what I wore.

“Not bad, yours?”

“It’s good now that I see Rakel hasn’t mated with you.”

I gasp, what? Is he trying to say everyone will know when he sleeps with me? Is that also a werewolf thing? I thought in horror.

An angry growl from Rakel made Asher raise his hands in surrender, “Jeez, don’t get your panties in a twist, cousin, it is just a casual greeting.”

“Well, fucking take your eyes off her before I plug it off their socket and my panties aren’t in a twist, why are you here anyway?” He asked turning back to look at me, “We will continue this tonight Delaney, remember everything I’ve told you.”

With that, he stormed out of the hallway, dragging Asher along. Shaking my head, I picked up the clothes on the floor and sauntered back to my room to shower while thinking about so many things at the same time.

Firstly, I’m thinking of a way to leave here without being noticed but since that is almost impossible, my plan B to make Rakel go crazy is also playing in my mind.

I’m strangely thinking about Knox – something I know I shouldn’t be doing, but my mind keeps drifting back to him now and then. Why did he mark me? Was there any reason for that? Did he have any motives behind that? Does he think marking me will keep me by his side? These are questions I have no answer to till I meet him.

Last but the least, I’m thinking of my greatest fear, what happens when I start needing to masturbate? Will I be able to bear the pain? What will Rakel do when I disobey him? I just hope I wouldn’t feel it today, it would ruin my plans. I rubbed my temples, feeling the migraine coming up with all these thoughts swirling around my head.

I left the shower once the water got cold, toweled myself dry before heading back to the room. Just as I walked in, I couldn’t help but sigh as my eyes fell on Rakel’s clothes which were lying on my bed. How does he expect me to walk around without putting on underwear? Is this also one of his possessive traits? I don’t know why guys are so weird, I don’t understand them at all. Since I’m left with no choice, I chose his white long sleeves, which were long enough to reach my thighs. It’ll still feel uncomfortable with nothing underneath the shirt, but it’s manageable.

I decided to inspect the house just to familiarize myself with the guards outside and all my escape routes. I didn’t bother with the room next to mine knowing it was Rakel’s, I checked the other rooms in the house, the light in the rooms was on illuminating the two structures. The walls facing me were made of glass. I walked down the stairs and could see three guards stationed at the entrance of the house – the same ones I saw when I first came here. There was a bedroom on the right side of the house and a large kitchen/ lounge area on the left. In the middle was a small, open area with a couple of outdoor lounge chairs overlooking the deck of the forest. There was also a built-in pool to my left which sparkled under the lights.

There was still the third storey, but I couldn’t quite see what was up there, I didn’t bother checking because I was winded already and my stomach has been rumbling nonstop. Nonetheless, whatever that’s up there would be as spectacular as what I saw on these two floors.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

So far, I’ve estimated about ten guards outside, It really won’t be easy fooling them except I gain their trust, but that will take time. Just as I was about to head to the dining room, I felt a familiar feeling in my mind, one that tells me someone was invading my mind. Before I could block the person out, I heard…

‘Stop blocking me out, Delaney’

I freeze for a moment, all the anger I’ve kept a leash on resurfaces one hundredfold.

‘Knox’ I replied coldly through the mind link, not even bothering to withhold the anger in my voice.

He chuckled lowly, ‘You are really amazing, I never would have thought that you would escape my grasp that easily, I guess it’s all thanks to Amira, too bad she wouldn’t witness when I make you mine.’

I thought of something and gasp ‘What did you do to her Knox? Where is Amira?’

Even though I don’t know anything about Amira, she helped me escape, I’ll be forever grateful for that.

‘What? You didn’t know she had a price for helping you, did you? That’s right, she’s dead. Anyway, that’s not why I’ve reached out to you…’

I didn’t hear whatever he said after that, the only thing ringing in my head is Amira is dead, he killed her just because she helped me! How could he be so cruel? It’s my fault she died, if I hadn’t been so desperate to leave, then she would have been alive!

Tears streamed down my face at that thought, It’s my fault! She didn’t deserve to die!

‘Delaney? Are you listening?’

‘You bastard! Get out of my head! I hate you! Leave!’ I yelled, trying to shut him out.

‘You are the first person calling me that he said in amusement as if he can’t believe it himself ‘Anyway, you can’t shut me out forever Delaney, I apologize for what happened back then, It wasn’t my fault that I lost control, I never expected you’ll be my life mate, and to top it all, I didn’t feed for days!’

I was startled by the gentleness in his voice, not just that, what he called me. His Lifemate? How is that possible? Strangely, I have a feeling he’s telling the truth, but does that change the fact that he marked and almost killed me?

Shaking my head, I focused on shutting him out how Vendetta taught me, I imagined building a thick wall around my mind.

Knox must have sensed it because his voice became anxious ‘I am coming for you Delaney, you cannot run from me forever because we are meant to…’

I blocked him out before he could finish, and then I cried for Amira. I don’t know how long I stood there, but I was brought back to reality when someone tapped me.

“Luna, are you okay?”

I blinked twice and quickly wipe my tears, “Mira? When did you get here?”

“Just now, Alpha Rakel said you wanted company,, but why are you crying? Did he… did he do something to you?” She asked, gazing at me with concern.

“No, I’m fine.”


My tummy rumbled distracting her “Oh, let’s go eat, It’s a good thing I brought breakfast from the pack house.” She grabbed my hand, dragging me to the dining before I could protest, I noticed she was back to her lively self again not her usual stiff self when Rakel orders her to do something. Is she really that afraid of him?

Once we were seated, she dished out the food for the both of us, I wasn’t so surprised when she stacked her plate. I guess it’s a werewolf thing.

We ate silently, I kept thinking about how to bring up the topic about Rakel without sounding much like a spy, but I know I won’t be able to get anything from Mira now because there was a twinkle in her pretty sapphire eyes that tells me she is curious about something. I decided to wait for her to speak up.

I didn’t have to wait for long because she spoke, “Tell me how you did it, Luna, why did the Alpha listen to you? He didn’t mate with you. How is that possible?” She asked in shock,

I blinked “Are you trying to say everyone will know if we mate?”

She nodded”Yes, your scent will mix with his, right now, you have his scent, but it’s faint and that’s because you’re putting on his clothes.”

I breathed out, relieved. I thought she meant everyone will be aware when we’ll be mating, not that I want Rakel and me to mate, but it will be weird if everyone is aware of it.

I shook my head, “I didn’t do anything, he said we wouldn’t do that till this mark wears off.”

She gasps “Really?”

“Why do you sound surprised?”

“Because that isn’t something Rakel would do, I’m sure he’s considering your feelings but the Alpha I knew wouldn’t do that, he would have claimed you the very moment you were alone with him.”

“Is that how he is usually with women? Do you think he will go to other women this period?” I probed, I don’t know why, but I felt angry at the thought.

“No, that’s not possible, his wolf wouldn’t let him and yes, he doesn’t give a damn about females, he takes what he wants at all cost.”

I nodded, totally expecting her to say that, but I doubt Rakel is considered my feelings, he’s only waiting patiently for the Knox max to wear off. I took a deep breath, “Tell me about him, tell me his likes and dislikes.”

She grimaces, “I don’t think Rakel has any likes, if he does, I’ve never seen It if. He’s always so cold.”

We chatted for a long while, and before we knew it, it was nighttime. Mira left, promising to stop by tomorrow. I didn’t get any useful information from her about Rakel which was disheartening, I guess I’ll have to rely on myself.

I became troubled, recalling what Knox said about me being his mate. Is that possible? Rakel already claimed me to be his mate, so what is he saying? I have a feeling things are about to get chaotic, especially when he finds out where I am.

A movement from the door drew my attention, I turned to see Rakel coming in, he paused upon seeing me in the living room. We stared at ourselves for a while, I took a deep breath, stood up, and began walking towards him.

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