Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 28

“So when are we infiltrating the organization”, Brian asked.

He was holding a meeting with Jack and Killian the following day at the club. He was fully ready to undergo the mission and he knew there was stopping him.

“We’ll go this weekend. Right now, all our attention has to be on the mission for tomorrow. We can’t afford to fail tomorrow”, Jack said.

“And we won’t. As long as we prepare, victory would be ours”, Brian said.

“You’re so sure of yourself and I like that”, Killian said.

“Man, fear is the first thing that would kill a man. You don’t have to entertain it”, Brian said.

“But fear in this sense is justifiable. The people who we’re about to face now are one of the biggest groups in the whole city. They’re damn well organized and any small slip up on our part would be disastrous”, Jack said.

“Jack, I understand what you’re saying. But would you sit down and watch the people who caused you harm roam free. I don’t know about you but I sure as hell wouldn’t”, Brian said.

“We’re talking about taking meaningful risk Brian and not some petty vendetta you have against them”, Jack said.

“Guys, you’re beginning to argue and that’s not good for us”, Killian said.

Brian sighed, tapping his hands rapidly on the table. It was a nervous act that never seemed grow old on him. He vividly remembered when sometimes he would be so nervous, his mother would take his hands, trying to calm him down but now that she was no more, he had to look for means to control his temper.

“Okay, I understand. We’ll go through this with wisdom and diplomacy”, Brian said.

“Good. Because I don’t want anyone to die”, Jack said.

“What are the plans Killian, I think you’re in possession of the blueprint. Where do we need to infiltrate from?”, Brian said.

“Right at the entrance of the building, guards are stationed everywhere. That would be suicidal if we go through there. The only option we have if we’re to go through there would be to go in with a disguise. We could go in as business men from Russia, Germany or even Africa. It’s a good thing we took that language class back in college”, Killian said.

“Okay, so if we’re to go with that, what then do we need to do?”, Brian said.

“That’s where the disguise comes from. We train our voices in such a way that they match the culture we’re trying to impersonate. This is all just an idea of what we have to do if we’re going with that option”, Killian said.

Jack and Brian mulled over his words, giving it a thoughtful decision. Brian liked the idea but it was much too risky for then to undertake. They could easily be discovered, anything could go wrong and if their cover was blown, they’ll all be sitting ducks.

“I like the idea but it’s too risky”, Jack said.

“Same here, is there another option?”, Brian said.

“Yes there is and that’s the last and final option”, Killian said.

“So there are only two options? Let’s hear it”, Jack said.

“The last one is if we go through the back of the building without any of the guards knowing. Like I said before, the building is bathing with security but a little tampering with the security system would get us inside. Those are the only two options”, Killian said.

“I think I’ll go for the first option”, Jack said.

“Why?”, Killian asked.

“Well, for one, we’ll give them the elements of surprise if our cover is blown and two, I think approaching your enemy is the best way to deal with them without them knowing you’re the one attacking. We’ll befriend them and when they’re finally comfortable in our midst, we attack”, Jack explained.

“Wow. I never saw it this way before. I think I go with that plan”, Brian said.

“Alright then. The first plan it is. But first, we have to decide on the language we’ll be imitating. According to my sources, this group are German’s and they don’t speak a word of English. I’m thinking we should go with the Russian language and I act as a translator for both parties”, Killian said.

“That’s a brilliant idea, I love it. It’s a good thing we’re all fluent in Russia”, Jack said.

“Yes. So how do we prepare, is there anything we need to take along?”, Brian asked.

“Except a briefcase stashed with cash and some ammo for some bribery, I think we’re good. And yes, let’s not forget to adorn our best suit. Remember, we need to impress this people as much as possible”, Killian said.

“That’s settled then. I’ll bring in the guns we need from my arsenal here tomorrow before we move”, Brian said.

“Great. I also need to work on the security system of the building just in case the first plan fails so we can make a quick getaway”, Killian said.

“And I’ll work on the vehicle we’ll use. We’ll come in in two SUV’s and if we need to escape, I’ll park a van at the back of the building”, Jack said.

“That’s a great plan. This people won’t know what hit them”, Brian grinned.

“Guys, we need to talk about what we’re going to do after they’ve accepted our disguise. Do we kill them immediately or we wait?”, Killian said.

“I think once they’ve accepted who we are, we should open fire immediately. It’s best if their caught unawares”, Brian said.Material © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“No, we can’t do that. That would be too disasterous, if we do that they could call for back up immediately thereby cutting our chance of escape”, Jack said.

“Oh wait, I have an idea. Why don’t we use the same method they used on Brian and his mate”, Killian said.

“Poison?”, Brian said.

“Yes, poison”.

“How do you poison people who are masters of poison themselves”, Jack said.

“Simple. When going, we take a bottle of wine which would be already laced with poison, the poison would be one they can’t taste or smell. We offer it to them as a sign of friendship, we convince them that we need to drink it to show their commitment towards the groups and boom, we have them in our grip. It’ll save a lot of bloodshed and gunshots when they would just drop dead without any noise”, Killian said.

“That’s a brilliant idea, I love it, Brian smiled.

The more he thought about it, the more he liked it. He knew that their plan was a feasible one and he couldn’t wait to accomplish it.

“Okay, I think everything’s settled. I’ll get the wine when I’m coming tomorrow”, Jack said.

“Good. Let’s meet here tomorrow by ten a. m sharp. The earlier we get this over with, the better”, Brian said.

“Yes boss”, Killian said.

“I’ll see you all tomorrow”, Brian said, rising to his feet.

The others rose up too as a sign of respect for their Alpha. Even though they were all best of friends, they knew who the boss was and they wouldn’t dare go against especially now that victory was close.

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