Mated To An Hybrid

Chapter 19

It’s been over a week since her attack at the mall. Ever since then, Serah hadn’t left the Mansion and the only time she could leave was with heavy security guards who stayed by her side like glue.

Brian had gotten over the incident but sometimes, Serah could still still flashes of pain in his eyes whenever they talked about it. To their surprise, Brian’s father was now living with them due to his failing health. The doctor had specifically instructed them not to leave him unchecked incase his stroke comes up again.

The following day was their unveiling and Serah was currently prepped in preparations for her unveiling the following day.

Brian on the other hand were with his friends, going over the security details for tomorrow’s event.

“Are you sure a thousand security men would do?”, Brian asked for the hundredth time.

“For crying out loud, Brian we already have more than enough. It would do”, Killian groaned.

They had been on the issue of security for some hours now and they were tired and cranky and in need of some rest before the event tomorrow.

“You can’t blame me”, Brian muttered.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“To be frank with you Brian, it’s okay. No one would even dare come in a mile to the venue. The whole place would literally be dripping security details”, Jack said.


“Away from the festivities. We have to meet with the army Chief by this weekend latest so we could go over what he ordered”, Jack said.

“Oh dang! We still haven’t gotten over that?, Let’s go over to his house next week so we’ll discuss about it fully”, Brian said.

“Better. I think that’s all we need to cover now”, Killian said.

“Yes. Now, Brian I need you to stay calm at least between now and tomorrow morning. I know it’s a big day tomorrow but trust me, heck trust us, we’ve got everything covered”, Jack said.

“No worries, I’ll behave like the good boy I am but I can’t guarantee that I wouldn’t react if any of my loved ones gets hurt”, Brian said.

Jack and Killian chuckled before leaving the Mansion. Brian was all alone in the house now as Serah had gone over for her dress fittings.

“I’m proud of how you’ve managed yourself and your affairs”, an ethreal voice said.

Brian knew who that voice belonged to. It was the moon goddess, a being who had helped him times without number.

“Moon goddess, this is such a pleasant surprise”, Brian smiled, bowing a bit.

“I know. Have a seat Brian, I’m here to talk”, she said.

Brian took a seat in his home office chair, facing the goddess who had helped his race for years past.

“Is anything the matter?”, Brian asked.

He couldn’t help but think that anytime she was here, she usually brought bad news or warning signs signs that he needed to adhere to. Now, she was here and Brian didn’t know what he was expecting.

“Not quite. You and your mate’s unveiling is tomorrow, I’m glad that you’re with someone who is much suited for you. Brian, hold her close because she’s going to be very instrumental to your success”, she said.

Brian knew all these but he dared not interfere when she’s talking. Ever since he laid his eyes on Serah, he knew that he would never make a mistake especially when it came to her. She was addictive and addiction was all Brian needed at that moment.

“Yes, thank you moon goddess”, Brian said.

“Secondly, this might not sit well with you but I have to tell so you would adequately prepare”.

Brian was perplexed, he didn’t understand what she meant by that. The only thing apart from Serah on his mind was the issue of the enemies he had to face.

“Your father. I’m afraid, your father doesn’t have much time to live. His heart is getting weaker and soon, he’ll join the wolves who have gone to the great beyond”, she said.

Brian remained quiet, he knew this was coming but he didn’t expect it to be this soon especially as his father was gradually recovering from his stroke.

“I… He’s just recovering. Moon goddess, please can you give him more time? At least, till he sees his grandchildren”, Brian sighed.

“I can do all other things child but I can not give life. Your father’s time is almost here and the only thing you can do is to make him comfortable while he goes through the last days of his life”, she said.

Brian felt horrible within himself but he knew that there was nothing he could do. His father was old and merely looking at him, one could see that.

“Okay, I’ll do as you say. Thank you”, Brian said, sadly.

“You do not have to be sad. Cheer up, your father has lived his life and now, it’s time to live yours”, she said.

Brian watched her disappear. When she left, he felt gloomy but not because his father’s death was imminent but because he knew that his father would die happy knowing that their race would continue. That was his only wish and Brian was glad that he got to witness it before he would die.

“A Penny for your thoughts my love”, Serah smiled.

Brian pulled her closer to where he sat, nozzling her neck. He thanked the heavens for providing a mate like Serah for him. Just when he needed her, she arrived like the early morning sun.

“I didn’t even see you walk in”, he chuckled.

“That’s because your mind was far away from here. What’s the matter baby”, Serah said.

Brian told her all what the moon goddess had said. He was her mate and there was nothing he wouldn’t tell her.

“Oh, that’s bad but I guess the Moon goddess is right. We just have to make Alpha Frederick comfortable”, Serah smiled.

“Yes. By the way, your hair is beautiful”, Brian smiled, breathing in scent of her hair.

“All for you my love. I really can’t wait for you to be mine”, Serah said, pecking his lips.

“You’re already mine my love. Tomorrow is just for formalities”, Brian chuckled.

“Fiend. Have you got your suit ready?”, Serah asked.

“Yes, it’s at Killian’s. He’ll bring it very early tomorrow morning. I needed to get it ironed, I’m not so good at ironing. It’s my father’s though”, Brian laughed.

“If that isn’t cute”.

“Serah, I’m not cute. Alpha wolves don’t do cute”, Brian grumbled.

“It’s cute to me so don’t change it”, she laughed.

“You want cute? I’ll show you what cute is”, Brian grinned.

And with that, he carried her all the way to their bedroom. He was lucky to have someone like her as his mate, a perfect woman just for him.

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