Mafia Desire (Erotica)


“Hello, this is Congressman-”

“I don’t care, I need you to get some of my men out of jail.”

“Pardon me? Who exactly is this?”

“It’s six. Now I need you to help me with some business.”

Six is my street name, what most people know about me, and what I use to threaten people.

“I’m not doing any business with you; I’m calling the cops.”

“If I were you, I wouldn’t do that.” I was bored out of my mind, I explained. Couldn’t people just figure out what I was doing and say, “Yes sir?” I hated how many times I had to pull the family card.

“Pardon me? “I’m finished with this phone call.”

“What is your daughter’s age?” She appeared to be about five years old to me and your wife, I think blondes are attractive, she should dye her hair.” I was thinking about my new favorite hair color when I said this.


“W-what?” He stated.

“If you don’t do exactly what I say, I’ll kill your family.” I responded by threatening everything he cared about.

“O-okay…” He finally spoke up.

“There will be three gentlemen at your door in about 20 seconds; if you do not do what they say, I will kill your daughter and wife.” I used the word emotionless because that is exactly what I was.


I hung up because begging would only aggravate me further. I made a few more phone calls, some of which resulted in threats and others in which people simply cooperated.

I had finished my work and felt compelled to go check on Ava. I left my office and went to her room; when I opened the door, there was no sign of Ava. When I went downstairs to look in the kitchen and didn’t find her, I became concerned.

She was obstinate, but I hoped not stupid, because God help her if she fled. I needed to protect her because I wouldn’t know what to do if something happened to her.

I searched the house for her and became enraged when I couldn’t find her. I clenched my fist and reached for my phone, ready to call my men, when something moved in the corner of my eye.

I approached the window that overlooked the backyard and noticed her floating in the pool. As I walked to the backyard, I unclenched my jaw and relaxed my fists.

“What the hell are you doing, Ava?” I inquired, my concern overshadowed by annoyance.

“I’m swimming, dumb-ass.” Ava responded.

“And why are you swimming at ten o’clock at night?” I inquired.

“Wait, it’s been 2 hours?” She inquired, perplexed.

“Ava, 2 hours? You’ve been here for two hours?” I was taken aback. I would not have known if she had drowned.

“Uh yeah,” she replied.

I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair, wondering why I was so concerned about her. “What the hell, Ava, you could have drowned if you had hit your head.”

“No problem, Andrew.” She was still in the water.

“All right, come out, playtime is over.” I told her I was done playing her games.

She considered fighting me, but eventually nodded her head in agreement.

“All right, all right. But please assist me.” She inquired as I extended my arm.

I grabbed her arm and was suddenly dragged into the water. I’d never learned to swim, and being in water was my biggest fear, though I didn’t tell anyone.

I struggled to keep my head above water and blacked out when I failed.

I rolled over to the side to breathe after feeling the water leave my lungs. I coughed a few times before regaining my strength and composure.

“Oh my… Thank you, God. Are you all right, Andrew?” Ava inquired.

I was furious; she could have dragged me into the water and nearly killed me. I hated being scared, but I was terrified when I was in the water, and she was the one who got me in there.

“Are you fucking serious, Ava?” I yelled angrily.

“Andr…..,” she began.

“Don’t even bother talking to me.” I said this as I entered the house.

I awoke the next morning just as angry at Ava as I had been the day before.

When my mother called, I went to my office to try to distract myself with work.

“What is it, mother?” While sitting in my office, I said.

“Dalia will be with Papa and Ma for the next four weeks, so Ava will not need to work.” She said this over the phone.

“All right. Tell Dalia that I love her. Bye.” I said.

I kept working until I heard a gentle knock on my door. I looked up and saw Ava staring at me.

“What do you want?” I asked, still irritated by what had happened the day before.

“I need to get to work,” Ava said as she walked over to my desk.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you, Dalia will be staying with her grandparents for a few weeks,” I said, attempting to ignore her and get her to leave my office.

“Okay, so what should I do in the meantime?” She asked, not picking up on any of my hints.

“I don’t care” I responded emotionlessly.

She finally got the idea and began walking away.

“When are you going to meet Travis?” she inquired as she prepared to leave.

I hate that motherfucker. Even though I was angry with her, she was still mine, and Travis needed to understand that.

“Today,” I said flatly, not bothering to lie to her.

“OK, I’ll come with you,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.

She was as bad as hell.

“He’s coming here, and you’re not going anywhere near him,” I warned her.

“Let’s get one thing straight, just because I’m giving you another chance and living with you doesn’t mean you have any authority over me; I’ll see who I want and do what I want,” she said as she spun around and walked out..

My fist tightened and my jaw clenched. No one, not even her, would speak to me in that manner, and I knew how that jerk looked at her… I was the only one who could look at her in that way. I wanted to kill him just for looking at her, but I knew I couldn’t, so she couldn’t be there when he was finished.

“AVAAA,” I yelled as I stormed out of my office, trailed by her.

She turned around and looked me in the eyes, both of us furious.

Before thinking about what to say, I yelled, “I am the leader of America’s largest and most dangerous Mafia, you will do what I say or I will…”

“What are you going to do? Kill me?” she asked.

She snatched my gun from my waistband and slammed it into my hand.

When I looked at the gun, I realized what I had said, followed by what she had said. When I looked at her, I was reminded of something she told me one night, she was afraid of death; she had been through hell and back; all my rage faded, and I was left feeling empathy for her.

“If you don’t kill me, I’ll continue to do what I want.” Ava said as she walked away from me and into her room.

Ava’s POV

I opened the door to see him standing there.

“Yes?” As I stared him down, I was still annoyed with him.

“May I enter?” He inquired as I stood there contemplating whether or not to let him in.

“It depends on what you’re here to say, because I’m not having another yelling match with you.” My voice was laced with rage as I snapped.

I stood completely still, not wanting to fall into his touch, as he approached me and placed his hand on my cheek, stroking it with his thumb.

“I apologize.” He said it without hesitation.

“For what?” I asked, expecting him to elaborate but knowing he wouldn’t, just a small apology is enough.

“I know you’re not a property and that you’re your own person, but I just need to know you’re safe.” He sighed and sagged his shoulders.

“Why are you so concerned, Andrew? I was safe before you, and I will continue to be safe after you.” I said this placing my hand on his wrist.

“As much as I hate remembering it, just a few weeks ago you called me a whore and told me not to talk to you.” I continued, knowing we needed to discuss that matter.

His eyes dropped as soon as I asked, and he looked almost sad as memories flashed through his mind.

“God Ava, I don’t know why, to be honest but please don’t say after me. Regardless of what you say, I’m staying in your life.” He mumbled, his face downcast in surrender.

“And I know what I did, and honestly, I still don’t know what happens to me when you’re around, but I just know I don’t feel the same when you’re not.” So, if that means apologizing for the rest of my life, I’ll do it.”

“You’re adorable, Andrew.” I chuckled, allowing my smile to spread across my face.

“Don’t call me that again,” he growled as his face shot up to mine.

“Haha, it appears I struck a nerve.” I laughed as I continued to tease him.

He grabbed the back of my neck and drew me into him before I could finish teasing him.


I looked up at him and saw sparkling desire in his eyes; I licked my lips, teasing him as I felt my heart go to my stomach, a new sensation for me.

He leaned down, his lips perfectly touching mine, this kiss more passionate than the last, and I returned the feeling, silently telling him I have forgiven him.

Andrew then encircled me and picked me up, my legs naturally wrapping around his waist.Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

He entered my room and slammed the door shut behind me, his lips never leaving mine. He wasn’t being too rough, but he knew where the line was and wasn’t about to cross it for the sake of me.

The contrast between gentle and rough described not only Andrew but also what was going on during the moments Andrew and I shared. Despite the fact that the two emotions should never be mixed, they danced perfectly for Andrew and me, making everything feel either extreme highs or lows that neither of us wanted to feel.

I ran my hands through his hair, tugging it slightly, causing him to moan slightly.

He drew back to look at me and mumbled “Beautiful” before returning his lips to mine. When I refused to let him into my mouth, he moved his mouth away from mine and began to kiss my neck with lust and desire.

I leaned back against the door, allowing him easier access, and he took it.

He attacked my neck, smearing hot, wet kisses all over it and making me moan.

“Andr…” I slipped.

In all of my intimate moments with him, I never had flashbacks to Sylvester or felt threatened by what might happen, and that was how I knew I wanted to pursue Andrew further. Because, regardless of how Andrew acted, I was becoming obsessed with him. The sensation was both enslaving and liberating.

He pressed his lips against mine as he lifted his head from my neck. He licked my lips again, asking for entrance, and when I refused, I could tell he was frustrated by how quickly his hands moved around my body.

Knowing what I was doing, I drew back and gave him an evil smile. He smirked at me before pulling me back into him. I felt one of his hands move from my waist to my inner thigh before I could protest.

He ran his hand up my inner thigh before I realized what he was doing, making me crave his touch even more.

Andrew took advantage of my moan and shoved his tongue into mine. I could tell he was smirking because of the furrowed brows and the fact that he had just won another battle.

As much as I despised losing, his tongue danced perfectly with mine. I let one of my hands fall from his head to his neck, then to his back, in an attempt to press him closer to me.

I was craving him, wanting more of him, but before I could, he drew away and set me down.

“Andrew, why did you stop?” I inquired, vexed, flustered, and dissatisfied.

“You are not prepared.” I don’t want to cross that line until you’re certain you want it. And I’m going to wait until you’re begging for me.” As he walked out, he winked.

I was irritated and angry. I knew it was stupid of me to want all of Andrew when I barely knew him, but he made me feel safe.

“You’re going to pay for leaving me wanting.” I grumbled as I walked into my bathroom and shut the door.

I grumbled and decided I needed a cold shower after hearing Andrew’s slight chuckles.


It was the next day, and I was looking for Andrew around the house.

We both needed to clear things up; for one thing, I wasn’t going to stay here. I needed a job, and I also needed him to understand that I was free to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted.

I assumed he was working in his office, so I went there first. I swung open his office door to find him sitting behind a desk, facing two men.

The two men turned around when Andrew looked up at me. They were familiar because they had been at the house when I first arrived.

“I need to talk to Andrew, boys,” I said. As I approached Andrew’s desk, I said.

Andrew just raised an eyebrow at them as both of them burst out laughing. They stopped laughing when they realized I was serious and Andrew wasn’t laughing along with them.

“Get out,” Andrew told the men.

“But, boss-” One of the men spoke up.

“Did I tell you to leave or did I say you could talk back?” Andrew said with a raised voice.

Finally, both men gathered their belongings and left.

“What do you want now?” Andrew asked before returning to work.

I sat in a chair across from his desk and began playing with a pen he had on his desk.

“There are a few things we need to discuss.” I continued to play with the pen.

“Such as?” he inquired.

“For one thing, I’m not going to stay here while you go work.”

“What exactly do you mean?” He inquired, raising an eyebrow at me.

“If you go out, I’ll follow you. I am aware of your Mafia business, and because I will be living with you, people will gossip, so I am coming to work with you.”


“Why, Andrew?” I asked, knowing the answer and confident that I would win this argument.

“Because it’s risky.” He stated

What causes people to be so predictable? God, he needs to learn that I can defend myself and he isn’t always be there to protect me.

“So, when my one-year contract expires, I’ll still be in danger, and you’ll have to let me go. Andrew I’m not going to stay here and wait for you to get home; I’m coming to work with you. I’ll gain experience and learn exactly what I’m up against so that I can be prepared.” I said.

He looked up at me, and I could see him thinking before he sighed in defeat. “Okay, good. But you’re not going on missions.”

I nodded, not wanting to be shot.

“I’m also going to go out whenever I want.” I said while standing up and turning away from his desk.

“Why do you make everything so complicated?” He murmured

I spun around, expecting him to say something else.

“Okay, but Seb will accompany you everywhere. A driver is always available outside, so you can use him whenever you want.” He stated.

“Who is Seb and why is he here?” I inquired.

“Seb is your bodyguard and one of my friends; additionally, you will always tell me where you go.”

“I don’t need a bodyguard, but that’s fine.” I triumphantly exited his office.

“Prepare yourself, Ava. In 15 minutes, you and I will be going to base.” Andrew screamed.

I’d gotten everything I desired without Andrew yelling at me. Progress.

I went into my room and decided to change. I put on some black jeans that were stretchy and a red shirt with a leather jacket. I looked like a bad ass.

I applied makeup and tied my hair up. I dashed downstairs to find Andrew texting on his phone at the bottom.

He furrowed his brows as he looked at me.

“Let’s go, we’re going to be late.” He grumbled. He was fantastic, wasn’t he? “I was in a good mood.

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door, only to see the same driver from the day before.

The driver opened the door for Andrew and me, and I got in quickly, followed by Andrew.

Andrew remained silent throughout the drive, his gaze fixed on his phone. Andrew finally looked up from his phone when we arrived at a building about 15 minutes late.

“This is the main base, where we do training and discuss important business.” Today you will be training.” He stated.

“Training?” I inquired, but Andrew did not respond.

We exited the car, and I followed Andrew into the building. We descended a few flights of stairs until we reached a floor with dim lighting and a large number of people.

When Andrew walked in, everyone stopped what they were doing, and I took advantage of the opportunity to scan the room. I noticed the three guys from the other day were there, as well as the girl who showed up at Andrew’s mom’s house wearing barely any clothes, staring at me.

I rolled my eyes, thinking it was because I was with Andrew and she was feeling threatened or something.

“She is a temporary recruit, and you will be training her without question.” Andrew yelled at everyone in the room.

“May I put her in the ring?” The slutty girl inquired, batting her lashes at Andrew.

“I said no fucking questions, didn’t I? And no.” He returned the growl.

“No problem, I’ll do it.” Let’s get started.” I told the slutty girl. She appeared arrogant, and I was prepared to put her in her place.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.