Love Unbreakable

Chapter 486

Chapter 486

An elderly gentleman with a distinguished mane of graying hair, adorned in a garment of dark cyan silk, made his entrance with Matteo's assistance.

Alexis gaze sharpened upon recognizing the man. It was indeed Beuford, Kyler's personal butler, a figure of unwavering loyalty who had retreated to oversee Kyler's grave at Mount Moriah following Kyler's demise.

Alexis had nearly forgotten Beuford, half-convinced that the latter had passed away due to the years that had slipped by.

Yet, here Beuford stood, very much alive.

"You ungrateful bastard! Why have you pulled Beuford away from his duties, disrupting his tranquility?" Alexis 'accusation against Mitchel betrayed a hint of a tremble in his voice, perhaps unaware of the emotion it carried. Beuford had been a formidable presence in the Dixon household, one who had never bent the knee to Alexis 'authority.

Before Mitchel could interject, Beuford took the floor, his voice carrying the weight of years yet resolute. "Mr. Alexis Dixon, this visit was of my own volition, not at Mr. Mitchel Dixon's urging."

The unease on Alexis' face was palpable as he managed a strained smile. "And what caused your presence here, Beuford?"

"I came upon learning of your recent endeavors within the Dixon Group, which brought to mind the final charge Mr. Kyler Dixon entrusted to me, Beuford stated, his voice gaining volume as he brushed his beard. "He warned me, 'Alexis lacks stability. In my absence, you must steer him on my behalf."

The authority with which Beuford spoke mirrored that of Kyler himself, a testament to the years spent under the patriarch's influence.

Alexis, attempting to mask his mounting ire, diverted his gaze downward. He was tormented by the nation that even beyond the grave, Kyler's dominance shadowed his every step.

Witnessing Alexis wrestling with his inner turmoil, Mitchel seized the moment. "Dad, why not share with Beuford the letter you claimed to be handwritten by my grandfather?

Caught off guard, Alexis found himself at a loss for words.

Beuford, intrigued by the mention of a letter handwritten by Kyler, pressed further, "A handwritten letter from Mr. Kyler Dixon exists? Mr. Alexis Dixon, why not let us see it?"

Alexis faltered. "Well, it's... It's not of great consequence. It simply discusses my father's desire to integrate Henley into our lineage..."

"Impossible!" Beuford's interjection cut through the room before Alexis could elaborate.

Beuford's decisive rebuttal left the room stunned, and Henley's composure broke, his visage darkening with fury.

Henley's hands balled into fists so tight that they whitened, his gaze burning into Beuford with barely contained rage.

Alexis, flustered and humiliated, insisted louder, "Beuford, you're speaking out of turn. This letter outlines my father's explicit wishes!"

Alexis appeal to Kyler's authority was a desperate bid to regain control over the narrative.

However, Beuford's response was unyielding. "Mr. Kyler Dixon would never authorize such a directive. He held a stringent view against acknowledging any illegitimate offspring within the Dixon lineage, a stance codified within our family's charter to deter opportunistic claims."

Kyler's legacy was one of moral fortitude, staunchly resistant to any form of scandal or dishonor. The notion of an illegitimate heir gaining recognition would have been unthinkable under his watch.

Beuford chose not to vocalize these thoughts, offering Alexis a sliver of respect by withholding a full condemnation. Nevertheless, the message was clear, leaving Alexis to reflect on the implications.

Alexis patience snapped. He slammed his hand against the table, glaring at Beuford with intense animosity. 'Beuford, while I acknowledge your long service to my father, need I remind you of your station? You remain a servant of this family, nothing more."

Alexis' words were utterly devoid of respect, a clear indication of his disregard for decency. In a sudden movement, he ordered his security, "Get this liar out of here!"

However, before they could act on Alexis' command, Mitchel's reaction was swift and bold. He flung a cup of tea directly at Alexis.

The splash of tea left Alexis drenched and humiliated, a stark visual contrast to his earlier arrogance. "You insolent cur! You..." he began.

But Mitchel cut Alexis off. "Dad, choose your next words carefully."

The threat in Mitchel's tone was palpable, silencing Alexis instantly.

At that moment, Alexis felt dwarfed by Mitchel's authority, recognizing that the balance of power had shifted profoundly in favor of Mitchel, who stood before him not as the young lad he once belittled but as a formidable adversary.

Mitchel then stated, "In case some of you might not fully grasp the significance of Beuford's position, let me make it clear. To my grandfather, Beuford was much more than a butler."

Alexis, already simmering with anger from the unexpected confrontation, found himself at a loss for words, dwarfed by Mitchel's imposing presence.

Mitchel elaborated on the depth of Beuford's loyalty and bravery. "In times of danger, it was Beuford who stood between my grandfather and harm, enduring wounds in his stead. My grandfather himself regarded Beuford not just as a loyal aide but as a brother, in both life and peril."Text © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

This narrative, familiar to the elder shareholders of the company, underscored the deep bond Kyler and Beuford shared, highlighting Alexis' disrespectful treatment of someone his father esteemed as family.

This revelation caused a stir among the shareholders, leading to whispers and glances that left Alexis exposed and humiliated, his prior contempt now turned against him.

Mitchel, seizing the moment, said to Alexis, "Let's see that letter from my grandfather you mentioned. Why not show it to us?

Cornered, Alexis found himself between a rock and a hard place. His refusal to reveal the letter would imply culpability. In a desperate bid to evade scrutiny, he dramatically shoved the letter into his mouth, feigning a breakdown while accusing, "You're all trying to corner me to death! If you mistrust your own dad to this extent, no evidence will ever satisfy you!"

In his haste, Alexis sought to cast himself as the wronged party, but the dry paper proved difficult for him, a man used to the finer things, to swallow.

As Alexis struggled, Matteo acted swiftly, applying pressure to a specific point on Alexis' neck, which led Alexis to cough up the letter.

Matteo secured the letter before Alexis could make another attempt at its destruction.

A brief inspection by Beuford was enough for him to declare, "This is not penned by Kyler!"

The room buzzed with disbelief and indignation at the lengths to which Alexis would stoop, fabricating even Kyler's handwriting in his scheme.

In response to Beuford's conclusion, Alexis snapped, "What do you know with those eyes of yours? How can you claim it's a forgery? You're merely Mitchel's pawn in this charade!"

Yet, Beuford remained unruffled, advising Mitchel, "Let's compare this letter with known samples of Mr. Kyler Dixon's handwriting."

Following Mitchel's directions, both the questioned letter and authentic samples of Kyler's handwriting were projected for all to see.

Alexis, scrutinizing the comparison and finding the forgeries indistinguishable to the untrained eye, gloated. "See, even you must admit your mistake. They're perfectly matched."

Alexis had invested heavily in the forgery, confident in the forger's promise of an undetectable imitation. And indeed, at first glance, the duplication seemed flawless, leaving the shareholders in a state of confusion.

The question hung in the air. Could this truly be a fake, when it mirrored Kyler's handwriting so precisely?

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