Love Unbreakable

Chapter 108

Chapter 108

Starting To Fight Back Raegan was bewildered.

Why did it matter to Mitchel whether she ate or not? It wasn't that she refused to eat.

His presence was what made her lose the mood to eat.

"You..." Before she could even utter the word "leave," her words were stifled by his lips.

"Mmm..." Mitchel kissed her softly as if taking into account the discomfort in her mouth.

He was gentle this time.

Nevertheless, this action brought back memories of their earlier activities in the bathroom, filling Raegan with revulsion.

Reacting on impulse, she flung the hot porridge at him.

Mitchel grimaced as the scalding porridge hit him and quickly detached his lips from hers.

Just when Raegan assumed he'd explode with anger, he restrained himself, opened another carton of porridge, and said icily, “Eat.

Otherwise, I'll feed you the way I just did." Raegan was at a loss.

His current behavior seemed absolutely irrational to her.


She would eat.

If it meant he would leave, she'd gladly consume the porridge.

Head bowed, she ate slowly, every spoonful a reminder of her sore, wounded mouth.

She felt like crying from the pain.

But not in Mitchel’s presence.

Never in front of him.

Tears would only earn disdain from someone who didn't love you.

Why volunteer for more humiliation? Mitchel retreated to the bathroom and changed his clothes.

When Raegan noticed him retrieving a fresh set of clothes, she was taken aback.

Had he planned to stay at the hospital for an extended period? A caretaker appeared to clear the table after her meal.

Raegan was just about to lie down and rest when Mitchel reached for her mouth again.

With swift reflexes, Raegan smacked his hand away.

Mitchel's expression turned stormy.

Gazing at him warily, Raegan said, “Mr.

Dixon, even a tool needs a break." Had her health been compromised, she was convinced she wouldn't have survived the previous night.

Mitchel's expression shifted as he pulled outa tissue, handing it over to signal her to let her wipe her mouth.

But Raegan didn't take it.

She took another one, wiped her mouth, and threw it away.

Mitchel's arm remained hanging in the air awkwardly, and he struggled to contain his frustration.

"Raegan, enough is enough." Raegan chuckled and retorted, "So, you want to do it here? Fine, I can accommodate you.

Just not with my mouth.

It's sore." "You! Unbelievable!" Mitchel's face flushed a deep shade of blue.

Angrily, he tossed the tissue aside and stormed out of the room.

By noon, Matteo arrived with a lunchbox.

As he was leaving, Raegan halted him.

"Did you personally hand the paternity test report to Mr.

Dixon?" Caught off guard, Matteo nodded.


Dixon's behavior had revealed the result of the test.

“You handed it to him directly?" Raegan pressed.

Matteo hesitated, then recalled that when he sent the documents to Mitchel’s office, Mitchel was in a meeting, but it only took him about ten minutes to finish the meeting.

He shared this with Raegan.

"So, there was a ten-minute gap.

Go back and see if anyone entered his office during that time,” Raegan urged.

She suspected a setup, and only Lauren came to mind as a likely saboteur. NôvelDrama.Org owns © this.

She couldn't risk involving her child in Mitchel’s unpredictable moods.

He wouldn't bring himself to allow her to have a child that he assumed wasn't his, no matter how generous he pretended to be.

Even if they divorced, she needed to clear her unborn child's name.

In the afternoon, Luis paid her a visit.

Right after he stepped inside, Luis expressed his concern, saying, “Raegan, are you feeling better?" Raegan held no animosity toward Luis and nodded in acknowledgment.

Observing her frail look, Luis paused before advising, "Mitchel is unstable ght now.

Don't confront him directly.

It's wiser to be subtle to minimize your pain." Raegan remained silent.

Just as Luis was heading out, she asked in a hoarse voice, "Luis, could you help me with something?" She requested a retest, this time using her IV blood and a strand of Mitchel's hair that had been collected this morning.

Luis hadn't seen this coming.

No wonder when the topic of the baby had come up, Mitchel’'s face had darkened.

He understood now.

Mitchel's keeping this to himself was understandable.

What man would readily admit to his closest friend that his wife was carrying another man's child? However, since Raegan had openly sought his help, Luis was inclined to believe the child was actually Mitchel's.

Luis gave a nod, affirming, "You'll have the result in twenty-four hours.” After Luis exited, Raegan attempted to relax, her eyes closed but sleep eluded her.

She kept mulling over Mitchel’s harsh words.

He said he had stayed in their marriage only for physical intimacy and had declared she wasn't even worthy of being compared to Lauren.

The idea of her surpassing Lauren in Mitchel's heart now seemed laughable to her.

Mitchel's feelings for Lauren ran deep.

Eliminating Lauren from his life would only be possible if Mitchel himself was gone.

Therefore, Raegan resolved never to overestimate herself again.

She must get a divorce, even if it meant pleading with Mitchel's grandfather.

Divorce was the only path left.

Meanwhile, Nicole stirred awake in the dim hotelroom, curtains drawn tight, the air heavy with the scent of intimacy.

As she tried to sit up, a dull ache washed over her body.

Glancing down, she noticed her naked form, marred with hickeys.

Jarrod had been rude to her, gnawing and pinching her, acting less like a man and more like a savage animal.

And now, he was nowhere to be found.

He had probably left.

Nicole stood to dress herself.


Just then, a sudden noise echoed through the room.

The hotel door burst open.

Before Nicole could react, she was yanked by her hair and tossed from the bed.

A woman stood on her back, venom in her voice, declaring, "Finish off this deceitful bitch!”

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