Love For Hire

Chapter 27: 27

Chapter 27: 27

The weeks passed quickly, and at the beginning of treatment, Nicholas’ health fluctuated. Before treatment, he was energetic, smiling, and frisky, but as the weeks went on, he became sicker. His skin had become pale and almost anemic. His eyes had become sunken and dark. He’d lost a lot of weight to the point Kinsley could see his ribs. He spent more of his time in his bed. As much as he tried to get up, he rarely had the strength. The past two weeks, he had not gotten out of bed for any other reason than to go for treatment.

His health was failing quickly, and Kinsley desperately wanted to give him some good news. Kinsley sat in the doctor’s office. She had been feeling off lately, so she had gone to her family doctor to confirm a hunch. She sat in the office, waiting anxiously. The door opened, and in came the doctor. “Welcome back, Miss. Wells,” he said as he shut the door and took his seat behind his desk. He typed something into his tablet and smiled at her. “Shall we see what your test results say?” Kinsley leaned forward, hoping to get a look, but she could not see what was on the tablet. “It looks like your results are positive,” he grinned.

“Yeah?” She was so excited.”

“Yup. You are going to be a mom. I’d say you are four weeks along. Congratulations.”

Kinsley was ecstatic. She could not wait to tell Nicholas. He would have his heir. His health was failing, but she had managed to give him the thing he wanted most.

Kinsley said goodbye and then left the clinic, hopping into the car. Stephen had driven her to the clinic and had been waiting outside. “Is all well?” He asked as he opened the back door for her.

“Yes. Quick take me home. I want to see how Nicholas is doing. I have good news for him.”


Matthew took the arsenic from his pocket and dumped it into his brother’s tea. The cook had made Nicholas some ginger tea to help with his stomach. He was far too sick to drink liquor anymore. All he could keep down anymore was water and weak tea. The maid had been taking a fresh cup of tea up to him when Matthew intercepted and said he would take the tea to Nicholas.

For the past two months, Matthew had been the doting, supportive little brother. Making sure his brother was comfortable and well hydrated. The human body could go weeks without food, but he needed fluids, and that was exactly how Matthew made sure Nicholas got his daily dose of poison, and thanks to the radiation therapy, no one suspected what was going on. They simply believed his failing health to be the unfortunate side effects of the radiation.

Matthew walked into his brother’s room to find Nicholas right where he left him — lying in bed, barely conscious. He walked over to the bed and took a seat on the mattress next to Nicholas. The shift in the mattress roused Nicholas. He barely opened his eyes. “Who’s there?” Nicholas barely managed.

“Matthew,” he said with a smile. “I have brought you, tea brother,” he said, placing his hand behind Nicholas’ head and helping him sit up just enough to drink as Matthew held the teacup to his brother’s lips and tipped it so he would drink. “It will settle your stomach, so make sure you drink every last drop,” Matthew’s lips curved in a cruel grin as Nicholas swallowed the last of it. “There you go.”

Just then, the door opened, and Kinsley entered and smiled at Matthew. “How is he doing?” She asked, coming to the bed.

“No change,” he said, watching Kinsley climb into bed with Nicholas and sit next to him as she stroked Nicholas’ cheek.

“Nicholas,” she called to him, trying to rouse him. Nicholas opened his eyes, then closed than before opening them again.

“Kinsley?” Nicholas breathed.

“Yes,” she said, taking his hand when he reached out for her. “How do you feel?”

“Like I am dying,” he whispered. He was so week it really was promising. It would not be much longer before Nicholas kicked the bucket. It took everything in him for Matthew not to grin with excitement.

“Do not say such things.”

“It is true. I do not have much longer. I do not think I am going to make the wedding.”

Matthew watched as her eyes filled with tears, and she tried to hide the sorrow from her tone. “I have good news,” she said.

“They found a cure?” Nicholas said playfully, and she chuckled in his effort to make light of his dire situation.

“I am pregnant.”

Matthew’s eyes widened in horror. No, she could not be. “You are pregnant?” Matthew asked.

“Yes,” she said happily as she squeezed Nicholas’ hand. “Four weeks.”

Matthew looked at the pleased smile on his brother’s face. “That is wonderful,” Nicholas whispered.

No, it was not. It was horrible. If this bitch had a son, Matthew could kiss his claim to the throne goodbye. Killing Nicholas would be meaningless and pointless if he had a son to succeed him. He’d been so sure that his brother had been too ill to conceive, but it would appear he seriously misjudged his brother’s sex drive.

He had worked too hard to place himself on the throne. He was not going to let this child get in his way. He simply had no choice. Kinsley and the baby had to die too.


Matthew was glaring at her. He said nothing more and then rose to his feet, placing the empty teacup on the night table next to the bed. “I will leave you two alone,” he snarled as he walked to the door and exited the room pulling the door closed behind him. Something about that man did not sit well with Kinsley. He was suspicious. She could not place her finger on it, but something about him left her uneasy.

Kinsley sat beside Nicholas but did not say much; she could tell he was drifting off again. She lovingly stroked his dark hair, and then in horror, she held her hand up and stared at the large clump of hair that had come off in her hand. She looked down and ran her fingers through Nicholas’ hair, only for more to come off in her hand. She knew that hair loss was one of the side effects of his treatment, but was it supposed to be that much and so soon?

She just could not shake the feeling that Nicholas’ health was failing a lot faster than it should be. Her eyes drifted to the teacup on the nightstand. Curious, she got out of bed and walked over. Kinsley picked up the teacup Matthew had left behind. There was nothing but a residue in the bottom of the cup left. She lifted it to her nose and smelled the cup. It smelled like almonds. What kind of tea was Matthew giving Nicholas?

Kinsley took the cup and left Nicholas to sleep. She went in search of Naya. She had been spending a lot of time with Naya and Teegan, and she knew that Naya was as worried about Nicholas’ failing health as she was.

She found Naya in the library reading a book. “Naya,” she said as she came into the room. “Do you have a moment?”

“Of course,” Naya said, putting down the book in her hands. “What is on your mind?”

“I was just with Nicholas.” This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“How is he doing?”

“He has been losing a disturbing amount of hair. He is barely conscious anymore,” she could see the pain in Naya’s face. “I cannot help but feel like Nicholas is failing at an alarming rate.”

“The doctor said….”

“I think we should bring the doctor in to examine him. Just to put our minds at ease.”

Naya sighed and then nodded. “I will have Octavius call Dr. Horton.”

Kinsley left the room and went down to the kitchen, and asked the staff for a freezer bag. She placed the teacup inside and sealed the bag. She wanted the doctor to take the cup and have it tested. She wanted to know exactly what Matthew had been giving Nicholas. She could not shake the feeling that he was behind Nicholas’ failing health. She just had to prove it. Kinsley stood in the corner of the bedroom with Naya, with Samuel seated in the chair by the fireplace while Dr. Horton examined Nicholas.

The good doctor went through the usual examination with a frown. Checking Nicholas’ vital signs and assessing the withered condition he was in. He placed his hand to Nicholas’ forehead, feeling how clammy he was and then he ran his hand through Nicholas’ hair and frowned when he held a large wad of hair he had taken from Nicholas’ head. He made a thoughtful sound as he studied the hair in his hand.

“What do you think, doctor?” Samuel asked.

“He is displaying all the side effects of the therapy,” he said, taking a biohazard bag from his doctor’s bag and placing the hair in his hand inside. He sealed the bag and returned it to his bag. “But, I do find it strange that Nicholas appears unresponsive,” he said, prying one of Nicholas’ eyes open as he flashed a light in one and then the other. “How long has he been unresponsive?”

“Just today,” Naya said. “But he has been very groggy for days now.”

“I am going to call for an ambulance,” Dr. Horton said. “I want him transferred to the hospital where I can put him on an IV drip and run some blood work,” he said, standing up and packing up his stuff. “I will call the ambulance right away,” he said, leaving the room as he took out his cellphone.

Kinsley picked up her purse from the chair by the door and followed Dr. Horton out into the hall. She waited for him to finish his call, and then she stopped him. “Doctor,” she began taking the freezer bag with the teacup in it out of her purse. Kinsley offered it to him. “While you are running tests, could you please test this as well?”

“Why?” He asked, accepting it from her.

“Just to put my mind at ease. Please do not mention it to Naya and Samuel until we know the results of the test.”

“Do you suspect foul play?” Dr. Horton asked her.

“I do not want to make accusations without proof.”

Dr. Horton nodded. “I will rush the tests.”

“Thank you.”

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