Love Aint Always Pretty

Chapter 83: 83 Quarry

Chapter 83: 83 Quarry


- one that is sought or pursued

Origin: Middle English


I quickly covered my mouth with my hand. Shit. Damn it. Why are you very goddamn careless Savannah? My heart just went wild on my chest as it beats faster but I try to calm myself down after realizing that Nick was the one who I called and not Aries. Goodness, Aries and Nick are totally different person Savannah. And letters A and N are far from the alphabet. How in hell did you end up calling Nick?

I take a deep breath in and closed my eyes. Relax. You'll find a way out to this. Just take it easy.

"Savannah.. Is there something wrong?" He asked whisperingly.

I hurriedly ended the call. I'm too ashamed to talk to him right now and I didn't want him to hear me crying. What if he's with Dakota right now that's why he's talking whisperingly?

I gazed at my watch, it's already eleven in the evening here in London. It's probably six in the evening there in New York. I wiped my tears away and walked to the bed. I sat down exhaling deeply with a pain in my slapped cheek as my tears fills my eyes again.

My phone vibrated on my hand as I take a longer look at it with Nick's name appearing on the screen. I had no choice but to cave in and finally answered his call. I pulled my phone near my ear and bite my lip hard so I won't cry again. I tried to tame myself down and breathe in deeply.

"Savannah... What's wrong? You're making me worry." Nicks says.

"I'm fine." I say weakly.

"You're not fine. What's wrong?"

I curled my fist into a ball as my tears build up against my eyes. "Nothing."

"Savannah don't tell me this is nothing. You're obviously crying. You sound like crying. Why? What happened to you? What did you want to talk about with Aries?" Nick asked.

I sigh heavily.

"You can tell me about it." He adds.

I shake my head. "I shouldn't have called you." I say.

"It was a mistake. I pressed a wrong name. It's really none of your business now Nick." I added.

"Damn it Savannah! You're still my business." He exclaims.

I shake my head sideways again.

"Please tell me what's wrong? Where are you exactly in England? Savannah I miss you." He adds.

I close my eyes as my tears rolled down my cheeks. I can't tell Nick that Damon slapped me. He'll be mad for sure. My cheeks are still hurting and I still hear Damon knocking on my door.

"Nick, it's pretty late now. I'm going to bed." I tell him.


"Please." I cut him off.

He exhales heavily.

"Please don't you even try calling me again. Don't come look for me. Don't come and find me. Don't do anything at all to come and get me. Please Nick."

I hung up and turned off my phone. I laid down on my bed as I stare at the ceiling. I try to tell myself that Damon didn't mean to do it. He was just mad and I'm sure he won't do that again. He was just carried away. He won't hurt me. He couldn't. I wiped my tears right away as I feel it pouring down my cheek. I pulled up my blanket and covered myself with it, as I try to put myself to sleep. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

The following morning, Damon left for work early and left me a breakfast meal he made himself, some freshly picked flowers from the garden and left me a letter. The maids said he woke up earlier than his usual time just to prepare these things for me. I love it but I'm still mad at him for slapping me last night. Now as my thoughts are gathered, I realized he shouldn't have done it no matter how mad he was.

I ate the meal he made, I read the letter he wrote and I placed the freshly picked white roses on the vase, but I didn't feel anything about what he did. Nick hasn't even slapped me, not even once and didn't even dared to and I'm so bad at that thought cos Damon did.

Hey Aries. Call me if you have time. -Savannah

I texted Aries two hours ago and he hasn't even texted me or tried to call me back. I wonder where he is.

I stayed at home all day after what happened to us last night. I tried reading some classical novels and listening to some piano pieces as well. I don't really do this before and I have been wanting to hear classical piano pieces since I got pregnant and it's like I'm craving to hear it all the time.

My phone finally vibrated on my hand and I quickly answered it once I saw Aries' name calling me.

"I called as soon as I landed. Something wrong angel?" He asked.


"Where are you?" I asked.

"I just arrived in Scotland right now. There was somebody important that I need to meet here for our expansion of business. Is there something wrong that has happened?" He asked.

I took a pause. "Well.. I thought... I thought you..." I sigh. "I thought you were still in England."

"Oh. I took the last flight last night. Why? Has something happened? Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Damon saw us yesterday at the mall."

"And? What's the problem with that? He knows how close we are."

I went quiet.

"Did you fight with him?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said weakly. "Last night."

"I didn't know Damon can be a dickhead sometimes." He exhales.

"Well I know he has the right to be jealous cos he's your husband but he knows we're close friends." He adds.

"But are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?" He asked.

I pressed my lips hard together and as much as I wanted to tell Aries about what happened last night, I couldn't. I'm scared of what will Aries do once he'll find out about it and I want to give Damon a chance, maybe he won't do that again. He didn't mean to slap me last night for sure. He loves me.

"Did he hurt you, Savannah?" Aries asked me and his voice sounded like he demands an answer.

"No. He didn't." I say.

"Are you sure? Cos if he does lay even a finger on you, tell me right away. I'll shoot a bullet on his ass hole."

I smiled. "Aries I'm fine. I'm sorry I got you all worried about nothing." I lied.

"You know I'm here for you, right? And I can always fly to England for you angel." He says. "Just tell me if something is wrong then I'll come."

"Thanks Aries. Really. Thank you. I'll hold on to that."

"You can count on it."

I smiled. "And I hope you find some Scottish women."

Aries laughs. "Angel, I came here for pure work but if some women plans on something to me then maybe I can have fun for a night."

I shake my head, "Same old Aries. You never changed."

"I did change. When you came into my life, I'm not dating five women at once anymore." I say.

I smirked.

"Playboy." I complimented. "But I'm glad you're taking a few girls seriously."

"Angel, you're the only woman I wanna be serious with."

I smiled.

"Thanks Aries." I tell him.

"For what?"

"For still being one of my closest friends even after all these years." I say.

He chuckles softly. "Angel, you do know I'm always here. You know how much I love you and how important you are to me."

I smiled sheepishly.

"Gotta go angel, I still have a meeting in thirty minutes." He snaps.

I sighed heavily. I still wanted to talk to him about anything we could think of because I would rather do that than become busy as hell. But then we aren't teenagers anymore. We're busy people with busy lives. Sometimes I hate the fact that reality is punching it to my face that everything is changing in my life, my friends, and my Nick.

As selfish as it sounds, I know Nick is still mine because he still loves me.



Present Day...

"Mr. Wilde?" I heard someone calling out to me.

"Mr. Wilde? Were you listening?"

I snapped from my deep thoughts of Savannah and moved my head to Dr. Hathaway, Dakota's ob-gyn. She who was having her monthly check up on Dakota's stomach. It's so big that I think it's going to

burst. Dakota had gotten some weight too. She looks fatter than usual and her face has gotten rounder and her cheeks bigger.

Then all of a sudden I remembered Catherine as I kept looking at Dakota's womb. It's been a very long time since I visited Catherine's tomb and brought her her favorite flowers. I sigh inwardly at the thought of it. I haven't visited my first family after I got rich. Dakota doesn't want me to go back to my past because she thinks it's a waste of time and I hate her when she does that because Catherine is a huge part of my life. She lead me to Savannah.

"Nick are you even here?" Dakota was the who called my attention now.

"Im so sorry." I blurted.

I moved my head back to the doctor.

"What were you saying again Dr. Hathaway? I was busy thinking and worrying about work." I reasoned out.

Dakota rolled her eyes at me while she was lying down on this bed before me as I sit next to her.

"As I was saying, your baby girl is absolutely fine. Her heart rate is normal and your wife's due is just around the corner. I am so happy for the two of you." She states.

Dakota takes a grip on my hand a little tighter that made me move my head to her. "I'm so excited." She tells me.

I nodded at her but I wasn't really looking forward to her pregnancy or the day she'll be giving it out.

When she was done for her check up, we headed out of the clinic and I was just silent while I was following her around until we reached the car park. I was quiet because I don't want to talk to her and I was still thinking about Savannah. Both of us got inside the car and I started driving away.

She keeps on blabbering about buying more baby stuff today because she only wants what's best for her baby while I wasn't really paying any attention to her and everything she was saying. She had already filled the baby's room with so things that are all pink. Everything is pink from the carpet, to the walls, to the baby's clothes, and down to the smallest detail of the room.

While she was busy talking about her baby, and how excited she is about it, I was filled with thoughts of Savannah and how she sounded weird the last time she mistakenly called me as Aries. I wonder what she was crying about. I wonder what she was gonna talk about with Aries. She called up Aries and not me. She called him instead of me so there must be a reason.

What could that reason be? As much as I think deeper about the answers to my own question, I got nothing. Except the fact that I am sensing it's about her marriage with Damon. And I know as hell that she was crying when she called because it was far from obvious.

"Fuck! Nick!" Dakota exclaims.

I take a grip on the stirring wheel.

"Listen to me when I'm talking to you! It's a serious matter. This is for our baby." She adds.

I chuckled. "Your baby, Dakota. That's not mine. You might have forgotten that part."

She hits my arm. "And were you even listening to what I was saying?"

I glanced at her briefly but I still showed her that I wasn't interested in her. I don't know why sometimes she thinks of us like we are official even without people around us. Maybe she's totally forgetting that both of us are just faking everything.

"Goodness you're always zoning out! Jesus!" She calls out my attention.

I sigh heavily.

"Dakota, you can always buy stuff on your own. I don't really have to go with you. I have so much work left in the office." I say.

"Oh come on Nick. You own the company. You can always go anywhere and anytime you want." She whines.

"That's not the reason to be slacking."

Later that day, around five in the afternoon, I was still inside the office doing nothing. I wasn't really busy today and I didn't have much work left here. I just didn't want to go anywhere with her. I take the last sip from my drink as I stare right outside the wide glass window of my office.

My phone rings on top of the table and it was Detective Martin who called. I quickly answered it.

"Detective Martin." I greeted.

"Mr. Wilde. Good afternoon. "

"Have you finally tracked her location? Any progress?" I asked.

"Well good news boss. I did track it. She's in Westminster right now. Should I be mailing you the other informations you need to know?" He asked.

"No. Text it to me. I don't want Dakota to know about this." I answered.


"Your payment will be sent to your bank account the next day. Thank you for helping me."

"I'm always at your service Mr. Wilde."

I hang up and waited for him to text me all the details that I need to know. My phone finally beeps on my hand and hurriedly opened the message.

Savannah Canterbury Patricks

Location: Old Queen Street, St. James' Park, London, SW1H

Occupation: married

Status: housewife

Spouse: Damon Oliver Patricks

Children: none as of the moment but she's eight months pregnant

- Detective Martin

Suddenly my door opened. I looked over my shoulder and saw Jean, my secretary, standing by the doorway.

"Mr. Wilde?" She calls out.

I turned to face her and she smiles at me. "Someone is on the phone looking for you, a call from Mr. Edwards. He's asking if you're free next week?"

I take a pause for a moment.

"Because?" I finally asked.

"He's having his birthday celebration and you're one of the invited VIP guests." She narrated.

I nodded.

"It's next Saturday and he said he's hoping you would come. Should I decline? You have an important event to attend to on the same day as well, Mr. President." She adds while looking over my schedule.

"Where is the birthday celebration going to be?" I asked.

"England, sir." She answered.

As I take a few seconds to think about it, I know I had to get away from Dakota. She's annoying me too much and I hate how my life runs around here. I'm going to chase Savannah.

"Cancel the convention. I'm going to England." I say.

She smiles and nods. "As you wish sir."

I'm coming to see you Savannah.



Chasing Pavements-Adele

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