Living With The Bad Boy

Chapter 5

I woke up at exactly 7am with a pounding headache. I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, after which i went downstairs to meet my mum at the kitchen where she was busy preparing breakfast.

She smiled upon seeing me and i smiled weakly, hugging her.

“Good morning mum” I greeted.

“Morning sweetie, how was your night?”She asked as she continued chopping onions.

“It was okay, I just have a slight headache” I said.

“Oh sorry honey, go to my cupboard you’ll see an Aspirin, take it, the headache will stop”She said.

“Ok mum, thanks”I said and left for her room.

I knocked on the door upon arrival and my Dad’s voice answered behind the door.

I pulled the door open and saw him seated on his bed with a magazine in hand.

“Good morning Dad”I greeted.

“Morning sweetheart, how are you?”He asked with a welcoming smile.

“I’m great thanks, yoy didn’t go to work today?”I asked.

“No sweetie, my friends and business partners are coming over tonight for dinner so I’m staying back home today in preparation with your mum”He said smiling.

“Oh okay Dad”I said and went over to the cupboard.

“What are you looking for honey?”He asked.

“An Aspirin, mum said i should take it”I said.

“Ok dear, are you sick?”He asked.

“No just a slight headache”I answered.

“Ok dear, take your drug and get some rest”He said.

“Ok Dad”I said and took out the Aspirin before leaving the room.

After a couple of minutes i took my bath and put on my clothes.

Despite how wealthy my parents were, we never hired an servants except for the cleaner who comes early morning to clean the house and the gardener who took care of our garden.

We lived in an urban area with tight security so there wasn’t any need for bodyguards or any security men.

I lay down on my bed with my phone in hand as i dialed Zoey’s number. Within a couple of seconds she picked the call and her joyous voice rang through the dialer.

“Hey girl!”She said and i could hear giggling from her background.

“Hi Zoe, how are you?”I asked.

“I’m good and perfectly fine what about you?”She asked.

“I’m bored, there’s nothing to do at home and my parents aren’t going to work today, i hate saturdays” I cried.

“Aww sorry dear, why don’t you come over”She said.

“My mum won’t allow me to, Dad said something about having visitors so I’m stuck in this house”I said.

“Awww poor thing, i wish i could come over but I’m pretty occupied with babysitting”She said.

Zoey was a babysitter, she took care of kids at her parents NGO so she was mostly occupied on saturdays.

Despite how rich her parents are, they were very generous to own an NGO which they used to take care of homeless kids and orphans.

“I understand, well you don’t need to worry about me, I’ll be fine” I said.

“Are you sure?”She asked.

“Yeah I’ll be okay, staying one day at home wouldn’t hurt now would it?”I asked.

“Yeah you’re right, but for someone like you who doesn’t like staying home it will be terror”She teased.

“I’ll manage”I said.

“Alright” She responded.

“What about Jane, I called her earlier this morning she wasn’t picking”I said.

“Oh she went out with her parents for an occasion, she probably put her phone on silent”She said.

“Oh that’s alright then”I said.

“Ok Liv, I’ll talk to you later, gotta attend to the kids”She said.

“Ok Zoe, catch ya later”I said and she giggled before hanging up.

I got up from the bed and left the room heading to the living room where my mum was seated, watching television.

I sat down beside her on the couch smiling at her.

“Hey mum”I greeted.

“Hey honey, how are you?”She asked, smiling.

“I’m good, what’s up?”I asked.

“Nothing I’m just waiting for our friends to arrive, for the main time i should go to the kitchen and prepare dinner for the feast tonight” She said standing up.

“Ok mum, I’ll help you with the cooking” I said and trailed behind her as we went to the kitchen to cook.

We finished cooking in less than two hours and we were all set for dinner.

“Sweetheart you should go to your room now and change, make sure you look presentable”Mum said.

“But what’s wrong with what I’m putting on?”I asked.

“It’s filled with sweat and food marks, come on take a quick shower and change then come down, my guests will soon arrive”She said.

“Fine then”I said.

“That’s my girl”She smiled and i smiled back in response before scurrying up to my room.

I quickly took a shower and packed my hair in a neat ponytail, putting on a white top with black shorts, i wore my perfume and applied little powder and a light peach colored lip gloss on my lips.

When i was pleased with my appearance i sighed, satisfied and then took out my phone to take a picture.

There was a knock on my door as i was busy taking pictures.

“Come in”I said and my mum came into the room smiling as she approached me.

“Hey mum”I greeted.

“Sweetie, you’re all set, come down now, the guests have arrived” She said.

“Ok I’ll be there shortly, give me a minute”I said.

“Don’t take too long” She said and i nodded in agreement and then she left.

After taking a couple of pictures, I put my phone away and left the room.

I plodded down to the living room where my mum and Dad were seated with two other people who were about their age.

There was an average light skinned woman and a man in fine coated wine suit sitting across my mum and Dad.

I approached them with a smile.

“My daughter is here, Liv this is Jack and his wife Stella, they’re our old time friends and business associates” Dad introduced.NôvelDrama.Org holds text © rights.

“Hi, nice to meet you” I said smiling as i took a sit beside my mum.

“Hello dear, how are you” Mr Jack said smiling at me.

“I’m fine thanks” I responded smiling back.

“Hello sweetie, how are you?”Mrs Stella greeted.

“I’m fine Aunt” I greeted.

“Don’t call me aunt, call me Stella, calling ne aunt makes me feel old” She joked and i chuckled.

“Ok Aunt…… I mean Stella” I smiled.

“Gerald, I must say that you have a really beautiful daughter”Stella said.

“Yes of course, she looks just like her mother”Dad said and we smiled.

“I can’t wait for you to meet our son, i know you’ll make good friends”Stella said.

“Of course”I smiled.

“By the way Stella, what of your son, why isn’t he here with you?”Mum asked.

“He said he has practice, he should be on his way by now though”Stella responded.

“Kids of nowadays, they always have one excuse or the other”Dad added.

“If you’ll excuse me guys, I’ll be in the kitchen, dinner will soon be served”Mum said standing up and then they all nodded in contemplation as she left.

“Excuse me”I said and left for the kitchen.

“Hey mum, can I help you?”I asked.

“No sweetie, I’ll manage, just go to the living room and sit, once dinner is served I’ll let yoy know” She said.

“No mum, let me help you in dishing the food” I protested.

“Come on baby, don’t be stubborn, go and sit down, I’ll manage” She said.

“Fine then, if you need anything just call me” I said.

“Ok sweetie” She nodded and i left for the living room.

I was busy operating my phone while the adults were busy talking about business related matters.

I was already getting so bored with all the talk.

“Dinner is ready, please can everyone come to the dinning hall” Mum called and we all stood up and left for the dinning room.

Within a few seconds we were all seated at the dinning room with the dishes in front of us.

“Oh Marie, you’re cooking abilities hasn’t changed, you still make the tastiest food I’ve ever tasted” Uncle Jack complimented.

“Thanks Jack”Mum smiled.

“So what about me, don’t I make delicious meals?”Aunt Stella pouted.

“Of course my love, i was only making a little compliment”Uncle Jack responded.

“It better be”Aunt Stella said.

“Of course honey”Uncle Jack teased.

“Y’all should dig in already or else the food will get cold”Mum said and we began to eat.

“Jack, your son isn’t here yet”Dad said.

“I don’t know what’s taking that boy so long, he supposed to be here by now”Uncle Jack said and just then, we heard the horn of a car from outside.

“I think that’s him”Aunt Stella said and then within a few seconds, the door bell rang.

“Get the door Sweetie”Mum told me and i nodded in agreement as i stood up, leaving for the living room.

I pulled the door open and Lo and behold was Alexander Williams standing in front of the door, shock written all over his face.

“You! What are you doing here?”We asked in unison.

“I should be the one asking you that” We said in unison.

“Hey stop repeating what I’m saying” We said in unison.

“What are you doing here Alex?”I asked.

“I should be asking you thay question” He said.

“Probably the wrong address”I said and slammed the door on his face.

I went back to the dinning room to sit down.

“Where’s he?” Aunt Stella asked.

“Oh it wasn’t your son, it was just some stranger who lost his way”I responded.

“Huh? but i heard the horn of his car, I’m certain it was my son”Uncle Jack said and the doorbell rang again.

“Let me get it”Mum said and stood up as she left for the living room.

Few seconds later she came back and i turned to see Alex standing behind me.

“What’s going on?”I asked, looking confused.

“What do you mean by what’s going on?”Mum asked.

“Sweetheart, come over here” Aunt Stella said, gesturing at Alex who plodded over to where she sat, sitting across me.

“Olivia honey, meet my son, Alex” Aunt Stella said.

“Wait…… what?”I exploded.

Alex also had the same expression on his face.

“You must be joking mum, you told me you were going to your friend’s house”Alex exploded.

“Yes sweetie, this are my friend’s and business associates, Mr and Mrs Henderson”Aunt Stella said.

“And this is our daughter, Olivia”Mum added smiling.

“Wait what? Mum you never told me their son is this…… um…… Alexander Williams!”I scowled.

“Wait…. what’s going on? do you perhaps know each other?”Mum asked.

“As a matter of fact we are classmates and we attend the same school”I said.

“Oh great, then it would be easier for you both to get along during the one month you’ll be staying together”Aunt Stella said.

“What?”I exclaimed.

“What are you talking about mum?”Alex asked.

“Didn’t your father tell you?”Aunt Stella asked.

“Tell me what?”Alex asked.

“The reason for this dinner is to introduce you both to one another, the four of us are going on a very important business trip on Monday and we will be away for a month, i can’t entrust yoy staying all alone by yourself and so is Mr and Mrs Henderson so we agreed for you both to stay together during the course this one month here at the Henderson mansion since it’s closer to your school you would have any problems going to school”Mr Williams said.

“Mum you didn’t tell me any of this”I scowled.

“We’ll talk about this later honey, not now”Mum said.

“But mum-”

“I said not now”She gritted her teeth and then smiled back at the Williams.

“This isn’t a problem Marie or is it?”Mrs Williams asked.

“Of course not, my daughter is perplexed”Mum replied.

I really don’t appreciate my mum answering for me right now.

“So it’s agreed then, on Monday after school Alex will move in with his things”Mr Williams said.

“Fantastic”My Dad replied.

“Wait Dad, Mum, you guys haven’t asked our opinion on this matter”Alex opted.

“Your opinion isn’t needed, earlier on i was worried about you both getting along but i see your friends already and you attend the same school so i know it will work out well”Mrs Williams said.

Friends? Alex and I aren’t even close to being friends, this is surely a disaster and the worst part is that the two families have agreed already so there’s no going back.

I’ll still have to talk to my mum about this, I can’t imagine staying in a house with Alex for one whole month.

There will be murder happening and I’m sure I’ll be the culprit while Alex will be the victim.

“Sweetheart, why don’t you show your friend around the house for the main time so that he won’t find it difficult when he moves in”Dad said.

“Of course, if you’ll excuse me”I gritted my teeth and simpered as i got up from the chair.

I lost my appetite the minute i saw Alex so there was no point in continuing the dinner.

I turned around and headed towards the stairs but i was stopped on my tracks by my mum’s voice calling behind me.

“Sweetie, you forgot your friend” Mum said.

Can she stop using the word friend to address Alex already, why can’t she say something like School mate or Stranger.

For crying out loud, Alex and I are far from being called friends.

“Of course” I simpered as Alex got up, trailing behind me as i went up to my room.

I pulled him into the room and bolted the door.

I pushed him to the wall, pinning him to the wall on both hands.

“You planned this right? this is your way of exacting revenge right?”I asked.

“Of course not, I can’t even bear staying in the same room as you talk less of living with you”He said.

“Shut up, i know this is just one of your cheap stunts to get back at me”I said angrily.

“Come on Olivia, how would i do something like that, come to think of it, can i plan a friendship? our parents have been friends and business associates for a long time, it’s not our fault that we weren’t aware all this while, all you should be focused on right now is talking your parents out of this madness”He said and i retracted my hands from him, pulling away from him.

He had a point, we need to do something about this soonest or else my life would be damned.

This is the first time Alex and I were agreeing on something and the something being a way to stop our coming together.

“Earlier on, my parents told me their friends had a beautiful daughter that i might be interested in but what i saw is the opposite of what i was told, I can’t believe i spent an hour grooming myself for you thinking you’d be one hot girl of some sort”He said and that’s when i realized his dressing.

He was putting on a white top with matching black joggers and a black leather jacket, his hair was curled smoothly

“And what do you mean by that? Aren’t i beautiful?”I asked.

“You wish Henderson” He scuffed.

“Fool” I scowled.

“At least your checking me out”He said and that’s when i realized that i was still taking in his appearance.

I turned my head immediately to an opposite direction and he chuckled.

“You wish”I folded my arms.

“You are really bad at lying Henderson, I can tell when you’re busy lying and it doesn’t suit you” He said.

“Whatever, now get lost”I said.

“Aww, little Liv is crushing”He mocked.

“Don’t pester me Alex, don’t forget you’re at my house and not school, I’ll kill you here without leaving a trace”I threatened.

“Whatever, your mum said you should show me around the house so come on let’s go”He said.

“No way! Why do i have this feeling that you’re starting to enjoy this madness”I stated.

“Anything that troubles you brings joy to me and gladdens my heart so go ahead and show me around the house or else I’ll tell your mum you’re being a bad friend”He smirked.

“Gosh i hate you so much, i wish i never met someone as stupid, dumb and useless like you!”I said, my temper rising.

“The feeling is mutual baby girl”He smirked.

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