King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

83. A Treasure


“Smile Mama Mari.” I said giving her a hug “I am smiling.” She replied, giving me a small smile. Of everyone she had been the only one with mixed feelings about the outcome, she had been so prepared to meet Papa Raf it was as if it had been stolen from her. But she had kept busy, and I think it was really helping her. Both Rayhan and I had told her to talk to us when she felt down, and I planned to keep on top of it too. I would make sure she didn’t feel lonely and I had talked to her about calming sleeping spells for night-time as I know that was when she felt the loneliest. She had said she would have a think about it: Her job as the head warrior was something everyone was excited about. The Ahmar Qamar pack fighting style was one of the best and the fact that Mama Mari was the last remaining member who was trained in it was something that Rayhan said was something to think about. How she needed to pass it on, and although she had said that she would teach it to her grandchildren, she had also agreed to train the pack. 2 The previous Luna was respected and everyone worked hard to do their best, and on top of that, they knew that Rayhan wouldn’t stand for any disrespect towards his mother. But they were all doing well and working hard. Mama Mari said that when Ahren turned three, she would start training him too, how she had started learning from the age of three herself. – It had been a few weeks since everything had returned to normal. I had grown up being tortured and abused, but the pain that I had felt under that curse… It had been worse than anything I had ever gone through. The fear of not knowing if I’d make it back to my mate and children… that fear I had tried to hide as I tried to stay strong in my weakest state for Rayhan who had remained strong trying to find the solution that we needed. Once you have a family the fear of death was different. You not only lived for yourself but for your family too. As for Rayhan, he was truly adınirable. My perfect yum yum… Somehow this entire thing had made us even closer and we didn’t even want to be apart from one another for long. Rayhan was one of the strongest, smartest, and most caring Alphas, so when he told me that he was going to visit the Sangue pack, it had made me happy. There

were so many who were affected by it all that this really was a noble move from him. That was where he was gone currently, along with Kiara and King. Burrito. Rayhan had said he’d be back by nightfall, so hopefully soon. 2. I missed him already. “Si, come here.” I said holding my arms out to my precious little chocolate chip cookie as she toddled over. 2 Her walking was a lot better now, and she gave me the cutest smile as she came over to me. “Mommy.” She said, holding my face and kissing it. “Ahren’s gotten a little naughtier.” Mama Mari said glancing at Ahren, who was up to no good in the corner, He was currently trying to chip off the : paint from the wall. “Very naughty. I think you all spoiled him. “I replied smiling.

Mama Mari laughed, lightly shaking her head as she got up and moved him away from the wall. “I’m home.” Rayhan’s voice came, making my heart skip a beat. I hadn’t even sensed him enter! My heart skipped a beat as I stood up, spinning around to see him leaning against the doorframe. Hands in his pocket, his leather jacket straining on his muscular arms, his hair which was tied back save a few strands that framed his face looked so ..-hot. I ran over to him, flinging my arms around his neck. “You’re home.” I whispered before I kissed him. His arms wrapped around me as he pulled me out into the hallway and pushed me up against the wall. “Rayhan… “I think this might be a bit much for mom and the kids.” He whispered sexily, .. cupping my thigh and lifting it, pressing it against his waist as he pushed himself against me firmly, making me gasp. His lips met mine in a sensual, erotic kiss, one hand gripping the back of my neck as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I sighed softly, feeling the electric sparks rush through my body. This was home, in his arms. He let up after a few moments, letting me get the breath I needed. “I missed you, kitten.” He murmured kissing my neck as his hand ran up my thigh and squeezed my ass before slipping it under my top and grabbing my breast. “I miss daddy too.” We both froze, as I pushed Rayhan away, my cheeks flushing, and his hand slipped out from under my top quicker than lightning. We both looked down at Ahren, who giggled.

“Did you now?” Rayhan said flashing me a sexy smirk before he lifted him up. Making our little boy giggle. I squeezed his chubby cheek before Rayhan leaned over, kissing me just below my ear. “We’ll continue that later.” I blushed lightly as I looked into those sexy grey eyes. “Can’t wait.” I said biting my

lip. A dose of my sexy yum yum was something I would always look forward to. We entered the living room and Rayhan walked over to his mother. Crouching down in front of her, he placed Ahren down and took her hands in his. “How was training today?” He asked, kissing her hands softly. “Good, I think I have a good regime set up now, how was your trip ya hayati?”. Mama Mari asked, cupping his face.

“It went ok, better than expected. I hope one day Leo finds it in him to forgive me… One can hope.” He said quietly as I sat down on the other sofa, watching the mother and son. I loved their bond and I hoped it always remained, because she needed him as he needed her. Mama Mari nodded. “Regardless of if he does or not, you did the right thing, I am proud of you.” “Thank you.” Rayhan said softly as Mama Mari kissed his forehead. “Has Raihana messaged or called today?” Mama Mari asked me. I shook my head, “No, but she will later, she said she and Chris had a few meetings today, but she was definitely going to video call us.” “Perfect, I heard Dante told her the gender, but she doesn’t want to do a gender reveal party this time.” Mama Mari said with a smile as Rayhan got up and sat on the sofa beside his mother as he began playing with Sienna. “That’s shocking for Ri.” He replied, too amused kissing Sienna’s cheeks as he picked her up and tickled her. “She may just be growing out of her partying stage.” Mama Mari said with a small laugh. “I doubt Ri will ever grow out of getting attention and being extra.” Rayhan smirked. “I think she just wants to keep it small this time.” I said defending my friend. E With everything going on Raihana had told me she just wanted to keep everything simple and just small so she can cherish it with family. However, she promised to tell me the gender as today she had an official scan, and although she had complete faith in Dante, she wanted to have the scan to confirm it before she announced it. “Well, she had a scan today.” I added, as Rayhan raised an eyebrow. – “Really?! She never said.” Mama Mari exclaimed with surprise. I shrugged sheepishly. “I think it may have been a secret?” Mama Marilet out a smal “You girls can never keep anything from one another.” No, we couldn’t. I smiled as my eyes met Rayhan, who was watching me with such an intense look that my heart felt all fluttery. We had truly come so far, and I wouldn’t change anything for the world. Sienna was tugging on her father’s necklaces, Ahren came over to me and sat beside me playing with a toy. I ran my. fingers through his hair feeling content, ar My perfect family.NôvelDrama.Org owns all © content.


I watched Chris sit back as he discussed the new building plans to extend the pack territory. He looked incredibly sexy as he talked to the men. We were in the city and these businessmen were human, “Of course, that sounds great Mr Somers. “One of the men said as I ran my hand up Chris’s thigh, now that the important part was done. “Perfect, so what do you think Mrs Somers?” Chris asked me, raising an eyebrow. I smiled slightly, my hand dangerously close to his manhood.

“I think it all sounds great.” I replied, i before I leaned over and kissed his lips softly. ‘So proud of you.’ I really was. There had been a time he had to prove how capable he was, and he did it effortlessly. Chris was an excellent Alpha, and when it came to doing the job, he was an entirely different person. Focused, serious, and so damn sexy. I was tempted to see if we could get the conference room to ourselves so I could have him take me right now… He looked at me as if he knew exactly what was going through my mind. “Well, if that is all we will take our leave.” He said standing up and giving me his hand. I took it and stood up as the men stood up politely “Thank you once again, Mr and Mrs Somers.” Bidding farewell, we left the room and entered the elevator. We were on one of the top floors, and I pressed the button for the ground floor. “So… What did you have in mind?” Chris smirked suggestively, backing me into a corner. “In here? There’s a camera right behind you…” I whispered. “Hmm cover it, I think I have just over a minute to make you come. Challenge accepted.” He said, pushing me into the corner. His body shielded me from the camera, which I had misted over just as he pulled my skirt up, slipping his hand into my panties and his lips met mine… He had succeeded in making me come and we had left that elevator with my legs feeling like jelly but thoroughly satisfied.

We spent another twenty minutes getting hot and steamy in the car before we finally returned home. It was late in the evening, I’d had a scan earlier today and we were now video calling Mom and them to let them know the gender: I had just put Tatum to bed and we were in bed. We had already known the

gender thanks to Dante, but it just didn’t feel right to tell anyone until we had confirmed and it was no surprise to find out he was indeed right. We sat side by side, with Chris’s arms around me, just as Delsanra answered the phone, setting it down on the table so I could see them all. Rayhan was holding her in his lap whilst Mom sat next to them looking at the phone with rather well-masked excitement, but even then her eyes gave it away. “How are you two?” She asked. “Great, thanks for asking.” Chris replied.

“Hope you’re doing great yourself.” I was so glad she was here… I really needed her. I would always need my mom. “Well, what is it then?” Delsanra asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “It’s a girl.” I said as Chris placed a hand on my stomach, I had a bump now. Delsanra squealed in excitement as she hugged Mom tightly, both women clearly happy as Rayhan smiled. “That’s great news. Congratulations to the both of you.” He said, his hands not leaving Delsanra’s narrow waist. “Thanks, and we also had a request.” I said glancing into Chris’s green eyes. He gave me a small nod and I looked at my best friend. “Anything, we’re here for you. Just tell us what it is.” Delsanra replied.

“You sure? We might be asking for a hell of a lot.” Chris replied with a smirk. She nodded as expected from her. “Absolutely! I’m ready anytime.” “Within reason obviously.” Rayhan added brushing her hair back from her shoulder and kissing her shoulder. I smirked as she resisted a sigh, blushing lightly. “Well, it’s a big deal and it’s specifically for Delsanra.” I said leaning forward as the trio looked at us curiously. “I’m nervous now.” Delsanra said curiously, “You should be, you are being given the duty…” Chris glanced at me, and I smiled . as I placed my hand over his that rested on my stomach. “The duty to name our little princess.” I said trying not to get emotional. “Oh bless that’s…” Mom trailed off, her eyes full of emotion, and I blinked my eyes, trying to contain my emotions. “You became my best friend so easily. Not only did Ray find his mate in you, I found iny soul sister. The most terrifying ordeal about this entire thing was thinking I might lose you and that I couldn’t do anything to help you.” I said, my voice cracking. I took a deep breath, fanning my face. “Goddess! These silly pregnancy hormones.” Chris hugged me tightly, kissing my lips. “It’s ok to cry.” He whispered. I glanced at the screen where Delsanra was already crying silently as she looked back at me. “I’m sorry for scaring you. You know,

I’m a stubborn one.” She whispered. I nodded. “I know, I’m just crazy and dramatic, you know that.” I said, in brushing it off, but every one of them. knew me better than that. “You aren’t wearing makeup Ri, if you want to cry go for it.” Rayhan teased lightly. “By the way, I actually forget how you looked like without all that contour and shine.” “Hey, I’ın beautiful without make-up!” I glared at him, and he smirked. “I never said you weren’t, you just look years younger without it and maybe a little more innocent.” “She’s far from innocent though.” Chris replied with a cocky smirk. That made Rayhan give him a pointed look but I left them to it, looking at Delsanra, who was deep in thought. “You can take your time. We have a few months.” I said to her before she smiled, nodding as Mom asked me questions about how the scan went. After a few minutes, Delsanra smiled brightly, snapping her fingers. “I have a name, but if you don’t like it, I don’t mind. I can think again.” “Go for it, kitten.” Rayhan murmured as Mom, Chris, and I looked at her. I was excited too, I was a fussy person and giving someone the choice to name my child was a huge deal for me, but this was something I wanted to give to her. It’s one of the most precious gifts I could give her. Whatever name she chose, I would keep it because I loved her and I know I’d love the name because of that too. “Heaven, Heaven Kamaria Somers.” She said softly. I glanced at Chris, a smile crossing my face. “Heaven, it’s perfect. I love it. Heaven Kamaria Somers…” My heart skipped a beat, it was perfect. “Kamaria means moonlight,” Delsanra explained. “Do you really like it?” “I don’t like it, I love it babe. Absolutely! Heaven, it’s a befitting name for my daughter.” “Our daughter.” Chris corrected before we all started laughing. “It’s a gorgeous name and I like how Kamaria contains my name.” Mom added making Delsanra smiled. “And Kamar is literally Qamar, your roots Mom.” Rayhan added. “That’s such a cool coincidence!” Delsanra said, but from the look of happiness on her face as Mom nodded in agreement obviously happy with the name, I realised she had done it on purpose. 3 Our eyes met, and she gave me a wink.

“I can’t wait to meet her.” Mom said smiling as she looked at me. “Me too.” I whispered softly. I truly was looking forward to it and more so the fact Mom would be here for it all. + For a short while, I had thought I was going to lose Mom but I hadn’t. She was right here by our side, and I was working on a

spell to make the pain of Dad’s loss easier on her. Delsanra was helping too and I’m sure together we would come up with something. No matter what.

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