King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

73 A Son’s Despair

ALEJANDRO It was as if time had fucking slowed, flames surrounding Scarlett and the fucker. I could see her skin melting away to reveal a raw layer beneath it. I watched as she plunged her hand into his chest fearlessly, but my stomach twisted the moment I saw his clawed hand ripping into her chest too. He gripped her other arm, crushing the wrist of her hand that was trying to bury itself into his chest. He was clearly unharmed by her attempt. His eyes blazed and I saw the determination in them, knowing he was ready to kill.

Fuck no.

Not under my fucking watch. I was by her side in a flash, grabbing hold of the fucker’s hand before he managed to rip her heart from her chest. It fucking burned like a bitch to touch him. He was fucking powerful, his eyes were blazing with unspeakable fucking power and his aura swirling around us like a fucking tornado. So, this was the man behind everything. “Well, well, well… The Lycan king himself still came to battle even when he’s so weak…” He hissed venomously.

I’m still fucking stronger than you.

But I couldn’t say anything in my Lycan form. Scarlett’s face was pale as she gripped his wrist, trying to stop him from wrenching her heart. I held on fucking tight, making sure he didn’t penetrate her any further. His fingers were almost completely in her chest now, slowly pushing forward. She coughed up blood as I used all my strength. I aimed a kick at him, only for him to block it. It was then that a strong wave of powerful blue fire created a huge force-field between us, instantly easing the heat.

Liam I took the chance and sliced the fucker’s hand right off with my dagger.

That’s for the pup.

He roared in anger, scooping Scarlett up with the hand still buried in her chest. I jumped away as a huge force shattered Liam’s barrier and threw us back. I shielded Scarlett’s body as we both hit the ground brutally. My head slammed against the rocky ground, sending spasms of searing pain through me, and I hissed.

Fuck, I wasn’t up to my normal standards…

I was forced to shift back, feeling blood in my mouth as I rolled over, placing Scarlett on the ground slowly. She coughed up blood, I looked down at her chest to see she was already healing, but that hand was still stuck in her chest. Fuck

“Don’t look!” She growled, despite the fact that she looked like death and couldn’t even sit up. I raised an eyebrow. I had seen plenty of naked women. Was she seriously worried about that right now? I was looking at her damn injury.

“Nice piercings.” I remarked, unable to stop myself from trying to piss her off. “Hold the fuck still.” 5

As expected, she gave me a cold glare, covering her nips. I frowned, looking down at the burnt, disgusting hand that I needed to remove.

“I’m going to take it out.” I told her, impressed that she was still conscious. She nodded, closing her eyes. I grabbed her shoulder with one hand, holding her down and placing my knee on her stomach, before I yanked the hand from her chest. That was fucking sickening. The smell of blood and burnt flesh filled my nose.

She hissed in pain, her eyes blazing as she groaned in agony, blood splattered everywhere as I tossed it aside. She let out a whimper of pain and rolled over onto her side. I could see she was already healing. Damn. I think she heals a lot faster than I do. “Thanks for saving me.” She said, sounding a lot more normal again. “Just don’t do that shit again. Stay here until you’re ready. We’ll go at it again.” I added

quietly. She nodded. “Just give me a couple of minutes.” She replied hoarsely. + I promised Elijah I’d keep her safe… and I plan to.

Standing up, I turned back to the commotion all around us. Wolves in all directions were engaged in battle but the enemy side was relentless and didn’t seem to be dying. 1

I saw Leo’s huge wolf. It was almost on par with Rayhan’s. He still had a few years to grow and he wasn’t Alpha yet… but I could sense his power radiating off of him as he slayed wolves without hesitation. I could see he was sticking close to Marcel, and realised he actually did think I would let him die…

I took a deep breath and mind linked three of my warriors who were closest, including Carmen, to shield Scarlett until she healed. Rayhan came over, his green eyes blazing, blood dripping from his fur and teeth that were holding some sort of fabric, which he placed around Scarlett’s shoulders

Ever the gentleman

I turned away, knowing she was fine, and looked at the main target once more.

This fucker needs to yo down…

I assessed the carnage, trying to see how we could get close to him and actually do some damage Wolves clashed with wolves in every direction. I needed the help of the witches. They were fully protected and offered our kind protection too. I knew that without them, we would probably have had a lot more losses by now.

I glanced towards Maria. She was fighting a few wolves, but she wasn’t overly exerting herself, saving herself for the last and final job… Darien wasn’t far from her, and I knew he had the dagger, ready to pass it to her when the time came…

Four of the Black Storm pack warriors surrounded her, those were the ones we’d have to handle when the time came… They had been assigned by Raf to protect his Luna and until now they kept that job. I

turned to the fucker, my eyes blazing with hatred. “What the fuck do you want? We were willing to pay the debt if you told us what it was.” I growled, launching myself at the Crimson King, trying to buy us some time. I knew exactly what the back story was, but something told me the Escarra’s revenge was far gone and left behind. All that remained was the Djinn and his hunger for power.

Once again, a blast of fire threw me back, this time I was ready and jumped aside as the ground trembled. Two witches raised a barrier between us and his eyes flashed.

“Does the beast’s father still not know the answer?”

I shifted back, trying to reserve energy. I didn’t miss the knowing smirk on his face. He fucking knew I wasn’t at my usual level…

My men were going to begin to tire, unlike his wolves, which were relentless, just like they were the day Kataleya was kidnapped.

“Well, obviously you’re referring to my son. Well guess what? Whatever the fuck you want, you won’t get it, because no one touches my pups and gets away with it.” I growled, mind linking one of my men. ‘Milo, my sword.’

“Shame you won’t be able to protect anyone.” He spat with hatred.

“That’s where you’re fucking wrong.” I growled.

The moment my hand touched the leather-bound long hilt, I smirked. Since I wasn’t able to keep my fucking Lycan form, we’ll do this the other way.

Six foot long and half a foot wide, this bad boy was made to chop fuckers to pieces. The moment it was in my hand, the weight of the adamantium steel was heavy yet perfectlyBelonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

comfortable in my hand. I ran at him, swinging it down. He jumped back, frowning as the blade hit the ground, creating a crack

I smirked coldly

When the magic of two of the strongest witches on the planet helped create this, it was no ordinary weapon. A gist from Del and Ri for my Goth. 1

“You do not even know what that boy is!” He spat, raising his hand and blocking the sword.

Another huye wave of power came my way, one of the witches blocked it as I sliced through the force, trying to get at least one or two hits in

“I know exactly what he is. He’s my son, one you tried to harm!” I growled.

I didn’t want anyone to know the truth, as long as possible I wanted to keep it a secret,

because if it got out… I didn’t even want to fucking know the consequences.

“What did you want him for?” I hissed, as I swung my sword.

I saw Scarlett, Rayhan, and Liam trying to get closer, but the sudden influx of wolves wasn’t helping “What do you think? Draining his vessel of blood will give me a permanent form on this planet, and then… the world will be mine.”

I snarled.

“You ain’t fucking laying a finger on him.” I spun around, feinting a hit, and this time my sword connected with his shoulder.

“I will! As we speak I’m getting closer and closer to him!” He shouted manically, not caring for the blood that spurted from his shoulder.

A sliver of fear washed through me, something in his eyes meant more… ‘Darien! Get someone to find out what’s happening back home. Tell Elijah to stay on alert!’

A huge wave of power slammed us back. I felt a few more bonds snap at once, feeling my pack members die. Fuck.

I was unable to look away from my target, lonowing one wrong move and I’d be dead. He slammed me to the ground, just as the witch who was creating the barrier around me was cut down by the fucker.

“Fuck!” I growled, as she crumbled to the floor. ‘Take Olivina to safety!’ I commanded through the bond.

Right now, we were one; one team, one side, and I was going to do my best for them all. I shielded her just as the fucker raised his hand and sent a huge wave of fire straight towards me. Something about this power was different, whatever it touched would disintegrate instantly. I grabbed the bleeding witch and rolled over, but immediately another wave followed. This time I was ready for the impact, raising my sword in defence when I was shoved aside roughly.


I turned as Carmen’s wolf stood where I was moments earlier, and right before my eyes, her body became a burnt carcass. I felt the bond break, my heart thudding as the burnt wolf crumbled to the ground. The fire was so powerful that she hadn’t even shifted to her human form, burnt and frozen in wolf form.;

Allare of rage flashed through me, to every corner of my body.

Carmen, she had been by my side from the fucking start. No matter what, she was always there

My eyes flashed red, the taste of blood strong in my mouth as I shifted, dropping my weapon and launching myself at the monster.

Not caring for the blasts of fire, Liam fell in step next to me. His aura was raging around him like a huge shield, and he now focused it towards the Djinn, his eyes blazing as he threw him

back with a huge wave of blue fire. The intensity sent waves across the entire grounds.

I wondered how he and Kiara would work together in battle. That one would be pretty impressive to watch if ever the time came. 2 I saw Scarlett run forward, her fur glowing under the setting sun. This was it, our last fucking chance.

Liam was thrown into the air. He shifted mid-throw, landing on his paws and growling at the fucker, before he and Rayhan lunged at the so-called fucking Crimson King.

I saw Darien move towards Maria from the corner of my eyes. Her guards weren’t around… which meant she had managed to get them to leave her…

Fuck. My heart clenched, knowing what was to come.

Scarlett and I moved at the same time, as I fought the storm of emotions that consumed me.

“You will never defeat me!” This time the voice held no trace of humanity, it was unearthly. I flinched as it grated into my bones. Splitting pain filled my head, but I still pushed forward, grabbing my sword and swinging it at him. Scarlett managed to throw him to the ground, the flames around him burning into her. I knew she wouldn’t be able to last long, and dropping my sword, I was in front of them in a flash.

I heard a witch chanting behind me, knowing she was one of the most powerful ones. Liam’s aura surrounding Scarlett was the only thing keeping her alive as she pinned the man down. “I will never die!” He hissed, a menacing grin crossing his face. “Never.” “That’s about to fucking change.” I growled. My claws came out and I plunged my hand into his chest.


I froze, my heart thundering as I recognised that voice.


Fuck, he shouldn’t be here… Why was he here?

The monster beneath me smiled victoriously.

‘Get him out of here!’ I growled at Liam through the link.

The Djinn could take anyone of the Escarra blood as his host instantly, thanks to the deal made longapo

Liam was by his side in an instant, picking him up and backing away, but it meant he wouldn’t be able to hold the shield around Scarlett for long.

“Please don’t kill my padre!” Enrique shouted over Liam’s shoulder, as I felt an odd wave of power pulsating around the man beneath us!

“Your father is long yone, kid, he’s only a monster now!” I shouted back, looking up at him.

Our eyes met, and I realised I should never have let him go. The boy I had set free had been broken, but the battered, bruised boy in front of me was… empty. Something told me he was

far past the point of being fixed. Like the dying sun behind him, all hope seemed to have gone for him… 2 If I killed his father in front of him… But I had to, for him and for us all.

Through the sweat, blood, and pain. I knew no matter what, I had to do this. There was no other way. The odd pulsating was growing stronger. Was he trying to switch hosts? “Barriers around the boy!” I thundered, trying to plunge my hand into his chest, but he had something around him that was stopping me.

Even with the witch’s power assisting me, I could feel the fire biting through it. Soon if this fucking continued, I wouldn’t have a fucking hand left.

“He’s mine!” The monster beneath me roared.

“No he fucking isn’t, you’ve destroyed him already!” I hissed. “Please don’t! My padre needs help!” The boy’s distant shouting came. “You said you’d help me!” 1

His cry was breaking and I knew I’d never forget it… I’m sorry kid… I’m fucking sorry.

A menacing growl ripped from my throat, and using my all, I managed to break through the barrier and tore his heart from his chest. Instantly, one of the witches obliterated it and both Scarlett and I were thrown back with incredible force as a huge explosion of fire erupted.

Above everything, over the roaring of the Djinn, the screams and howls of the fighting wolves … All I heard was the piercing scream of anguish and despair of the young boy who had just lost his father.

A huge surge of fire emitted from the dead body, taking on a fiery form of part-man, part beast, with blazing eyes, horns, and a tail. He towered far above me, easily measuring over ten feet tall as his aura threw us all back. The heat was burning our skin and I looked down at the dead body of what once used to be the Alpha of The Fuego De Ceniza pack at his feet…

“Keep your distance!” I commanded, before darting forward.

I may have killed him, but I needed to get his body for the pup.

“Al!” Marcel vrowled ‘Al, yet the fuck back!’ Darien shouted through the link. Tignored them, but before I could even get to the body, the djinn stepped on him, instantly turning him to a burned crisp. My heart plummeted and I jumped back

“Don’t let it touch you! One Touch and your fucking burnt toast!” I growled.

The Djinn let out an unearthly roar, Wivin his fiery tale. Il connected with two wolves, one of his own and one of ours. I felt the shap as I lost yet another man.

The Fuego De Ceniza pack were without an Alpha… But it was obvious whatever magic was on these wolves meant they were under the Djinn’s command.

I couldn’t command them to step down as a whole because even our side would fall to my command.

Liam was gone and I was glad. We needed that pup far away. The witches were trying to contain the djinn from advancing, but we were failing. ‘She’s ready’ Darien’s voice came through the link

My heart thundered, and I looked at Maria, who was far behind the Djinn. Her grey eyes met mine and I felt the agonising pain of what was to come. I had already lost several… but to know I was going to lose her.. Her hair was hidden beneath a turban-like black scarf, which also covered her face. She was dressed in complete black, her signature look of flared pants, fully covered… Only her eyes could be seen, her long curved swords in her hands. 4

‘I love you, and I’m going to fucking miss you.’ I said hoarsely through the link hoping she heard, and if she did, I knew she wouldn’t be able to answer.

I saw her eyes sparkle with unshed tears, yet the crinkle on the corner of her eyes told me she was smiling

She was happy. Fuck…

This was it. The time had come. Letting out a howl of rage, I shifted, ready to keep this fucker occupied so she could do what she needed to.

Forgive me for not being able to keep her happy, Raf. 12

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