Killer (The Satan Sniper's Motorcycle Club book 5)

Chapter 15 (Killer)

Chapter 15 (Killer)

“Sienna is no damsel in distress, she is as bad as the man she opened her legs to,” I tell them.

River steps forward, “That is enough, we aren’t feeding her to the dogs. Marcus Bray just offered us 1

mill plus expenses to keep Natasha safe and an extra 2 to keep Sienna alive.”

“I’ll give you 5 to tell him to fuck off,” I say.

“No, frankly I think she is just a scared girl that made poor decisions,” He looks at me, and his eyes

deliberately go to Kylies, which is a slap in the face.

They won’t listen to reason, and while we vote, all of them apart from Texas votes for her to stay. It’s

their necks, because I have a strong suspicion that Sienna wasn’t here just to save her cousin, she is

here for a reason that has nothing to do with Natasha and everything to do with finding Diamond.

If Sienna was right all those years back and she didn’t know where the file was, then it meant in

Diamonds Labyrinth mind she knew. And if Sienna was in contact with her actual father, which she

was, finding that file would implicate not just Marcus but my father. I couldn’t let that happen.

“You guys are making a mistake,” I tell them, but no one seems to hear me.

I head outside to the porch as the club scatters about.

Texas walks over to me, and hands me a corona, “All those years passed I never questioned what

happened that night, but a fucking nose job, new hair and contacts never swayed me from

remembering a face. If what you say is true, I’m taking it as a need to know basis, but before I join

whatever it is I’m joining, I need to know one thing from you boy,” He says.

If it were anyone else, I would know what they were going to ask, but Texas is a lot like me. We were

both special cases when we joined the army, and then the Special Forces, but our considerable age

gap made us generations APART.

The brother wasn’t old, but he was old enough to be considered an adult when Sienna and DIAMOND

walked into our lives.

“What is it?”

“Is that girl as bad as you just made her out to be?” Texas asks me.

“No,” I already know the answer to that without even thinking about it, it wasn’t Sienna’s ways that

made her so bad.

“But add in her father, and the DeMarco’s and you got a very dangerous woman,” I tell him in all


“Why do you say that, brother?” He sips his drink, “Surely, if she was lured away, she’ll be different.”

“Not when you put a shadow and a girl who wants her identity back in the same lake.”

“I don’t follow.”

I stare at Texas as he lifts his hat, a sign he actually gives a fuck. Well, he must, he was there.

“Years ago, she confronted her sister, and begged her to believe she was alive. Marcus did a fucking NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

clean job faking the kid’s death, and Sienna was cool with it, on condition she got to know her sister

from afar. And she did, but the cost came too high when her baby sister didn’t even remember she had

a sister. Diamond’s mind blocked her past out. It was too traumatic for her, so she remembered only

the new her.”

“But they were never really sisters, were they?” Texas says.

“No, and that was something Marcus never shared with Sienna until that day. When she found out that

Diamond was actually reunited with her actual father, Sienna went into a tailspin and tried to kill him.

Frost jumped in and Sienna knocked her out cold, Diamond took a blade and stabbed her. The entire

thing was a fuck show.”

“So what happened?”

“Marcus called me, and I kicked her out. She stayed on the other side of the track in Liston Hills until

her last exams, then I found her and made her leave. She stayed at her stepmother’s place she

inherited in Monte Carlo for a few a few months, and then she vanished for a good number of years

until she popped up again, to visit Marcus, 6 years ago. He insisted she stay, but the next day she was

gone. And then a few years back I saw her name on Frost’s visit sheet at the pen. I asked her what

Sienna wanted, but she brushed it off as a family visit. I tracked her down a few times, but she can

elude anyone. She left false trails everywhere. Never quite figured out where she went to.”

“You think she is looking for the file?”

“I know she is looking for something, the question is who the fuck is Sienna working for, because I

know Natasha’s drama was just the excuse she needed to worm her way back into my sister’s life. If it

is her father, I’ll slit his throat in front of her before I let him get that file or Diamond.”

“Maybe giving her something else she wants would be a good idea. Women like things handed to them

on a platter,” Texas says as he takes a step forward. I TAKE a long pull of my beer. His advice is


“Lucca’s quiet, too quiet.” His observation is correct. For a man who wanted blood, he wasn’t hunting

for it.

The night leaves the stains of the storm in the air, and every inhale is a reminder that the storm has

only dried up for now. I don’t tell Texas that Sienna is not like the other women; she loves the chase.

Nor do I tell him that Lucca wasn’t done with us.

I think about Frost’s words. I never wanted Sienna to come back, I wanted her gone forever. Maybe

once upon a time I wanted her to make the choice and choose us, and come crawling back. It would

have made things much easier. But she didn’t.

She chose a new life, and although I would never understand the mechanics of the heart, I understand

her need to feel accepted. I think Gabriel DeMarco made her feel accepted, and for that reason she

stayed with him. I guess that acceptance went so far when his father and Uncle posed a threat to her


Tomorrow a few visits were in order.

I finish my beer and stay with Texas as he rolls his weed and smokes it. I stay away from Natasha,

leaving her to my sister.

Frost always thought there was something there, and maybe there is, but only because she reminds

me of someone else.

I get to bed and that night I eventually shut my mind down, but not before remembering the girl who

haunts me in the deepest, darkest recesses of my mind.

“Please Kevin, don’t do this, please,” She begs as my grip on her arm remains unyielding as I drag her

to the car. Her eyes, big and scared, pleading.

“You are like a cancer that eats on everything you touch,” I scream at her as the rain pours.

“Please, don’t do this.”

“Save your breath Taylor, you will never win with me,”

“Where am I SUPPOSED to go?”

“You will figure it out,” I tell her, with no emotion, because I feel nothing. I don’t feel a single thing as I

open the car door and shove her inside the driver’s seat. Her begging goes deaf in my ears. But if only

that was true, if only I could forget the girl who made me forget I wasn’t normal. She made it real.

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