Kidnapped by my mate (Belle and Grayson)

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Chapter 34


I let out the biggest yawn of my entire life as Grayson and I walked up the stairs. I leaned heavily against him, letting him lead us to his room. He chuckled and swiftly lifted me into his arms. I sighed happily and nuzzled into his chest.

I felt his l*ps on my head.

“I feel like two human newlyweds as I carry you off to our honeymoon,” Grayson said.

I laughed, “Yeah, it really feels like that.”

“Well, this is the beginning of our new life, so it might as well be our honeymoon.”

The only difference was that newlyweds knew that they were going to be together forever. Who knows if Grayson will really

always want me?

The thought of Grayson getting tired

of me and not wanting me in his life

anymore made me suddenly sick to my


Who would’ve thought… Only a few days ago, I was plotting to get away from the man holding me, and now I was panicking over whether we would be together forever.

As we came to a set of wooden doors, Grayson stopped and kicked them open. He walked us into a huge room that was just as nice as the hotel room we’d stayed in while we were in Paris.

I gasped. “This is your room?”

Grayson nodded and set me down on my feet. “Our room.”

I turned to look at him. “You mean you want me sharing a room with you?” I

asked, shocked but secretly relieved.

I didn’t even want to think about what it would be like to sleep without him now that I’d gotten a taste of what it was like to spend the night in his arms.

“I keep forgetting how little you know about the werewolf culture and how different it is from the human world. Yes, you will be sharing a room with me. I’ll never have it any other way,” he said. “You’ll always sleep with me, unless I’m away on important business that I’m unable to bring you along for. So I hope you like this room, because it will be yours for the rest of your life.”

I swallowed hard. “Really?” I looked around, taking in the huge California king–size bed, the walk–in closet, the separate living space, and the en suite bathroom.

I figured I could live with this being my room for the rest of my life. It was three

times bigger than my apartment back home.

“Yes,” Grayson said. “No arguments.” His arms were suddenly around me again, pulling me in so that my back was flush against his chest. “Tonight we will get some rest, and then tomorrow I’ll give

you a full tour of the pack territory so you can get to know your new home. How does that sound?”

I smiled. “That sounds amazing.”

Grayson smiled back. “Someone will bring your suitcase up tomorrow morning, but the closet is fully stocked with a brand new wardrobe for you, so I doubt you will need any of your old clothes ever again.”

My stomach dropped at the way he said ‘old clothes’—as if he was disgusted by the things that I’d been wearing before. Did he not like my old outfits? Did he think I looked bad?


I looked down at what I was wearing

at that moment. What about now? I

suddenly felt self–conscious.

Grayson watched me cross my arms over my chest and make my way to the huge walk–in closet. Over half of the closet was taken up with women’s clothing, all in my


I ran my hand over some of the pieces and frowned. It was all so beautiful and expensive nothing like the clothes that I was wearing now. I turned to look at Grayson, who was leaning casually in the doorway, watching me. He frowned.

“You don’t look happy. What’s wrong? Do you not like the clothes?”

I suddenly felt extremely guilty. I am given a closet full of expensive and beautiful clothes, and instead of acting grateful, I become defensive and bitter?

“No!” I said quickly. I walked over to

Grayson and wrapped my arms around him. “I love them. Thank you. They’re amazing.”

He leaned down and placed his l*ps softly on mine. When he lifted away from me he said, “I know something is wrong.”

I sighed and leaned my forehead against his chest. “Did you not like my old clothes?”

Grayson immediately pushed me back gently so he could see me.

“That’s what’s got you so upset? You think I don’t like your clothes?” he asked.

I looked down at my jeans and worn–out sweater, then shrugged my shoulders.

“Isn’t that why you bought me all these new clothes?”

He shook his head and chuckled.

“Baby, I love you no matter what you’re

wearing. You could wear a paper bag and I would still think you looked beautiful. I got you all of this because I want you to have the best in life. There was nothing wrong with your old clothes.” He put his hands on either side of my face and smiled down at me. “I’m going to spoil you for the rest of your life.” He bent down and k*ssed my forehead. “Better get used to it.”

I smiled at him and then placed my l*ps on his.

“Thank you,” I whispered. I turned to look back at all the new clothes and sighed as Grayson hugged my waist and placed his chin on the top of my head.

“I don’t think I’ve ever had this many clothes in my life,” I said.

Grayson chuckled in response.

“Well, I’m exhausted,” I said, letting out a huge yawn. I turned to look at Grayson.

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“I think I’m going to get ready for bed. Did you get me pajamas?”

“Actually, no,” Grayson said.

I raised an eyebrow at him. “All of these clothes and you forgot to get me pajamas?”

“Actually, when I asked someone to get you clothes, I specifically asked them not to get you pajamas,” Grayson said.

“What?” I took a step back. “I don’t care how horny you are, I am not sleeping n*ked.”

Grayson laughed loudly. “That is not what I meant, gorgeous.” He grabbed my waist and rubbed along my sides. “I didn’t get you any pajamas because I want you sleeping in my clothes for the rest of your life.”

He walked over to a dresser and took

out a pair of his boxers and one of his

shirts. It was so huge the bottom would probably reach my knees. I smiled at him. I couldn’t help but swoon a bit.

“Why do you like me in your clothes so much? I think I’ve spent more time in your clothes since I’ve met you than in


Grayson smiled back at me. “And that’s exactly how I want it to be. I want you smelling like me.”

My brows knit together. “Why?”

“It’s a werewolf thing. Males like their

mates to smell like them to let all others know that they are taken.”

“I thought that was why you bit me,” I said as I brought my hand up to touch the mark on my shoulder.

Grayson bent down and placed a gentle k*ss on the mark, causing delicious sparks to spread up and down my b*dy. I gasped

and brought my b*dy closer to his.

I felt Grayson smile against my skin, enjoying my reaction to his touch. He lifted himself away from me and k*ssed my forehead.

“Until we’re fully mated, my wolf will be crazy possessive of you. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that everyone knows you’re mine.”

I gulped at the intensity of his voice. I knew I should be mad that he was referring to me as his–as if I was some sort of object for him to possess–but I knew that he meant no harm by it. It was normal for him. I smiled and lifted my l*ps up to his. He growled against my mouth. His arms slowly circled my middle and then lifted me off the ground.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, he carried us out of the closet and over to his bed, never removing his l*ps from mine.

Our k*ss had now gone from sweet and loving to intense and wild. It was like

neither of us could get enough of each other.

He laid me down on the bed and crawled on top of me; his hands traveled all over my b*dy, including places only I had touched. After a while, I separated my l*ps from his, needing to catch my breath, but was surprised that I didn’t want him to stop.

I trusted him and wanted him to keep going.

Grayson sat up quickly and yanked his shirt over his head before leaning back and pressing k*sses all along my n*ck and down to my chest. His hands drifted lower, along my waist, gripping it tightly. I spread my legs a bit, and he immediately grabbed them to spread them wider.

He placed his b*dy between them,

growling as the lower halves of our bodies connected.

“Grayson,” I moaned out, feeling intense sparks travel between us and knowing that it was our mate bond becoming more powerful.

It made me crave more, and I couldn’t help but press my chest up against his, wanting to feel his skin against mine, desperate to feel the sparks everywhere. I ran my hands down his back, feeling his powerful muscles strain and relax beneath my touch as he continued to k*ss my mark and throat, leaving hickeys that I was sure would be there in the morning.

I grabbed the bottom of my T–shirt, wanting to take it off, but couldn’t because Grayson was pressing me down. He must have noticed me squirming, because, without taking his l*ps from my skin, he grabbed the end of my shirt.

I expected him to pull it over my head,

1. me.

He was asking for my permission.

I nodded my head quickly, ready to beg him to take it off.

My shirt was ripped within seconds and thrown across the room. I gasped.

“Grayson!” I yelled. “You ripped it!”

Grayson growled loudly in response. It was then that I noticed just how black his eyes were. His wolf was in control. But I wasn’t afraid. I felt better that his wolf was here, looking down at me.

I felt safe.

His l*ps smashed down onto mine once again, and he wasted no time in grabbing onto my bra and ripping it in half as well before throwing it across the room to join my ruined shirt.

I raised an eyebrow at him. “Seriously?” Although, I guess it didn’t matter since he had just bought me an entirely new wardrobe.

He didn’t respond, too busy staring down at my breasts. I felt self–conscious but tried my best not to lift my arms and cover myself as his hungry black eyes studied every inch of my exposed skin.

I propped myself up onto my elbows.

“Grayson?” I whispered.

His eyes snapped to mine. He placed his palm on my cheek. “I am so lucky.” He touched his forehead to mine and then k*ssed me once again.

“Tell me if you need to stop, Belle,” he whispered against my l*ps.

I smiled and pressed my l*ps against his, then said, “I don’t want to stop.” I put my hands on either side of his face.

“I’m ready.”

His thumb ran over my bruised cheekbone that seemed to be getting more swollen every day. “Are you sure?” he


I nodded my head. I’d never been more sure of anything in my life. I wanted to be with the man I loved in the most intimate

way possible. I wanted to complete the


“I’m sure.”

His face broke out into a huge, breathtaking smile. His hands were immediately on my pants, yanking them down my legs. He was moving faster than Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

I’d ever seen him move.

Within seconds, I was n*ked beneath him. Okay, then. I guess this is happening.

He began k*ssing his way down my

stomach, and I gasped, feeling my back arch of its own accord when his l*ps touched the insides of my thighs.

I squirmed as he left open–mouthed k*sses all around the area. It still wasn’t

close enough to where I wanted him most. He chuckled softly and grabbed my hips to settle my movements.

“Patience, baby. I’m going to make you feel so good.”

I couldn’t wait.

His l*ps were back on my thighs, drifting closer and closer to their final destination. I arched my hips hungrily and let my eyes flutter shut.

But then he stopped.

“You’ve got to be f**king kidding me,” I heard him growl.

My eyes opened. Grayson was leaning back, staring straight ahead of him. His

eyes were a gray color, one I’d never seen them before. He looked angry—pissed actually.

“Grayson?” I asked. Did I do something wrong?

He looked down at me and his eyes softened a bit, turning back to their black color. He ran a hand through his hair and let out a sigh that turned into a growl.

“Shit!” he yelled.

He gazed into my eyes and then at my b*dy, looking like he was about to kill someone. “This is really perfect f**king timing.”

I sat up and grabbed the sheet beside me, covering myself. “Grayson, what’s wrong?”

He stood next to the bed and grabbed his shirt off the floor. “Kyle just mind–linked me.”

I knit my brows together, watching him pull on his shirt. “Mind–linked?”

Grayson nodded his head. “He talked to me in my mind.”

“You can talk to people in your mind?” I asked in shock.

“Yes, and someday you’ll be able to, too, but I can’t explain it right now,” he said. He sat down on the bed next to me and grabbed my face gently in his hands.

“Baby, I am so, so sorry, but I have to go. It’s an emergency.” He glanced down at my sheet– covered b*dy once more and tightened his hands into fists.

“F**k!” he yelled as he stood up. I

watched him walk over to the door, where

his shoes were.

“Please know that it’s killing me to leave you like this,” he said as he put on his boots and growled in frustration.

“Why don’t you take a shower and get ready for bed, and I promise I’ll be back before you fall asleep.”

“So I didn’t do anything wrong?” I asked quietly once he had his shoes on.

His head snapped to me. “No, no, baby, of course not!” He walked back over to where I was still sitting in the bed. “F*ck, you’re f**king perfect,” he said, placing his forehead on mine and then gently k*ssing my l*ps. “And we will be finishing this later.”

He licked his l*ps and k*ssed me one last time before walking over to the door.

“What happened then?” I asked right before he left.

He turned and looked at me. “Vampires have broken into our territory.”

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