Kidnapped and Rejected – The Return of Alpha’s Luna by Moon Claw

Chatper 182

Chatper 182

Chapter 182

….What the hell?

A deep furrow appeared between Janet’s brows.

Westin’s proposal was shocking. She thought that he would ask her for something

like recognizing their mate bond, but this

Going to the Lycan’s land?

She didn’t even know where that was.

It would be different from the time she left for Grace Ruin. Although she had never been to the Grace

Ruin, at least she knew its geographical location.

Nobody knew where the hell the Lycans inhabited. It could be thousands of miles from her home.

“Are you fucking out of your mind?!” Daran’s furious cry rang in the air, “You can’t ask her to go with

you. Certainly not ask her to stop seeing me. You have no right!” Westin’s cold eyes traveled to him, “I

am not asking for your opinion, am I?”

“Asking or not, I am saying it. She is not going,” Daran hissed.

Even Morgana cried out at this moment, “Janet you can’t leave with the Lycans! Who knows what they

are up to?”

“Stay!” Kass said, tightening his grip on the hilt. “We will all protect you.”

Westin’s eyes scanned across the crowd. He looked amused.

“Look. What you all think doesn’t really matter to me.” he said with a shrug, “If I want to bring Janet

home, there is no one here who can stop me-

“Then does my opinion matter?” Janet asked abruptly.

Westin slowly turned to look at her, his voice deepening, “…Of course.”

“Then I am not leaving. With you,” Janet said.

Everyone’s face lit up hearing her say this, including Daran.

Westin narrowed his eyes into slits, “I am not asking for much, Janet. I already decided to spare all

your friend’s life. The only attached string is for my mate to come home with me. I think I am being very


“Yet I don’t like being strong–armed.”

Janet let out an icy laugh:

“Maybe I should reject our mate–bond, right here, right now. Then you will have nothing to make a deal

with. That definitely makes things so much easier, doesn’t it?”

An astonished gasp could be heard from the crowd.

Rejecting a second chance mate?

That sounded…preposterous!

Most people didn’t get a second chance mate. When they did, they always held it dearly since it was

the last chance that the Moon Goddess gave them.

If Janet did this…She would most likely die without a

Westin’s face darkened.

Shock and anger flickered across his eyes.


After a long pause, he let out a sigh and put on a sad smile, “Janet, I didn’t know you

hated this idea this much…To know that you are willing to reject our mata b.

hated this idea this much…To know that you are willing to reject our mate bond…it hurts my heart.”

“You pushed too hard,” Janet said.

“Well, I guess I did. I just couldn’t live with the fear that I might lose you to another person…


His eyes briefly traveled across Daran’s face.

“OK, let’s forget what I just asked. What will you do after this? Any idea?” he asked.

The war had ended.

Lance was dead.

The rogues were in Kass’s control.

They were looking at a long period of peace.

It was time for her to go home.

“I am going to Blood Moon Pack,” Janet said. “Back to my brother and family’s side.”

Westin said at once, “Great. I have always wanted to meet Alpha Casper. I am going with you.”

The crowd agitated again.

“We don’t wa

the Lycans in our land-” Daran hissed.

“The Blood Moon Pack doesn’t welcome you-” Kass cried.

“You haven’t even asked Janet-“Morgana snapped.


Westin raised his voice, talking over everybody, “I would be honored to be invited. Could you please

consider that?”

He paused, and added with a smile, “I really don’t want to be away from you, not for

a single day…although you haven’t recognized our mate bond yet.”

Janet sighed.

She pondered for a brief moment and nodded, “If you want to come, fine.”

The Lycans had been hiding from them for too long.

This might be a chance for them to learn more about this mysterious species.

“Then I am coming to Blood Moon Pack as well,” Daran said urgently.

“You are an Alpha, remember? You have a pack to govern, and that pack is not Blood Moon Pack,”

Janet rolled her eyes.

“The elders can handle. I am coming,” Daran said, staring at Westin like a hawk.

So it was settled–both of them would return to Blood Moon Pack with Janet.

Janet sensed that these two wouldn’t be civil with each other.

But there was nothing they could do about it.

Kass instructed the soldiers to clean up the courtyard and get rid of Lance’s body. He

also sent people to call back the civilians who were evicted out of the city.

The evil was killed.

The war had ended.

Now it was finally time for them to relax and celebrate a bit.

The ballroom survived the destruction, so they decided to have a small party there. It was a bit ironic to

think this place used to be Lance and Harper’s wedding just hours ago and now they were celebrating

their death in the same room.

The soldiers cleared the dancefloor and built a campfire. The light danced its warmth a comforting

contrast to the freezing winter night air.

Janet asked all servants and maids who didn’t have the chance to escape the palace to join them.

There weren’t enough chairs. Some people had to sit on fallen masonry and worn tapestries, but

nobody seemed to mind.

Morgana opened the cellar and brought out the good wine that was only available to the masters

before. The delicious smell of roasted ribs soon filled the room.

After a couple of glasses of wine, the atmosphere lightened up.

A servant started playing guitar. Many soldiers plucked up the courage and went to ask for the maid’s

hands for a dance.


Janet sat in the corner alone. A few moments later, Morgana came to join her with a bottle of wine.

“You should have some. This is good shit,” Morgana poured her a glass, “Lance never allowed anyone

to touch these bottles.”

Janet laughed and raised the glass, “To victory.”

“To bury the son of a bitch that everybody hates!”

Their glasses clinked.

“So?” Morgana asked after a sip, “Which one are you going to choose?”

…What do you mean?”

Morgana giggled, “The Lycan King and the Werewolf King. Two greatest men on earth are fighting for

you. You have to choose one.”

Janet gazed at the crowd.

Westin and Daran sat on the opposite sides of the dancefloor.

Their difference formed a sharp contrast.

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His handsome appearance, easy–going personality, and charms made him a real womanizer.

Daran, on the other side, had fewer people gathered by his side. His cold face intimidated women, no

matter how gorgeous that face was.

The soldiers loved to sit with him, discussing war tactics, weapons, and man stuff together.

“Like the two polars,” Morgana commented. “One is a charismatic, charming, and sophisticated

playboy; and the other is a cold, pompous, arrogant…bastard.”

Janet laughed.

“You know that they won’t stop fighting for you till there is a winner, right?” Morgana asked.

Janet let out a long sigh. Of course, she knew that.

“Who do you think I should choose?” she asked.

“You are definitely welcome,” Janet smiled.


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