Jack Of All Trades (Erotica)


Leffera just cried harder, shook her head and the call ended.

Jack looked at the blank screen in surprise. “At this point I would normally go to her apartment and cuddle her until her tears stopped then we’d make love for an hour. Or two.”

The judge scented Jack and looked at him. “I fear she may be right.”

“What? Not you too! I’ve gone without sex for extended periods before,” he complained.

“It will be easier for you to understand by experience so let’s just wait to see how you feel in the morning. Is this where you sleep?” she asked.


“The platform is very large. There is room for us both,” she said inspecting his bed.

“WHAT?” he yelped.

“I must keep a close eye on you. If you leave the bed I will know. If you attempt to have sex with me you will default,” she said in a matter of fact tone.

Jack just looked at her. “You’re here to make sure I don’t sneak away to have sex. So you’ll have to be with me 24 hours a day, always within sight, including bathroom breaks?”

“If there is an alternate egress in the bathroom I will have to be inside the room to make sure you do not avail yourself of it or have a female join you through it,” she explained.

“OK, fine. I just think it’s cruel and unusual punishment to make me sleep next to a stunningly beautiful female whose job is to ensure I’m not having sex.

She squirmed then looked sternly at him. “DO NOT think of me in those terms!”

“I’m sorry. I’m just saying you’re making this very hard for me,” he apologized.

She mistook his meaning and glanced down and saw he was in fact very hard. She froze. He caught the motion of her eyes and realized what he’d said.

“No! I mean the situation, the situation is very hard,” he stumbled then sighed.

“Listen, I’m sorry about how all this got started. I, uh, have to go take care of this. I guess my body was expecting a little excitement with Leffera tonight. I’m allowed to touch myself, right?” he asked.

She nodded stiffly.

He moved towards his bathroom.

“Is there a window to the outside in that bathroom?” he heard over his shoulder.

He stopped. “Yes.”

“Then I must be in the room,” she said with finality.

“OK. Maybe I’ll take a hot shower. The steam will give me a little privacy at least.”

He took his clothes off with his back to her and grabbed a pair of clean boxers for after his shower. He dumped his dirty clothes into the hamper, placed the boxers on the counter then stepped into the shower. He got the water running and saw Aaros was sitting on the toilet seat facing away. Once the water was at the temperature he needed he turned his back and washed the days sweat and dirt from his body.

Once he was clean he turned his attention to his straining erection. It was hard as rock and he was overly aware of the beautiful Altarian sitting a short distance away. He lathered himself up and slid his hands over his cock. He wobbled on his feet and flung a hand out to catch himself. He thumped the glass of the shower with a dull thud. Jeez! He was a little more excited than he thought. A few more strokes and he achieved his release. He leaned back and let the water cascade over his head and chest washing away the suds. The edge was off and his erection subsided but there was still a background pressure, like he could easily get another erection. He pushed it from his mind and opened his eyes… to see Aaros standing next to the glass. He yelped and turned his back on her.

“What the hell are you doing there?” he yelled.

“I- I’m sorry! You looked like you were falling and- and I got up to see- if you were ok,” she stumbled through her explanation as she turned her back on him as well.

“When you saw I wasn’t falling why didn’t you go back to your seat?” he growled.

“I- I don’t know! I’m sorry! I guess I’ve never seen a male do that!” she growled back.

“That does NOT count against me! I wasn’t even aware you were there until afterwards!” Jack barked.

“Of course it doesn’t!” she barked back.

“I’d like to dry off now,” he said.

“Go ahead,” she replied.

“You’re in front of my towel,” he growled.

Aaros pulled the towel from the hook and threw it on the floor next to the shower. He scowled and bent to pick it up. He dried himself quickly and snatched up his boxers and pulled them on. He was dismayed to see he was tenting them. He looked over and saw her sleek legs, delicate hands and fine features…

“Dammit! That’s not fair!” he growled.

“What?” she said as she looked at him and noticed his condition.

Jack opened his mouth but realized there was just nothing he could say. “Never mind. I’m going to bed.”

They went back into the bedroom and Jack climbed into bed. He pulled the covers up over himself and turned his back on Aaros. He felt her settle gently on the bed and did his best to put her from his mind. He turned his mind to the run he was going to do the following morning. Constraining his thoughts to this he was able to calm himself enough to let sleep take him under.

Judge Aaros wasn’t so fortunate.

When Jack woke the following morning he felt the delicious softness of a female form squeezed up against his back. His morning wood was epic and he grinned thinking of Leffera. Then it all came crashing back on him. The female currently spooning him was not only off limits she was supposed to be ensuring he didn’t do this.

“Judge!” he barked loudly.

She snorted on his neck as she jolted awake. She stretched sleepily, pressing her stiff nipples against his back. Then she came to her senses and realized where she was and what she was doing. She frantically pushed against Jack’s broad back to get back to her side of the bed. She saw Jack was right up against the edge on his side having been pushed there by her. She was terribly embarrassed.

“I’m so sorry Jack! I had trouble falling asleep last night. I feel remarkably good this morning though! How are you?” she babbled nervously.

“How do you think I feel?” he growled and threw off the sheet. He was sticking through the fly on his boxers and she got a good view of it before he noticed and tucked himself away. “It’s almost time for my run. The talkative twins will be here soon.”

Jack pulled his running shorts out of the drawer and took a deep breath. He gave himself a few personal mantras to settle himself. Make the best of it. You can do this! For my kids! That last one was the most effective.

He dropped his boxers and stepped into his shorts. The elasticized pocket to hold himself in place was helpful but his erection was very obvious in the shorts. He pushed that from his mind and finished getting dressed.

He walked out into the living room and Aaros followed him out. He headed into the kitchen and pulled a shake out of the fridge. Aaros looked at him curiously. “This is energy food for my run. We can get breakfast afterwards,” he explained and quickly drank the shake. He tied his runners on and did his stretches. Soon he was feeling limber and ready to go. He pulled his music player on his arm and put his earphones in. He pressed a button on the player and turned to Aaros.

“Judge, say a few words to train my player to recognize your voice.”

“Hello, I am Judge Aaros. I work for the Ministry of Justice,” she said and Jack nodded.

“OK, if you talk to me the earphones will allow your voice to override my music.” He looked at the clock. It was past 7AM. “I’m not waiting any longer. I have a schedule to keep.” He headed downstairs with Judge Aaros at his heels. Jack waved to the concierge and the building’s security team who gave him some curious looks.

Aaros’ personal skimmer was parked on a small pad next to the front door, charging. Jack waited for her to get it started. It rose a foot off of the ground as she stood on it and gripped the controls. She spun it skillfully and faced Jack with a smile. She paused and Jack looked to see what she was seeing. The two security agents had finally arrived and they were riding their own skimmers. Jack waited for them to park them but they just gestured for him to begin. So they were going to ride too. Jack walked over and recorded their voiced on his player as well. Then he started jogging.

After a few minutes Jack could feel his muscles loosen and he picked up the pace from a jog to a run. He had so much energy. He realized it was sexual tension. He used that in his run and drew from it. Pretty soon he was running at a ground eating pace. When the return tone chimed in his ear he became aware of his surroundings again and realized he’d lost track of his route and was deeply into unfamiliar territory. He looked back at Aaros and she pulled up beside him.

“What is wrong?” she asked curiously.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

“I wasn’t… paying attention… to where I… was running… I have no… idea how to… get back… I’ve never… run this far… before,” he gasped chagrined.

Her eyebrows rose in surprise. “Follow me then.” She swept her skimmer in a circle and headed back. Jack ran behind her but this time his mind wasn’t roaming free. His eyes took in her graceful curves and her beautiful white fur. Unconsciously he was picking up his pace as he chased the female. She glanced back and was surprised to see him catching up. She took in the play of his powerful muscles and noticed the grin on his face showing his sharp white teeth. Teeth of a predator. She subconsciously started to increase her pace to escape her chaser but he just ran faster.

Personal skimmers weren’t meant to be pushed that fast for this long and the power consumption was eating into the battery quickly. Unknown to Aaros there was a fault in the power coupling of her skimmer and it began to superheat the battery.

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