Innocent or Not

Chapter 3: 03

Chapter 3: 03

It was gym class. A class Lia so desired. Watching tv shows she always liked gym. She liked to have fun and to always smile. When she was younger and not so sick with cancer , she was the messiest little girl ever.

But ... Lia officially hated gym to this day when a ball can flying at her and hit right on her noes. Blood oozing out of her . "You okay new girl? Oh bloody hell someone get the nurse!" The coach , Coach Kay , says while pulling the girl off the ground.

Lia was in soft tears as she hiccuped a little , shaking her head while doing so. "I-It's hurts." She choked out as she felt someone come behind her. Soft hands grabbed her hand and she was faced to Aces eyes.

He frowned slightly before his eyes flashes with angry. "Who did this Lia?" He coos but Lia only cried not being able to say anything. "Let's get you to the nurse." He said as he picked her up . Lia instantly wrapped her arms around his neck and her cries seemed to ease.

When they got to the nurses office , The nurse gave her a something to stop the bleeding and told her she was going to be fine just a little sore. "I-I'm sorry for ruining your shirt." She whispers as she wipes her swollen red eyes. Ace only chuckled as he wiped her tears away.

"It's okay angel. You can stain my shirt for as long as you want." Lia giggles and then the door opens and her mother walks in with a worried look.

"Lia! I came here immediately! Are you okay ? Do you need something ? Who's this ?" She eyes Ace suspiciously but Ace only wrapped an around Lia , looking at her mother strangely .

"Oh mom! This is Ace . He's been so nice to me!" She smiles as she gets up from the bed and into her mother's arm.

Her mother still looked at Ace suspiciously but then she sighed and gave in the hug. "I'm just glad you're okay. I wish I could stay but I have work ." Lia giggles as she pulls away and gives her mother a kiss on the cheek.

"It's okay. Get to work I'm fine now." Gina smiles softly before nodding her head and leaving. Lia sighed deeply as she still felt her noes bother her but she wasn't gonna let this ruin her first day .

A hand wrapped around her small hands and Lia looked up seeing Ace's worried eyes. "Can you tell me who did this now?" He calmly says.

Everyone knows Ace. More importantly what he was capable of. After all he was gang leader. There was plenty of those around this city but out of most - His was the most dangerous. Leilani Side. The name of the gang was named after his mother . But she died later on along with his father.

"Well I don't remember!" She laughs before licking her lips. "It kinda was a blur we were playing a game after all." The bell rings slightly startling Lia.

Ace only looked at her before he sighed and nodded. "Lunch time." NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.


When the two got to the cafeteria, Lia was amazed . Sure the cafeteria seemed old and loud . But she didn't care because she was purely amazed. Fascinated . To the really fancy Tv's , to the students. "I've never seen someone so excited to be in a cafeteria." Ace says with a grin as he watched Lia.

Lia blushes as she looked up at him . "W-well you don't get to see a cafeteria much in the hospital." She mumbles . She was really trying to provoke him as she squinted her eyes. Trying her best to be intimidating.

Ace raised his eyebrows and looked at her for a second. He chuckles at her as she kept looking - well more like glared at him. "W-What's funny?" She was now embarrassed once again and shifted on her feet. She frowned slightly .

"Come on angel. Let's just get you some food." He grabbed her hands and interlocks it with his and carried her way. Lia once again was confused but she complied. Do all boys do this?

When they got their food which was a simple burger, Ace couldn't take his eyes off her. One thing was she was a messy eater. She didn't eat too fast she was just a very messy eater. "You eat like a boy." Ace says as he smiles at her.

Lia stopped eating and put her burger down , looking up at him. "I know what this . I read about it . You're bullying me right?" She huffed as she felt her eyes water. Ace noticed and chuckles deeply shaking his head. Lia only frowned and wiped her hands completely.

"No . I would never do anything to hurt you Lia." Since he was sitting right next to her , he used a napkin to wipe her lip. "I can't describe it but I don't want to ever see you cry so when you're with me you'll always feel safe."

Lia was speechless as she watched this. She was happy mixed with sadness because he was frowning slightly. "Okay I believe you." She giggles. "You're my first friend!" She cheers as she wrapped her arms on his neck. Ace was frozen as he loved her scent. He could feel his heartbeat exhilarating. He wrapped his arms on her tiny waist and hugged her tightly.

"I'm glad . You're my first friend as well." Ace never really got close to anyone . Dealing with the death of his parents , nothing interested him. Nothing. Until her.

Lia smiled as she leaned back and looked at him. "Really? Then let's be the best of friends ." She smiled as his hand was still wrapped around her waist . He merely nodded his head with a laugh and kissed her cheek letting her go.

She blushed but continued eating her food. Then when she looks up she sees a few eyes looking at her making Lia look at them weirdly. "Why is everyone staring at us? Do they want to be friends too?" Lia gasped as she turned to Ace . Ace only tightened his jaw as he looked at the looks.

"What?! Mind your fucking business!" He yells at them and they flinch as they turn back around. Lia frowned as she shook her head at him.

"That's a bad word Ace ." It was the first time she said his name directly too him and that only made him warm inside. He pulled her into his lap , she fit perfectly between his legs and he wrapped his arm around her waist one again. Lia blushed as she looked back at him. But she remembered the words he said before that she'll always feel safe with him.

"I'm sorry I'll never say anything bad again." He says lazily as he laid his head on her shoulder.

"Do you pinky promise?" She held her small pinky out and waited for his answer. He only raised a brow at her.

"What's that?" Lia gasped as she slapped her cheeks dramatically. Ace slightly winced at that . "Don't hurt yourself."

Lia shook her head. "A pinky promise is a promise that you keep and if you don't then you'll sink down to the bad place and never rise again. First you lock pinky's." She grabbed his pink and they connected. " See , now will you pinky promise to never say a bad word again? "

Ace smiled at her as he thought what she was doing was adorable. "I pinky promise." He kisses his thumb. Lia looked at him strangely. "You kiss your thumb as well."

Lia did as he said and then they let go. Lia giggles as she turned back around and continued eating.

She was happy . She made a new friend. Her first new friend.


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